The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 932: Disappointed

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The people of Xicheng didn't expect that what they saw was even more terrifying than the attack of the super tribe.

They looked at the pterodactyl army that covered the sky and sun, their minds were dumbfounded, their bodies were as rigid as rocks, even the strongest mentality had lost their composure, and they had completely forgotten how to guard their homes.

Not only people, but also the beasts.

The smoke-like thorn finch, blue scale pterosaurs, and sting insects in the sky did not rush forward, but stood in a stalemate, some of them even shrank back.

Even the giant crossbow team was slow to move. The leader and team members of the giant crossbow team looked at the terrifying pterodactyl group with dilated pupils, their faces pale, and they didn't even remember to fire the crossbow arrows.

Only the flock with two wings flew forward.

"do not go!!"

There are people from Xicheng shouting.

The nearest Broken Ling suppressed the fear in his heart and ordered Broken Ling Eagle to charge forward. Broken Lingying is not worthy of being Broken Lingying, rushing forward in a decisive manner.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the flock flew into the pterosaur group in a flash, but it was not attacked, but flew with the pterosaur group.

Among the pterosaurs, an inconspicuous Swift flew to the side of the flock.

The crossbow that Phil had originally raised was put down, and the aura disappeared without a trace.

With his eyesight, he naturally noticed that every pterosaur was sitting on its back.

But because there were too many heads, he didn't see Ye Xi at first. Until just now, his gaze followed the flock to notice Ye Xi on the back of Old Swift, and he confirmed that the sudden appearance of the horror team was harmless to Xicheng. .

"Your Yuan Wu is back."

A cool, cold voice.

Feier's words have not yet finished, the magnificent group of pterosaurs has flown over Xicheng, the day is covered into night, countless pterosaurs hovering in a staggered way, no light can leak.

Because of the fear of extinction, the people around did not notice what Phil said, and all looked up at the sky with pale faces.

Fortunately, the White Turtle Great Witch saw Ye Xi in time.

At this time, Ye Xi had already jumped from the back of the old Swift to the head of the bird, and the white turtle was the first to see it.

"It's Master Xi Wu——!!!"

This skinny old man who has always been calmly changing and not surprised, this shout turned out to be a bit changeable.

He really thought that Xicheng was over. Such strength was not something that Xicheng could resist, but he suddenly discovered that there was their Yuan Witch in this team.

From horror to ecstasy, this kind of psychological change was only a moment, so even the White Turtle Great Witch was confused.

Ye Xi jumped off the top of the buzzard's head.


With a loud noise, he landed directly on the wall.

He looked around and saw a crowd of people holding weapons. He also saw many familiar faces, such as Phil, Muppet Big White Cat, Little Flower, Chief Tushan... etc.

"Master Xi Wu!!"

"Really Master Yuan Wu! Master Yuan Wu really is back!!!"

The air was still for a moment, and then there was a roar like a tsunami.

"The city lord! It is our city lord!"

The people in the outer city danced and danced, ecstatic. These low-strength people have been frightened to the ground just now, but suddenly they discovered that their city lord had returned, and their voices were trembling with excitement.

"The one who just jumped down is our City Lord, Yuan Wu!"

"Scared me to death!! Scared me to death, my ancestors are here, Master Xi Wu is here..."

The outsiders in the trading area hadn't reacted yet, and they were dumbfounded, and they were shaken desperately by the ecstatic Xicheng people next to them, desperately showing off.

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