The Ceo And Me!

Chapter 201 - DOING RIGHT OR WRONG!?

Madison and Lana returned from their holiday trip and got busy with the new airspace company that Madi was planning to buy for herself and start her own working business.

Lately, they had not heard much from Tinsley either and throughout all of this, Madi was thinking about how to tell Lana about the truth...that she had betrayed their love.

"Love, Tinsley's on the phone!"

Lana entered in their bedroom with her phone on speaker. Madison had been doing some paperwork on the bed.

"Hey, Tin! What's up!"

Madi spoke out. They heard some noises in the background and waited for Tin to speak up.

"I m sorry for all the noises, I m on my way to get tasted."

Tinsley let her voice out finally. Both Lana and Madison looked at each other. And they wished her luck.

It was after that call, they had a brief discussion about what and how this entire thing was going to take place.

Madison and Lana assured Tinsley that they were going to bear all the cost of expenses and that there was no need for her to work extra shifts or get a loan.

But Tin was adamant about the whole thing. She wanted to pay for everything herself and so she ended up taking a half loan.

It would help with buying out the first half of the procedure and she was okay with that first.

After getting tested, she was asked to go back home and visit them after another week in between.

They had conducted three consecutive tests to check up on her reproductive health. Her health reports were rechecked and she also asked about if she had any pregnancies before or missed it, difficulty in conceiving and things like that.

She told them the truth...and it was helpful for the entire process as they found her to be anxious and stressful which was the cause of her last miscarriage.

Her anxieties and stress leads to a hormonal change and imbalances which led to her body reacting differently to the embryo that was growing inside of her, leading to a miscarriage.

It was then she was given medications and several numbers of tests were conducted to check her stress level, monitor it for the time until the end when the seed would be inserted in her womb artificially.

She was made to understand that how difficult and complex this entire procedure was.

There were chances of it not working out the first time and she might miscarry it again but going to depression because of that would lead to more difficulties in trying out later.

She had to understand what she was signing up herself for and if she was ready for it.

Questions were asked about her family, her marriage or any relationship she had been in.

Tinsley partly lied about her family background and also lied about the fact who her husband was and that they were about to get separated.

By the end of next week, she was given the profiles of several sample hosts who had donated their seeds for this purpose only.

She was explained how this child if born was only going to be hers. These hosts of donors would have no rights or whatsoever on her child.

She would be the sole parent, single parent in case she had no partner with herself.

Sitting in the secluded area, she was going through the files that had been given to her.

It only had the last name of the donor, his age, his facial feature, colour, eye colour, hair colour, height, weight, health condition, family health history background, and whatnot.

In nowhere was there any information about the donor's personal life. So there was no way she could ever know who's the child she was carrying.

But in the end, as said, legally this would be only her child and that was what it mattered to her.

She had clicked photocopies of these hosts information and sent them to Madi and Lana to help her decide with which one she should go.

They had a brief talk over the phone, did several face-timing of deciding which one she should go with.

There were moments when Madi started to describe how the man would actually look based on the given facial description.

And it was the first time, Tinsley had laughed so hard full-heartedly as Madi made jokes about the whole situation.

Lana joined them too but was grossed out when her girlfriend started dropping dick usual Madi had Madi herself.

By the next week, she had submitted to the hospital with which sample she wanted to go with.

She was given extra two weeks in between to eat healthily, rest well and not overwork herself.

Joining Bethany, who was ecstatic to know one of her coworker would be joining her in this journey, they ended up being great friends talking and discussing about everything whenever they would get a lunch break or any rest in between the working hours.

When the date of her appointment arrived, she was nervous, confused and at the same time very fearful if this would work out for her or not.

Ever since the news broke out in the diner, Bethany told everyone that Tinsley would be joining her, the chef that was interested in her did not talk to her anymore.

Neither did Kyle, he kept minimum notice of her. They hardly talked and she could understand why.

But it did not fade her enthusiasm to get up and carry on with this journey. She left work early doing a half time and by the time she reached the hospital, it was a bit late.

Bethany joined her as she had gotten her done a few weeks ago. Tinsley was grateful to have her company and when they got inside the hospital and waited for her turn in the waiting room...she clasped her hands together, thinking everything...if or not she was doing right or wrong?









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