The CEO's Office Boy is a Girl

59 Chapter 59 'sChild and Father's

Tan Hua wore the clothes starting from the shirt to the suit and the pants which were all too big for her!!

She take a look at her reflection on the mirror and she saw how weird it was. It made her looked like a child wearing his father's clothes!

So baggy! Even the pants were too long that she had to rolled it up.

Of course Tan Hua didn't forget to stuffed so many tissues into her panties until the tissues inside the bathroom decreased a lot. Like half of it.

Now! She is ready to go out! After this maybe she could go home for a while or go to supermarket to buy sanitary pads. Her secret would remain safe!


Tan Hua opened the door as she went out wearing Nan Shen's old clothes.

When Nan Shen saw Tan Hua appearance in his clothes, he wanted to roll on the floor laughing until he die.

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