The CEO's Office Boy is a Girl

115 Chapter 115 'sProtecting Her's

Tan Hua was stressed when she couldn't move away from her place since she was the the corner of the elevator.

But this still wasn't the worst. When the elevator suddenly move, the big man was carrying 2 boxes of document and he suddenly lost his balance!

The man moved back again to stabilize his own body but this made Tan Hua was hit by his big body


!! Damn!!

"Ah!" Tan Hua was instantly hit by the man in front of her and was about to get pressed to the elevator wall when suddenly someone pulled her over.


Tan Hua haven't even realize what's going on when suddenly she saw Nan Shen face right in front of her face, looking at her with obvious worry.

!! W-what?? What happened?!

Tan Hua face slowly blushed red when she saw Nan Shen face in front of her. She didn't know what happened until she suddenly in this position but one thing she knew, Nan Shen must have saved her again.

Indeed at that time before Tan Hua body hit the elevator wall, Nan Shen who saw it, immediately pulled Tan Hua and placed her behind him. He even went as far as using his back to protected her.

"Hey are you alright?" Nan Shen put both of his hand on the elevator wall beside Tan Hua head as he looked down at her.

He saw this helpless girl was about to become meat patty!! Ugh he really couldn't let this girl roamed alone could he?!

"Y-yeah I'm fine boss!" Tan Hua whispered faintly while nodding her head after she saw Nan Shen handsome face in front of her face.

B-boss aren't your face too close to her face? She knew that Nan Shen was the one who helped her but this distance wasn't it too close??

Nan Shen himself only now realize that his current position was quite ambiguous. He put his hand on the elevator wall behind Tan Hua so if it was seen by other people...wouldn't it looked like he 'cornered' Tan Hua to the wall?!

Ugh...he better move away...

Nan Shen had retracted his hand on the elevator wall and was about to move away from his position when suddenly another people hit his back making his body stumble upon Tan Hua body.


Nan Shen subconsciously placed his hand again on the elevator wall to prevent his body from pressing onto Tan Hua body but then he didn't realize his face was several inch closer to Tan Hua face than before.

"Ugh sorry Tan Huo are you al-" Nan Shen lowered his head and was about to ask Tan Hua about her condition when suddenly she saw Tan Hua red face right in front of his face.


S-so cute!! (_´ω`)

Wait it's not that!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Nan Shen heart skipped a beat when he realize how close his face was with Tan Hua face. If this was before he knew her true gender then maybe he would kept calm but now he had knew that Tan Hua was a girl, how could he kept his calm?

"B-boss..." Tan Hua averted her eyes trying to hide her embarrassment but this only made a certain boss had his heart being attacked again.

(」゚ロ゚)」 MAMMA MIA!!

Nan Shen had heart attack right on spot when he saw Tan Hua 'cutely' averted her eyes with her face blushing red.

In Nan Shen eyes, Tan Hua looked like a pitiful Chihuahua!

Damn!! Can you stop being so cute?! You are disguised as a man now!! Be masculine!!!

Nan Shen almost bang his head to the elevator wall when he saw Tan Hua cute expression in front of his eyes.

He was always weak with cute little being and now there was one in front of him. Moreover it was so close to him!!

Nan Shen body was actually quite close to Tan Hua body right now so what Nan Shen said was true. He was so close to Tan Hua now.

This made both Nan Shen and Tan Hua suddenly felt self-conscious. Tan Hua couldn't do anything aside from avoiding Nan Shen eyes while Nan Shen, could do something.

"S-sorry!" Nan Shen who had snapped from his thought, immediately turned his head side way and tried to distanced his body from Tan Hua body even though he couldn't do much. Their distance was still close.

Of course the distance between these two was close because the elevator was packed with people. Nan Shen get into this ambiguous position because he use his body to prevent someone pushing Tan Hua again making her into a meat patty.

Tan Hua and Nan Shen distance at this moment was close. Close enough to make anyone who saw them would have a weird thought.

Thankfully even when the elevator was packed with people none of them saw this scene.

These people were busy with their hand phone so maybe they haven't realize they were inside the same elevator as their boss!

This was good so there wouldn't be another gossip spreading around the company!


Maybe God was on Nan Shen side today as suddenly the elevator arrived at another floor and the crowd of people immediately get off from the elevator making the elevator became empty as before.

Only Tan Hua and Nan Shen left inside the elevator now.

!! Ah!! Finally!!

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