The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 936: Performance

After walking up the stairs, Listening Luer gradually forgot that Ye Xi had been complaining about Ye Xi's horror just now, and she became excited again.

Clan has no stairs.

For one thing, the clan rarely builds stone houses above two floors. After all, there is so much land. If they want to be big enough, the stone houses should be more spacious. Secondly, I just jump up at this point and I'm done. I don't want to spend it on things for kids.

But after seeing the stairs of Xicheng, listening to Lu Er completely overturned his previous thoughts.

Without him, too delicate and beautiful.

Listening to Green Ear as if touching a lover's skin, he gently touched the handrail of the stairs.

The handrails of the stairs are wooden, carefully polished, smooth and have annual ring texture. There is a layer of thick and shiny gum on the outside, and the whole looks like it is wrapped in honey amber, and there is a slight resin aroma when you smell it carefully.

Listen to Green Ear and look at his hand on the armrest.

His hands were covered with dirt and dried blood because of the days of rushing, his nails were chopped up with a knife, and there was maroon mud in the nails, which contrasted sharply with the delicate, spotless handrails.

Not to mention the snow-white stairs, the stone-brick floor that can be seen from the light, and the transparent windows without any stains.

He seemed out of place with this exquisite and gorgeous stone house.

Listening to Lu Er, he glanced at Ye Xi.

In fact, Ye Xi hadn't been cleaned either, and it was not much cleaner than him.

But Ye Xi didn't feel that out of place.

There is a very unique temperament in him, how can I put it... it is a sense of calmness and grace.

It doesn't seem to be brought by strength, but the kind that is born with him.

He can guarantee that even if Ye Xi is just a small fourth-level fighter, even if he has just rolled over from the mud puddle, he will not feel uncomfortable staying here, will not feel cramped, and others will not. What is wrong with him.

Listen to Green Ear retracted the hand path placed on the wooden armrest.

"I want to wash my hands."

Ye Xi walked up the stairs: "Let's go, I'll take you there."

Listen to Green Ear: "Is there a place to wash hands on it?"

He thought Ye Xi would take him out of here to find a well or lake or something.

Ye Xi: "Yes, it's okay to take a bath."

He walked up to the second floor with Ting Lu Er.

After listening to Lu Er walked to the second floor, he stood at the top of the stairs and looked around.

There is a bright corridor on the left and right, and both sides of the corridor are full of neat wooden doors.

He really saw such a huge stone house for the first time. There were underground caves somewhat similar to the Gun's, with corridors, and the upper and lower floors. It was an eye-opener.

Ye Xi pushed open a wooden door.

This wooden door is newly made, without the delicate door, and the wood smell is very strong. When pushing, there are fine wood chips falling down, and some of them are floating on Ye Xi's hair.

Upon seeing this, Chief Gongtao quickly pleaded guilty: "Master Xi Wu, I will call someone to polish it later."

Ye Xi said nonchalantly, "It's okay, I'm very satisfied that you can do this with such a tight schedule."

He looked around the room.

This room is about 20 square meters, four small beds are placed in the four corners, and there are simple stone stands next to the small beds, where things can be placed.

There is a small door in the room.

Hearing Lu Er walked over, curiously opened the small door.

He didn't quite understand the look inside.

Ye Xi came over and unscrewed the faucet directly: "Don't you want to wash your hands?"

Listening to Lu Er's eyes widening and looking at the transparent and clear water column.


He didn't ask Ye Xi this time, but moved his ears and listened carefully. The sound of the water flow did not hide in his ears.

Listening to Green Ear's sight moved along the faucet to the thin water pipe connected to it, and then to the big water pipe attached to the corner, and then he looked at the roof thoughtfully.

"A lot of water on the roof?"

Ye Xi applauded authentically: "Yes, it is a reservoir, and the water comes down the pipe."

Listening to Lu Er, he was amazed: "You guys are too good at doing it."

Too lazy.

When he looked down from the back of the pterosaur, he saw that Xicheng had lakes and rivers, but the people of Xicheng were too lazy to wash in the rivers and lakes, and took so much time to lead the water into the stone house.

"There is still wind?"

Listening to Green Ear cast his eyes to the cubicle next to him.

The wind he said was not the sound of wind blowing from the terrace, but from the pipe. In addition, he heard the sound of insects crawling on the pipe. Carefully, he could even hear the sound of countless insects crawling together in the distance, which made people get goose bumps.

Listen to Green Ear to open the door of the cubicle.

——This is a squat.

But I couldn't understand this thing when I heard Green Ear, and felt a little like the material of the tiles, and almost squatted down to touch it. Fortunately, Ye Xi stopped it.

Listening to Green Ear inexplicably: "What's the matter?"

Ye Xi: "..."

He felt that it might be difficult to describe in words, and he glanced at the crowd behind him, and finally said to Chief Manggu: "You come and show him how to use this."

Chief Manggu stiffened in place.

Everyone looked at him.

The few chiefs who had a bad relationship with Chief Manggu gloated and almost laughed out loud, so they collapsed. They looked serious. In fact, they had to endure the smile very hard and their faces blushed.

Chief Manggu took a deep breath and decided to abandon all face and everything for the time being. He walked into the squat pit in a stride, putting his hands on the waistband, and took a deep breath to take off his pants.

"You don't need to take off your pants, you can probably demonstrate."

Ye Xi touched his forehead.

He did not expect that Chief Manggu would actually **** in front of so many people!

Chief Manggu breathed a sigh of relief when Ye Xi said this.

He endured his shyness, squatted on the squat pit in full view, unwound a string of bones from his wrist, and threw it on the squat pit as something indescribable, then stood up and made a gesture of lifting his pants. , Pulled the small rope next to it.

Suddenly, the water rushed, skewered the skewers into the hole, never seen again.

Listening to Lu Er, it suddenly dawned.

"It turned out to be so used, but this design is really convenient!"

He thinks this is much more convenient than washing hands.

Chief Manggu demonstrated it in shame, and walked out of the cubicle pretending to be okay, but his fat face was red and red, and even the two layers of fat on his neck were red, and he was about to smoke.

The other chiefs endured with a smile.

Especially the Sting Chief who didn't deal with Chief Manggu, because he couldn't laugh in front of Ye Xi, his stomach twitched, his muscles twitched and he was dancing, but his face became more serious.

"You also come to demonstrate."

A cool voice suddenly sounded.

Before Chief Sting could react, he saw Ye Xi looking at herself.

And all the people who were watching Chief Manggu have become all watching him.

The Chief Sting, who was half a beat slower, recovered.

This is... want him to perform shit?

Chief Sting's scalp numb.

Chief Manggu was instantly relieved, and his small triangular eyes stared at the Sting Chief with silent urging. Oh, who made you laugh at me just now, go to shame!

Chief Sting is extremely reluctant to do this in front of so many chiefs and witches. It is too shameful and will definitely be laughed at for several years.

But Xi Witch’s order cannot be He can only bite the bullet, and slowly walked to the side of the squatting pit like a daughter-in-law, and began to simulate squatting and shit.

After finishing this series, this black-faced thin man, after walking out, looked a little bit shy and timid, and he didn't dare to look up.

Everyone is happier.

It's really worth it to see Chief Sting, a guy who usually loves to show great power, make such an expression!

Ye Xi didn't intend to end it yet, he picked out a few suffocated smiles and let them all demonstrate in turn.

No one laughed anymore after this.

After all, the eldest brother doesn't laugh at the second brother. You have performed, and I have performed, so don't laugh at anyone.

Even some chiefs who didn't deal with each other had somehow softened their attitudes towards each other after the performance. After all, they have performed the friendship of **** together in public, different from usual, different from usual.

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