The CEO's Office Boy is a Girl

161 Chapter 161 'sTime to Change's

At Nan Shen mansion.

That day Nan Shen immediately brought Tan Hua back to his house seeing her condition worsen with the sudden death of her older sister.

He knew it must be hard for Tan Hua since Tan Hui was her only family left in this world and she suddenly commit suicide even leaving behind a mystery and a huge debt.

Anyone even the strongest human wouldn't be able to bear it to lost the only family they had left right?

"Huff..." Nan Shen didn't bring only Tan Hua but he also brought Shen Ling to his house. After all these two didn't have money and Tan Hui savings would be used to do a proper funeral for her.

Now these two pitiful people couldn't live in the same place anymore since they were broke.

" know she is a girl right?" Shen Ling was silent for a while before suddenly threw a bomb to Nan Shen who was sipping his hot tea instantly made him choked.

"What are you talking about?!" Nan Shen wipe his mouth as he try to calm down. At this time Tan Hua was asleep after crying for a long time so he tried hard not to wake her up.

"The way you care for her it's obvious you see her as a girl otherwise you won't be this kind to her" Shen Ling harrumphed before sipping his own tea.

He saw how Nan Shen treated Tan Hua when she broke down earlier and it was obvious he treated her like a girl. He really was too caring!

"...well so you know her true gender too" Seeing Shen Ling was serious Nan Shen decided not to cover it up anymore. Anyway this man already knew the truth or why bother lying.

"Yeah I know that she is a girl and why she have to disguise as a boy" Shen Ling shrugged his shoulder hearing Nan Shen honest answer.

This was what he needed. Now he knew Nan Shen already knew Tan Hua true gender should he told this to Tan Hua or...kept silent?

As if knowing Shen Ling thought, Nan Shen squinted his eyes as he gave a harsh warning for Shen Ling.

"Don't ever tell her I know her secret you know she is feeling down now imagine if she know about this too. Just let her choose to live as it is now or regain her right to live as a girl"

Nan Shen was worried that Tan Hua would have another stress if she knew that her true gender was already exposed.

He still didn't know whether she would want to live as a boy for a while or live as a girl now since the reason she disguises as a girl already gone.

"I won't tell her" Shen Ling snorted before leaving Nan Shen to start finding a job. Now Tan Hui was gone no one other than Tan Hua could cover for their expenses.

This was the time for his to find a job too.

Nan Shen signed seeing Shen Ling went and gone just like that but then he too went to see how Tan Hua was doing.

At this time Tan Hua had woke up and she had been too tired to cry. She realize no matter how hard she cry matter how long it is, Tan Hui won't come back to her.

Now...she had matters she had to solve and crying won't solve any of it. She realize...she had been too spoiled either by her parents back in her world or even by Tan Hui.

She live her life easy without knowing Tan Hui problem at all.

"...the debt..." Tan Hua whispered as she lay down on her bed. This was troubling her since she knew debt collector would sooner or later found her.

They wouldn't care even if she wasn't Tan Hui real sibling. They only want their money back.

The urgent matter now was money. After that revenge it the second or the last thing matter.

She need money...10 million...what should she do with this.

Something inside Tan Hua had began to change with Tan Hui death. She was indeed heartbroken. She regret her foolishness. She hate her incompetent self.

But she knew she had to change.

She knew there were so many things she didn't know but now she had to learn it. Even if the risk...was to sacrifice her youth and maybe...her true gender.

She already had an idea in her mind but she need another person help!


"Tan Huo..." Nan Shen opened the door and slowly approached Tan Hua bed thinking that she was still being depressed. He was already prepared if Tan Hua suddenly refuse to eat or such.

"Hm?" Nan Shen had thought for the worst but then he saw Tan Hua sat down on her bed with red swollen eyes but she didn't look down or depressed like before.

"Ah...nothing" Seeing Tan Hua was alright Nan Shen actually got suspicious He just had a feeling Tan Hua had been waiting for him?

"Big bro...I...I actually have a proposal for you!" Without waiting for a chit chat, Tan Hua tried her best to kneel on the bed so suddenly making Nan Shen almost fell when he walked.

What?! Proposal??

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