The CEO's Contract Marriage

Chapter 6 - Nonsense

"You can't be serious, right?" Anastasia protested. She could hear the distinct edge of panic in her voice.

Surely the old coot wasn't suggesting what she thought was an absolutely dismal idea.

"No need to act so horrified, Miss Rayburn." Brian continued in his confident tone.

"You see if you get married into my family, not only will I back your claim as the rightful heir when it's the time for you to take up the mantel of your parents, it would also ensure that nobody cheats you of your ȧssets if you marry an outsider. How can you be sure that you will find a spouse who won't be covetous of your materialistic wealth? After all, the world is short of innocents."

Her eyes widened in shock and she exclaimed, "But I am just twenty and I am still not ready for such a huge responsibility."

She shook her head in repeated denial, meanwhile, Ivy and Jason were looking at her in alarm.

"Moreover, is that the only choice I have? I could go to the courts if you force the issue of money or get an injunction from the courts." She could feel her pulse racing as she made those threats but she knew she had to exert herself at this point or it would be akin to selling herself.

"I am afraid our choices are limited, Miss Rayburn. You see, before you can get an injunction, I can use the might of my name to stop people from working with your company. This would lead to the value of your shares plummeting and the declining prices of shares are never good for a listed company that has gone public."

His counter was painting a very bleak picture for her and she didn't want to be the reason why the hard work of not only her parents but the thousands of employs to go down the drain.

However, her sarcasm reared its ugly head at an inopportune time as always and before she could think the words through, she spat, "Our choices? Me Donovan, are you planning on getting married as well?"

"A poor choice of words on my part I am afraid." The patriarch conceded gracefully and she took her small victory for what it was - being allowed a small leeway when bigger matters were at stake.

Anastasia almost missed the brisk glance the old man threw at his grandson and she watched with the dawning realisation that he meant for her to be married to the male whom she had just met and was a stranger to her in all but name.

She observed silently as the younger Donovan came to the same realisation and his face paled in a matter of seconds.

That gave her something to hold on.

The other person was as bewildered and shocked as her by the sudden announcement.

She glared at the patriarch, silently hoping to hear him say that it was all a joke in bad taste but she knew that was a futile hope.

Then he looked at her again and asked, "Are you seeing someone?" and she instinctively and honestly shook her head in denial.

At her words, Brian gave a small satisfied smile that didn't go unnoticed by Alexander, though Anastasia seemed to be oblivious to it.

She was still busy trying to think of a plausible reason to deny this ludicrous proposal of a sham marriage.

"See Miss Rayburn, you are not involved with someone and I can vouch for my grandson. So, why not try and make things work? You both would make a lovely couple and are perfect for each other."

Did the man seriously believe the nonsense that was coming from his mouth?

If the answer to that question was yes, the elder Donovan must go for an MRI or a CT scan as soon as possible.

There could be no other reason than his brain short-circuiting for the words he was saying with such enthusiasm.

Her stomach turned at the very thought of marrying a stranger. She couldn't help thinking that having a boyfriend would have come in handy in such a bizarre situation.

The other person would have helped her fend off this attack. Though she did have a few crushes in her twenty years of life, that were all they had ever been - crushes.

She had never even confessed her puppy love to someone and marriage had always been a far off vague thing in her future plans.

Trouble was that she couldn't lie her way out since that could land her in hot water. Moreover, she really was in a quandary.

She knew that the death of her parents was a premeditated murder and whoever's hand had been guiding that play from the shadows, might just tighten the noose around her neck anytime.

Brian looked at the girl expectantly and asked, "Well, do you have a better way out right now?"

The patriarch folded his hands and his eyes shone with a wicked light in them. She felt herself growing even more nervous at the way those eyes gleamed.

She knew from experience that the older generation only took on that slightly demented look when they knew that they had cornered their prey and that the unwitting prey had no way out.

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Meanwhile, Alexander felt all the blood drain from his face as he watched his grandfather manoeuvre Miss Rayburn according to his wishes.

Soon enough, his grandfather turned towards him with an amicable smile and said, "Oh! Alexander, you will make a wonderful match with Miss Rayburn. Trust me on this."

His eyes widened as he saw that his grandfather seemed to have decided his lifelong matter without any input from him.

In his shock, he uttered a completely unnecessary, "What?" that had Miss Rayburn turn her eyes towards him.

To his dismay, he saw the patriarch raise an eyebrow as if telling him not to question him on his decision.

Brian Donovan frowned at both the youngsters who seemed opposed to the idea and said in a placating tone, "I realise that both of you are not familiar with each other but that is the case in most arranged marriages in our circle or do you both think that you can find better partners on your own outside? Most people will only flock to you because of the power and prestige your name carries, so isn't it better to marry someone who will help you achieve your ambitions?"

"But I just lost my parents and I don't agree with this marriage. Even if I agree, what will everyone say of me marrying someone in less than a year since the passing of my parents." Anastasia rushed her words while wondering if she should really ask this old man to get his brain looked at by an expert.

He seemed offended at her interruption and his words took a complete 180-degree turn and attacked the crux of the matter.

"Personally, I couldn't care less if you took a tumble from a cliff, Miss Rayburn. However, your father was a dear friend and he lost his life trying to protect you. I have also heard about the matters regarding his will, so it seems he spent a great deal of effort in keeping you safe. I had thought that you would wish to do him and your mother the courtesy of rewarding their efforts."

His pointed words took the sails out of her and she slumped into the chair.

A part of her heart that had been thinking the same thoughts for the last few months froze in dread.

Hearing her own insecurities verbalised by someone else with such frightening accuracy left her short of breath.

She wanted to tear her ears off than to listen to such callous words but she knew that the other person was speaking nothing less than the unadulterated truth.

"And to me, it seems that you are still that naive, little girl who thinks that she has the world at her feet. Miss Rayburn, you need to open your eyes to the harsh realities of the world and be strong enough to make tough decisions if you want to be worthy of your parents' sacrifice."

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Brian Donovan's words had been a sick parody of what she had been ruminating about for the past months - thoughts she had denied and ignored repeatedly.

Those words were akin to a thousand hot needles poking her all at once. Nonetheless, they clearly surmised the dark truth she herself had concealed not only from others but also from herself.

She recalled with clarity the moment her father had pushed her into the secret tunnel and closed the door - all the while giving her an encouraging smile.

She could no longer ignore the reality of things.

Her parents were dead or rather murdered in some nefarious plot.

She didn't have any solid backing to either protect herself or The Rayburn Conglomerate.

Brian Donovan was extending a helping hand towards her.

No doubt, he had his own plots that he must be brewing behind her back but as they say, she could only worry about a resting place after she crossed the ocean.

With a defeated sigh, she simply replied, "I will agree to the marriage but I will retain the right to have a divorce after five years which was the stipulated time of paying back the loaned amount and I want it written in the contract that The Donovan's wouldn't try to harm The Rayburn Conglomerate - overtly or covertly."

Therefore, with a small bow towards the Donovan patriarch, she left the study.

She didn't spare a single glance to the person who was her would-be husband and stormed out of The Donovan Mansion - her heart beating furiously at what she had gotten herself into and Ivy and Jason running to catch up with her.

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