The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 939: Whipworm potato root

I go first. "

Phil couldn't stand the hot summer weather and the noisy people around him, and wanted to return to the iceberg.


The puppet big white cat didn't like so many people here, it reluctantly rubbed Ye Xi, and followed Fei Er and left.

But soon, people familiar with Ye Xi, Chiyu, Black Thorn, Simple Leaf, Pheasant, Cone... and so on were called by their respective chiefs and accompanied Ye Xi to prepare for Ye Xi to give orders at any time.

People became lively again.

Ye Xi decided to walk around the newly opened territory.

The newly opened territories are very wide, spreading all the way to the coast, and even the original address of the Xia tribe is enclosed in it.


The wind blew over and was incredibly soft.

But after such a soft wind blew on the grass, all the grass fell down one after another, as if they were more flexible and soft than fluff.

As Xu walked, Ye Xi's feet glowed with dark green light.

After walking barefoot outside for so long, a thin cocoon has grown on the soles of his feet, and now with a move of his heart, the cocoons on the soles of his feet have been burned by witch power.

Without the thin calluses, the soles of the feet can clearly feel how soft the lawn is.

Stepping on it is really like stepping on animal hair, no, much softer than animal hair, more like bird feathers.

Ye Xi fell in love with this lawn all at once.

"Where did you find the grass and what's its name?"

He asked 嫆.

A pleasant voice with just the right respect: "Master Huixi Wu, this is the grass seed that the Wumu tribe brought to the trading area for trading. It is not what we discovered. As for the name..."

She frowned slightly, embarrassed: "It has no name, we haven't named it yet."

Ye Xi turned to Shan Ye, and Shan Ye seemed to have something to say.

After receiving Ye Xi's sight, Shan Ye immediately smiled and said, "I heard that the grasslands of the Wumu tribe are all this kind of grass. It's so common that they didn't name them either. How about Master Xi Wu?

Ye Xi had nothing to do, and said casually: "Then call it Yucao."

"It's a good name!"

"Oh, it sounds nice and appropriate, why didn't we expect it!"

Everyone slapped rainbow farts one after another, and an unfavorable name was about to be exaggerated. Even if Ye Xi couldn't bear it, he got goose bumps. He coughed and quickly changed the subject: "Does this grass need to be trimmed?"

Liu: "No, they are only this long."

Ye Xi nodded: "That's quite convenient."

The length of the feather grass just covered the instep, the length is very suitable, if you don't need to trim it, it will save trouble.

The group continued to move forward.

Basically, besides the grass, there is still grass, which is almost endless.

At this moment, Ye Xi suddenly saw two super huge lotus leaves. These two lotus leaves grow taller than the tree, and the stem is thick with one person, like a tree trunk, while the stretched leaves are like the crown of a tree, casting a shadow on the ground.

"what is this?"

He blinked, his eyes glowed with love, and said softly: "This is a whipworm."

"The newly opened territory is too vast. We couldn't plant willow trees all around it, so we traded a whipworm from the Wumu tribe."

Ye Xi: "One?"

She smiled and nodded: "Yes, whipworm taro is very huge, and its root system is full of new territories, and only one plant can kill all the giant worms that break into the territory."

"The most valuable thing is that it is very spiritual. People with insect pets can smell their pets. It will remember the breath and variety of the pets and will not attack them."

Ye Xi praised: "It's pretty good."

It sounds much better than the insect willow tree, but the insect willow tree is irrespective of our enemies, and all the insects close to it will be killed.

Shan Ye: "After all, it is from the Wumu tribe."

The Wumu tribe is worthy of being a top master of plant research. The alien plant used to repel insects is so amazing. If they had whipworm taro before, they would not need to plant insect willow trees.

Listening to Lu Er's interest in this whipworm, he asked enthusiastically: "Do you have any insects? I want to see how it kills insects."

The grass was so clean that he hadn't seen a single bug, not even a small sesame bug, so he couldn't test it.

Zhi Yu: "I'll go and grab some from other places!"

Ye Xi nodded and agreed.

Zhi Yu hurriedly left, and soon his sting insects hummed and appeared. At the same time, there were a group of giant double needle mosquitoes flying in front of the sting insects. They are big like falcons, with long mouthparts exuding cold light. They are a mosquito that **** blood from large herbivorous dinosaurs.

The group of double needle mosquitoes are driven by sting insects to the bottom of the taro leaves.

The taro leaf exudes a tempting fragrance, which is even more attractive to mosquitoes than the thinnest herbivorous dinosaur.

Listening to the green ears, looking at the giant taro leaves that are comparable to big trees, waiting for them to show off their power.

However, these giant taro leaves are quiet.

And not far from the taro leaf, a few slender red roots came out without knowing when.



A series of sonic booms piercing the air.

Part of the mosquitoes were immediately whiplashed, and a puff of blue smoke emerged from the translucent wings, suddenly falling from mid-air.

The remaining markings finally sensed the danger, understood that these tantalizing taro leaves were just traps, and immediately wanted to escape.

Tens of thousands of red roots sprang out from the seemingly calm green grass, and with a vigorous wave, all the markings were drawn at the same time.

These spotted tattoos were unobstructed, but the translucent wings were whipped into blue smoke, and fell to the ground like a raindrop.

Listening to Lu Er staring dumbfounded at the fresh large markings rolling across the floor.

Ye Xi smiled: "I can knock all the mosquitoes' wings without hurting the mosquitoes at the same time. This accuracy is really amazing!"

He blinked, and a soft smile appeared on his face: "It's not usually like this, it probably wants to behave in front of you."

She likes this whipworm taro very much.

In her eyes, this whipworm was like a friend. Sometimes when she came to find it, it would pat her back secretly, play peek-a-boo with her, and rush her to the beach like a whirlwind, and then put her on the tallest taro leaf. Ask her to watch the sea together.

After the whipworm taro performance was over, the thin earthworm-like roots shortened, curling up the rolling markings on the ground and dragging them to the ground.

The grass has restored its original tranquility and beauty.

Listen to the green ears tusk and admire: "This whipworm taro is good! If it is stronger, I will plant a few plants for the cephalococcus land!"

Ye Xi didn't speak.

Whipworms are powerful, but there is no chance of winning against the powerful and fierce beasts controlled by the cephalococcus. I am afraid that all the roots will be dug out and trampled. Even if it is more powerful, it is useless.

So he understands that listening to Lu Er is just talking casually, not distracted.

Listening to Lu Er’s praise of the whipworm taro, he suddenly said to Ye Xi: “By the way, the root system of this whipworm taro doesn’t really cover all the territories? This time we brought a lot of exotic seeds, and there are places to grow them. ?"

Ye Xi looked at Shan Ye and Zhang.

Single leaf scratched his scalp, embarrassed: "I don't know. When it was planted, it was a big root ball, without leaves, it was so big." He opened his arms and gestured.

"We can't see the underground situation, but not long after planting, taro leaves grew, and later on the seashore. At first there were bugs that appeared on the edge of the territory, but then they disappeared. It should have covered everything. Territory."

Ting Lu Er scooped up a piece of turf with a dagger.

There are red earthworm-like roots squirming slightly in the black soil.

Single Leaf asked Lu Er tentatively: "If you want to plant alien plants, do you want to plant them in our alien planting garden?"

Listening to Lu Er asked about the approximate location of the plantation garden.

After he got the answer, he thought about it.

When he first arrived in Xicheng and sat on the back of the pterosaur, he overlooked Xicheng, so he knew what Xicheng looked like. This alien plantation garden is big, but it is still a bit worse.

Listening to Green Ear looked embarrassed.

Two nearby taro leaves as tall as a tree seemed to feel something and began to sway.

His eyes dropped without opening.

Ye Xi bent his knees and squatted down.

White and thin palms covered the green grass.

The surrounding grass was full of invisible light blue light, like mist. The mist only appeared for a moment and then sank into the soil.

He closed his eyes.

The root system of the whipworm appeared in his sea of ​​ It actually covered all the new territory, crisscrossing like a nerve, without any blank area. After searching for a long time, he only found a blank space of up to five square meters, which was obviously not enough to grow.

Ye Xi retracted her magical power and stood up, whispering to herself: "Da Ye Huo has become a small thing in front of this whipworm..."

There is a sky outside the sky, there is a plant outside the plant.

Ye Xi said to Listening Lu Er: "Just plant it here, you pick a place here."

Zhang's expression changed, she slightly opened her lips to speak, but she swallowed with a dim expression looking at Ye Xi's profile. Finally, she glanced guiltily at the two big taro leaves not far away, and her fingertips trembled slightly.

Ye Xi's status is supreme in the hearts of everyone in Xicheng, and of course she is too.

So even if she loves whipworm taro again, she will not go against Ye Xi.

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