The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 662: Make a match between Jiang Shao and Morong

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi made up his mind and immediately said to Yun Morong: "I haven't been able to survive these days anyway. Can I trouble you?"

Yun Morong answered immediately: "Of course."

"That's it. Uncle's family has a flower room with cousin's flowers that are very important." Gu Xixi said with a smile: "You know, I like orchids best. Can I trouble you, from cousin I picked a few pots of flowers in my flower room and brought them back? The doctor said that staying in a happy mood before birth will help the production."

Yun Morong agreed without thinking, "Well, I will go now."

"Ah, no hurry now! No hurry!" Gu Xixi waved his hand and said quickly: "Furthermore, my cousin is here too! Just wait for you to pass together! You can't find where the door is. The uncle’s house is not like a fair Chinese building on the side of the mansion, but the house over there has its own characteristics. It’s easy for strangers to get lost for the first time.”

Yun Morong moved his lips, but said nothing.

"We will have a meal together when Sichen and their friends have finished talking. It's not too late to eat the meal." Gu Xixi urged and said, "Come on, don't hurry back, Hua'er, you have to take care of it."

"Understood." Yun Morong's eyes flickered.

She seemed to understand Gu Xixi a little bit.

No matter what she does, she will not blame her.

At this time, Yin Sichen strode in from the outside and smiled as soon as he entered the door: "Xi Xi, uncle just called me and said that we will not let us eat at home at noon today, that is ready, let We used to eat."

When Mu Ruona heard that, she stood up immediately and said, "That's all right, you go! I happen to have to go home. I heard that I was pregnant, my parents are in a hurry, they have to say everything Let me come back and check again."

Gu Xixi could only nod and said, "Well, then. You have been careful for the first three months, and you are the first child, don't lie around."

"I know, I know." Mu Ruona waved at Yin Sichen and Yun Morong: "I'm gone, bye!"

Hirayama Jiro accompanied Mu Ruona happily back to Mu's house.

Gu Xixi said to Yun Morong with a smile: "Since it's so coincident, Uncle invites guests to have dinner, so follow along."

"Is it appropriate to go?" Yun Morong smiled bitterly: "You are just a family feast. Just have Xiao Wang follow me, do I have to follow?"

Xiao Wang guessed Gu Xixi's thoughts and said with a smile: "You are different from me. I work for the Yin family. You are a young grandma, so naturally you have to follow the young grandma."

Yin Sichen also reacted, and immediately said: "Well, since Xi Xi said yes, then you go with it."

It was so pleasant to decide the starting lineup of the Jiang family.

Fortunately, the Jiang family is not far from the Yin family.

Moreover, Gu Xixi is not far away when he travels now. It is already the limit to walk around with relatives.

Therefore, the Jiang family had a whole family dinner, and did not make much of the scene, just did not want to put pressure on Gu Xixi.

After taking a little rest, everyone was ready to go and killed the Jiang family.

Jiang Yihai saw Yun Morong also follow him, and he couldn't help but float a smile.

Gu Xixi saw Jiang Yihai's smile at the corner of his mouth and knew he was right!

Fortunately, since they are so well-matched, let them get in touch.

Yun Morong also saw the smile in Jiang Yihai's mouth, but she pretended not to see it.

What about seeing it?

Where is my current status worthy?

If it is his previous identity, it is almost the same.

Unfortunately, he had injured him once before.

How can I be so selfish this time?

Yun Morong quickly turned away, pretending to find nothing.

The team quickly stopped at the Jiang family gate.

Gu Xixi saw the butler smiling at the door and smiled at the door.

Yin Sichen personally helped Gu Xixi and got out of the car. Gu Xixi took the arm of Yin Sichen and said to the housekeeper: "What is the uncle aunt prepared for today, and he called on the phone?"

The housekeeper said with a smile: "This day is indeed a little special today! What I have prepared today is the favorite of the young master and the grandma."

Gu Xixi smiled suddenly and turned to look at the others and said, "What the **** is today?"

Others shook their heads.

Jiang Yihai was also puzzled: "I don't know! Is it to celebrate the New Year in advance?"

Yun Morong couldn't hold back, laughing out loud, and whispered to Gu Xixi, explaining: "Today is actually big and big, and small and small. Most people will not have this holiday. Six is ​​indeed a festival, but this festival is so small that most people are not very clear. This festival is called the inverted tooth festival, which is what we commonly call the tooth festival. In ancient times, the standard of living was quite low, so On this day, regardless of whether the family is rich or not, they will treat themselves to a little treat."

"The tooth festival on the 16th day of the twelfth lunar month is the last tooth festival of the year. Therefore, it also carries other meanings. Today, because everyone’s living standards are much better, the ordinary life is also very good. This festival gradually faded and gradually merged into ordinary daily life." Yun Morong explained in a low voice that only a few people around could hear.

However, Yun Morong's explanation made many people present at her instantly impressed!

Such remote knowledge knows that this person's knowledge reserve is simply terrible.

Gu Xixi actually vaguely remembered the matter of this inverted tooth sacrifice, but he was not as detailed as Yun Morong.

This massive knowledge reserve, except Yunhao, I'm afraid it's only her!

The butler couldn't help but glance at Yun Morong more, and raised his thumb and said, "This is the only person I know today who knows what to do! Young Master, you really have a lot of talent around you!"

Gu Xixi couldn't help but say, "I can't match her knowledge reserve!"

"Okay, don't stand talking, go in and talk." Jiang Yihai couldn't help but looked at Yun Morong with a smile, and said to Yin Sichen and Gu Xixi: "It's not the first time to go out, don't follow me Like a guest, you have to ask."

Yin Sichen laughed at the same time as Gu Xixi, and several people walked slowly into it.

As soon as I walked to the door, I heard a burst of cheers and laughter from the door. Gu Xixi smiled and said, "Oh, are there any guests at home?"

"It seems so." Yin Sichen replied: "Aunt is a person who likes to be busy."

Everyone came in, Gu Xixi walked in front, just changed shoes, and saw a few people greeted them.

Mrs. Jiang dragged an unknown girl and walked towards herself. Gu Xixi greeted immediately: "My aunt has some delicious food and thinks about me. I am all moved to death."

Mrs. Jiang replied with a smile: "That's that, if I didn't think of you, I would be killed by the old lady. Come and introduce you to know, this is my friend's daughter, named Ye He, this year Twenty-four years old, just returned from studying abroad."


The purpose of this girl seems not so simple.

Gu Xixi couldn't help but take another look at Ye He, Jiang Yihai, and then Yun Yunrong.

Ye He humbly said hello: "Grandma Yin is good, everyone!"

Jiang Yihai's eyes changed slightly, but he didn't show anything else.

Yun Morong's face was calm and he didn't care.

Gu Xixi answered immediately: "Hello. Nice to meet you."

Ye He nodded shyly, turning his head to look at Jiang Yihai, the Mumu in his eyes couldn't hide it.

Seeing her expression, what else did Gu Xixi not understand?

This girl is probably the aunt who is going to introduce to Jiang Yihai, right?

What a coincidence.

I also wanted to match Yun Morong and Jiang Yihai.

Forget it, just wait and see!

No matter who Jiang Yihai chooses, he will send his blessings.

Mrs. Jiang greeted Gu Xixi, and Yin Sichen came to the restaurant.

Mr. Jiang also got down the stairs. When he saw Yin Sichen and Gu Xixi, he smiled and said, "It's not easy to let you come to your house for a meal!"

Yin Sichen smiled bitterly: "Uncle, you know, where do I have time now. Moreover, I am not alone when I go out alone."

"I knew you would say that, so when you are free, I asked you two to come together." Mr. Jiang said with a smile and scolded: "The doctors said that there is still a period of time before the real production, you are so nervous . When the child was born, did you have to die nervously?"

"Uncle, don't say it, I'm nervous enough now." Yin Sichen once honestly said: "I have listened to the movements every day these days, and I know she turned around. I was just afraid that she wouldn't I don’t know if I feel comfortable."

Mrs. Jiang couldn't help smiling.

"Your child, she is uncomfortable, she doesn't know, you just care about chaos." Mrs. Jiang also educated Yin Sichen.

Gu Xixi turned his head to look at Yin Sichen: "Have you heard? Don't be so nervous, I'm all nervous when I get it."

A few people talked and laughed and entered the dining room, and the guests and guests were seated.

Gu Xixi saw that Yun Morong had been standing outside and did not come over. He immediately said to Yun Morong: "Morong, you sit down too."

Jiang Yihai immediately said: "Miss Yun, please..."

Jiang Yihai took the initiative to open the chair for Yun Morong and looked at her earnestly.

Gu Xixi said to Mrs. Jiang: "Look at my memory, I forgot to introduce it to you! This is Yun Morong, my mother's family. He came here to help me."

Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang suddenly realized that Yun Morong was seated immediately.

Yun Morong didn't expect Gu Xixi to introduce her like this suddenly, she was a little bit uncomfortable.

She was going to refuse.

But when she heard Gu Xixi introduce her as her family, she knew she could not refuse.

Rejected, it was Gu Xixi's face.

Yun Morong was seated calmly and generously: "Thank you."

Yun Morong sat on Gu Xixi's left hand, Yun Morong's left hand was Jiang Yihai, Jiang Yihai's left hand was Ye He, and Ye He's next was Mrs. Jiang.

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