The CEO's Office Boy is a Girl

165 Chapter 165 'sNaming Brand's

"No it's not weird! It's the first step of revolution!" Tan Hua immediately refute Nan Shen words about woman who wear pants are weird.

In her world, it's totally normal!

"Well but I haven't see any company make pants for women! Now now think would women be willing to wear pants? They will think it's weird too since no one have ever wear it"

Nan Shen didn't mean to made Tan Hua offended or anything but that's the truth. When they market the product later they need model. The question is whether the model would be willing to wear it or not.

Since this is not just a new design anymore. It's revolution!

"It doesn't matter I can just be the model for my own design I bet the product will be a total hit. Just see big bro I am about to change the world!"

Tan Hua looked at Nan Shen with determined eyes as she spoke. It was true that she was about to change this world fashion sense.

Women can't wear pants? She would change that. Men can't wear pink clothes? She would change that as well! The fashion sense here is all formal look? She would change it as well!

"Fine fine up to you. The shoes...this is what you called 'flat shoes' it's unique I never seen something like this before but what about this 'sneaker'? The name sounds fishy"

Nan Shen quickly raised his hand indicating that he surrender to Tan Hua hard will. This girl seemed determined he wouldn't be able to convince her.

But really aside from the idea of girls wearing pants, the rest of the design set this girl made was awesome! He bet even the top designed in this world wasn't able to come up with this idea.

This girl design wouldn't just be a new design but would totally change the fashion world! She would set the fashion world on fire from now on. The storm is coming!

"Ah this 'sneaker' it's unisex can be worn by both men and women. You use that for everyday occasion since I go with 'casual' concept. Well big bro doesn't know this concept yet so I understand your confusion"

Tan Hua eyes began to sparkle again when she talked about sneaker. Actually this would also be a big hit in this world, she was sure!

Aside from jeans, sneaker was also one of her main trump card. Her brand and Nan Shen company would be the very first one to produce this!

She was sure she would be the trend setter for casual concept and even though in the future many company would copy her design, she and Nan Shen company would still be the founder.

She was excited to make a change! This would be a big bomb for the fashion industry.

"I see...what interesting design you get here. Even the length of the 'jeans' is varied so people that doesn't like to show off their body part will like this too. You are a genius"

Nan Shen nodded his head as he look at the design once more. Even though the 'jeans' use weird material for unknown reason he was excited to try it on!

The sneakers too. Oh and sleeveless shirt for both men and women. This would be very comfortable for summer.

"Yap and I have the evolved version of this 'jeans' you see I develop other version. It's 'ripped jeans' to make the one wearing it look cooler and badass. You know the 'bad boy' vibe"

Tan Hua giggled seeing Nan Shen was immersed in her design. She bet this man even had the idea to try this design on when it was produced later.

"You will wear that version too?" Nan Shen raised his eyebrow since he had heard Tan Hua said she would be the model for her own design.

"Well yes naturally I will wear all of the design set I launch later" Tan Hua shrugged her shoulder as she search through internet to find inspiration for her brand name.

She had made the design, found the model well not the male model though the last thing she needed to do was to name her brand. After this Nan Shen company could produce her design and launch it!

This will be her brand debut she had to make a good brand name!

While Tan Hua was trying hard to make a brand name, Nan Shen on the other hand was immersed in his fantasy. He heard Tan Hua said she would wear these designs.

Then she would wear the 'off-shoulder' top, 'short pants' and the 'ripped jeans' too wasn't she?

He couldn't deny that he look forward to it! Okay he is not a pervert or whatsoever but he just thought Tan Hua would looks good in those clothes.

"Still struggling?" Noticing that the girl near him was silent while he was having fantasy about her in those clothes, Nan Shen stood up from the sofa to approached Tan Hua.

"Yes...but I already have an idea how about Luvré." Tan Hua thought of a good name brand that sounds elegant yet have a hidden meaning inside.

Luvré. Luv for love and re for repeating something. In this case she thought re as a start of a new era!

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