The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 929: The declining nine trade zone

"Does the clan have many slaves in the wind tribe?"


   "Not many, mostly killed."


   " want to kill the wind tribe?"


   "I don't know very well. The Ting's has stayed in the clan territory all year round and hasn't had any dealings with the tribe." Hearing Lu Er thought for a while, "Maybe the Feng tribe has a conflict with a certain clan?"


   "Does Da Yuan Wu and Master Cang Kang know about this?"


"I don't know if they know." Listening to Lu Er was a little ashamed by Ye Xi's question, he knew too little, "I haven't paid attention to this matter, but I think Da Yuan Wu and Master Cang Kang should know or even By acquiescence. The Wind Tribe is also one of the super tribes, and the Xiling clan and Yangze clan dare not act on their own."


   Did Da Yuan Wu acquiesce in this matter?


   Ye Xi was in a complicated mood and didn't know what to ask again.


   The sentiment is noble, and it is the clan that protects the East Continent at the expense of himself. It was also the clan that wiped out the super tribe and killed hundreds of thousands of people overnight.


   In particular, it is said that the Wind Tribe has a good reputation, at least not as bad as the Chao Tribe and Molten Tribe.




  Because of the various things that happened during this trip to the clan, he has forgotten that the clan once destroyed a super tribe.


   "If you want to know about the Feng tribe, if I return to the territory and help you ask Master Cangkang, I think there must be a reason."


   Listening to Lu Er, watching Ye Xi's face cautiously.


   Ye Xi knew what Lu Er was worried about, so he calmed down and shook his head with a smile: "You don't have to worry about it. I don't have any friendship with the Feng tribe. On the contrary, it's a bit of a holiday, just ask casually."


   Listening to Green Ear, he was relieved.


   He was afraid that Xicheng had any friendship with Feng Tribe.


   "What's the holiday?" Green-eared was curious.


   There is nothing to hide, Ye Xi briefly said about Jing Ji in a few words.


  Actually, he had only met Jing Ji twice in total, but Jing Ji was very impressed with him, especially the first time he fell into the Nu River and almost died.


  After listening to Green Ear, he said, "This guy sounds pretty good."


   This is a bit counterintuitive.


   Jing Ji, who appeared for the second time, was only a sixth-level fighter, and listening to Lu Er was already at the ninth level. And even if he doesn't need to be crushed by strength, he can deal with Jing Ji with his super hearing ability.


   Even if the raging river sounds like thunder, listening to the green ears can still distinguish the sound of fish and beasts swimming in the river, so as to warn them early and let everyone be prepared. For the second time he stole the Origin Stone, Jing Ji didn't even think about getting close to the team, he could hear people's footsteps a few miles away.


   Ye Xi saw that Lu Er's words were insincere, smiled, did not reveal him.


   The two of them looked ahead against the night breeze.


   In the darkening night, there are dots of bonfires. Giant pterosaurs are like dark stone mounds, gathered in a circle around the periphery, lying quietly on the ground. Surrounded by the pterosaurs, there is a lively crowd of laughter.


   Food aroma is stronger.


   "Master Xi Wu, listen to adults, come and eat!"


   "The snow camel meat is ready! It's delicious!"


   The clan warriors greeted the two of them to come and eat.


   "Let's go!"


   The two of them left the wind tribe thing behind, and jumped from the stone hill to join the feasting crowd. Although the desert is barren, there are fragrant snow camel meat and fragrant cactus meat. You can look forward to dinner.


   Eating and drinking.


   The children are sleepy.


   They endured their sleepiness, digging out the blankets in their luggage and spreading them on the ground full of sharp gravels.


  The animal skin is soft enough, but it’s still full of husks when lying on it. Fortunately, the children of the clan are not squeamish, and they fell asleep as soon as they closed their eyes.


   Li's child sleeps most comfortably.


   Their flying raccoon is lying on the ground with its belly upside down, and the children can lie on its soft and warm belly without even looking for blankets. Once the eyes are closed, the flying raccoon can sleep.


   The children fall asleep very fast.


   After a while, all of them closed their eyes, opened their mouths, and slept with red cheeks, and some even had nasal blisters.


   The desert has a large temperature difference between day and night, and the gale blows chilly at night.


   Ye Xi saw some children sleeping with their belly exposed, afraid that they would catch a cold, so he painted a round of hot witch patterns. Now the night breeze in the desert has also become warm.


   A good night’s sleep.




   The team headed east, then southeast.


   It's hard to drive on the road. Ye Xi played the role of witch witch as the Yuan Wu of Zhu Lei. He continued to bless the whole team, and the speed of pterosaur and flying raccoon became faster.


   There are no beasts with eyes that dare to stand in the way.


  In the Eastern Continent, such a team can scare all the top fierce beasts to death, even if it is a drought that ran out of the sea of ​​fierce beasts, it would have to lie down honestly when encountered.


   ten days later.


  Xi city.


  Trading area.


   The sun in the late summer was blazing, shining the twelve towering stone pillars as white as snow, as if they were emitting a holy white light.


   The floor covered with stone bricks is as clean as a wash, like a mirror that can illuminate the figures coming and going on it, making people reluctant to step on the dirt.


   The beams on the top of the stone pillars are entwined with scorched ferns. They crisscross and cover the top of the entire trading area. The complex lines on each leaf are shining like magma, beautiful but dangerous.


   Now it is obviously hot summer, but the trading area is extremely cool.


Even in this weather, the hot soup stall business is still hot, everyone can drink a big bowl of steaming noodle soup, and then eat a big pot of hot and spicy soup, then go to have a hot pot, and rinse a lamb .


   Now the fame of Xicheng trading zone has spread, and more and more people come to Xicheng.


There is an unstoppable food street in the Xicheng trading area, there are mellow and refreshing wines, there are cheap and good-quality bronze and porcelain, there are screaming cheap sugar and salt, and screaming ultra-era architecture... Too much too much.


   It is like a new star born out of the sky, bright and dazzling, with a civilized atmosphere that is incompatible with prehistoric wildness, and shock everyone when it appears makes everyone yearn.


   It is really hard not to be attracted by the Xicheng trading area.


   As more and more people fell outside, the Li tribe, Wumu tribe, Molten tribe, Chao tribe and other super tribes also settled in order, and even the Shuren tribe occasionally appeared, bringing some unique treasures in the sea.


  As the exchangeable resources in the trading area become more and more abundant, people don't want to go to the Jiugong trading area anymore. They set up stalls here, bought the shop, and began to learn writing, wishing to live here for a long time.


   Jiugong trading area is now no longer visited.


   Its fading speed is staggering.


   If someone visits the Jiugong Trading Area now, it will be extremely shocking. The streets that used to be crowded are now like no man’s land, and there are no more people in the stalls. There are also people from the Jiugong tribe, and rows of shops are all empty, empty inside.


   All the popularity gathered in the Xicheng trading area.



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