"B-Brother" Rose said with a shock look 'Why Why would he do this I trusted him the only person why is fate playing games with me? how many more times am I going to betrayed?' Thud

"Finally your dead you rat your in my way" as soon s rose heard that her face became as cold as ice she got up and started to punch him

"You are still alive you bi***" but when he her punch and she fell. She didn't have anymore strength anymore but, she didn't want to die until her enemy died as well that's when he was about to give her another punch but, she dodged it

"You will die if I die" she quickly whispered in his ear as soon as Rose said those words he took out a knife and stabbed it in her heart but, she didn't fell that pain the only pain that she felt was in her chest because of his betrayer. THUD 'if I have a next life then I will never trust anyone' she thought to her self and closed her eyes.

"I m sorry I couldn't save you" someone whispered into her ear she wanted to open her eyes to see who it was but she couldn't she wanted to see who it was was it him she thought she knew for sure it wasn't her step brother as hard as she thought she couldn't figure out who he was. then she dozed off off everything became black but the next second she knew she opened her eyes she saw that she was in a hospital bed. Did I live she thought to herself then she pinched herself if she was dreaming but it hurt'ed so she wasn't dreaming now she could get her revenge she was so happy that she sat up but when she did her back hurt'ed "Miss Aisha" when the nurse said that she stated to run

"Who's Aisha?" she w\asked herself and then she looked at her hands "doctor she's over there she wok up" the nurse said excitedly. when the doctor saw her his eye's shone like diamond'es "Umm who's Aisha" she asked directly but when she said that she got flashback of unknown person when she saw that her head started to hurt and she screamed her head hurt'ed like hell. "doctor what do we do she she is" the nurse said with a panic'ed face but, the doctor was about take something out put she got unconscious. it was all black again she wanted to get out she didn't want to stay in the dark place anymore she walked and walked until she saw the light. She didn't know how much she had walk but she run to the light but the next thing she she knew she saw a white selling when she looked around she was in the hospital again when the nurse saw her she did the same thing as before she got the doctor and then checked her pulse then asked her a few questions when he was done she asked "Can you please bring a mirror"

"Sure" the doctor replied when the doctor got her mirror she looked at herself and then she realized she really did reincarnated into another person's body. Then she thought the memories she got was the previous person's memories.

"Sir how long have I been unconscious" Rose asked

"You have been unconscious for 9 months last week you woke up then you fell unconscious again"

the doctor replied

"When am I going to be released from the hospital" she asked eagerly

"in a month or so" he replied

As the month passed by she stared to learn new things about the owner of the body (Aisha) her memories got into the order place then when she first woke her memories were fuzzie but now all her memories were in place.

A month passed and got released from the hospital as soon as she got out there were 3 people standing in front of the hospital one was the driver and the other person was arguing with an old lady. "it's all your fault that my daughter ended up this way you want to make her more miserable just stay out of her life" the old lady screamed at the guy "Its was an accident I don't love Alice please I want to see Aisha" He said eagerly but when Rose saw her body shaking violently then she smiled wickedly. She reassured the Aisha's body "don't worry I'll do as you wish I'll peel there skin off I won't break your promise" she walked over next to the car and saw Aisha's mom

"Hi Mom" Rose waved as soon as her mom saw her she run up to her and hugged her

"I'm sorry honey I couldn't come and visit you when you woke up because I was an a business trip and when I herd you wok up I could't wait to see you but there was a storm's the past month and that delayed the flights so that's why I didn't visit you when you woke up I'm sorry honey I miss you" she cried over Rose shoulder

"It's fine you were busy" Rose replied

"A-Aisha" Mark whispered

"What are you doing here" Rose said when she glanced at Mark


"I what is something wrong with your tongue" Rose smiled

"Mom you don't have to wait you can go in the car i'll be there in a minute"

As she was going to car she passed Mark

"Don't worry I didn't forget I'll Peel both of your skin's off just enjoy your life's for now" she whispered into his ear then went inside the car.

"Mom I'll be going back to the company tomorrow I want you to take a rest you must have been busy when I was gone" Rose told her

"NO you are not going to the company tomorrow you need to take a rest" her mother said angrily

"Mother you need to take rest your getting eye bags. Will father love you if he see's you like this" Rose joked.

Rose all way wanted a mother and a father that could talk to but she did have a father but her mother died when she was 1 week old. When she founded out that her father was having an affair she didn't say anything because she was pregnant but, it continued to the point that she wanted to kill her self after Rose was born the women her father was having an affair with came to there house and told Rose's mother that she was pregnant with her father's son and when Rose's mother herd that. She couldn't take it any longer so she committed suicide.

"Ok you can go to the company tomorrow just because *cough* I need my beauty rest"

"Thank you Mother" Rose smiled. 'It look like Aisha didn't trust her mother and father ' Rose thought 'but they do love her dearly'

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