Yuanxiao took out the Shenyin Feather from the storage ring and flicked it three times according to the method taught by Brother Zhaiyue. Then he waved his hand. After the treasure was enlarged, it turned into a transparent bubble and wrapped himself in it. Then the Lantern Festival disappeared, the bubbles disappeared too, and it looked empty at first glance.

The last time I hid inside with Brother Zhaiyue, I learned some of the characteristics of this invisible baby, which is to isolate sound, sight, and spiritual perception. You can't hear anything from the outside or see anything inside, but you can see the outside and hear everything outside.

Yuanxiao boldly walked towards the square and looked up at the entrances of the hundreds of mines on the edge. If we want to thoroughly search hundreds of mines, it will take less than two or three months. But if you just search the various openings on the square, you can complete the search in up to an hour.

If Wang Yin wanted to ambush him, he could only do so at the entrance to the square.

Yuanxiao walked to the gate of the mine, walked along the edge of the square, and observed each cave entrance in turn. Although it was a little dark at the entrance of the cave, with his excellent eyesight and ultra-close observation, if someone was ambushing someone, they still couldn't escape Yuan Xiao's eyes.

When I reached the fifth cave entrance, I found two young men, one fat and one thin, hiding in the darkness of the cave entrance, talking in a low voice. It was the "fat and thin duo" who had been robbed and attacked by the "Wang Yin Trio" before.

"Today is really unlucky. I didn't see a low-grade spiritual stone, and I got beaten up! My face was swollen!" said the fat boy.

"Did you get swollen from being beaten? You're fat! My face has been beaten since childhood. Look, two teeth are missing! Why did you run away just now? Just because you ran away, We got another beating!" said the thin man.

"Aren't I afraid? Who knew they would even search me!" the fat boy said aggrievedly.

"We don't have any hair on our bodies! We're not afraid of a body search. You still think you're a young girl! If you were really a woman, so fat, I would walk around when I saw you! Ouch! Hiss..." The skinny guy is big He cursed, but because it involved the wound on his face, he took a deep breath.

"There were so many of them just now, especially the inner disciple Wang Yin. I couldn't help it. If I had weapons at that time, I would have fought them on the spot and wouldn't have run away at all!" The fat boy was still talking harshly. Find your own steps.

The thin man was about to taunt when he suddenly heard a clang and something fell not far in front of them. The two groped forward for two steps together. The thin man picked up an iron rod, and the fat man picked up a dung shovel. The two looked at each other.

Now that we really have weapons, do we want to fight back later? ! Do you still want to cash in on the bullshit you just blew? !

The one who left behind the two weapons was naturally Yuanxiao.

Yuanxiao's storage ring is simply a treasure house. Before leaving home, he threw in everything from food and drink to needles, thread and brains. He also threw in all the steel forks, bows, arrows and spears needed for hunting, as well as many farm tools. Now that I hear that these fat and thin brothers are determined to fight back with weapons, they naturally enjoy the beauty of adulthood!

Yuanxiao continued to explore the entrance to each mine along the edge of the square. It wasn't until he explored the middle position that he finally found three people ambushing near the entrance of the cave. Wang Yin occasionally stuck his head out to look outside.

Hiding here is the trio composed of Wang Yin and the tall and short boy! Wang Yin squatted at the front, and two boys, one tall and one short, squatted next to him and a few steps behind.

"When Yuanxiao appears, I will confront the enemy head-on. You two remember to sneak around behind and attack them unprepared!" Wang Yin was explaining the tactics and did not feel anyone approaching at all.

"Don't worry, even if it's for the third-level mantra and two low-grade spiritual stones, we will satisfy you!" The tall man turned to the short man and said, "Wait a minute while I kick his butt from behind, and you can hug him Legs, keep him from moving!"

Upon hearing this, Yuanxiao took out a wooden stick from the ring, quietly walked around, and gave the tall man a hard blow on the butt. The tall man's butt was suddenly attacked. He wailed and flew out of the hole uncontrollably, falling to the edge of the square.

The tall man covered his buttocks with his hands and rolled on the ground, shocked and painful! What on earth was that just now? Why specifically attack people at such a vulnerable place? I haven’t pooped yet today!

Then there was another wailing sound, and the short man covered his buttocks and flew to the edge of the square, and his soul was gone! After the tall man was attacked, he looked back, but saw nothing, and then he was poisoned!

What exactly is it, specializing in the bottom plate? Can anyone tell me if I have pulled it now or not? The short man was shocked, hurt and ashamed!

At the entrance of another mine, the thin man holding an iron rod and the fat man holding a manure shovel looked at each other, do you want to do this?

"If I don't fight back today, I'll be sorry for the shit shovel in my hand!" the fat man said, and then rushed out.

"Fat brother is mighty! I take back what I just said. Your face is either fat or swollen from their beatings!" The thin man said and rushed out with the iron bar.

The poor tall and short people in the square had basically lost their ability to fight at this time. They could only protect their butts with one hand and their heads with the other. They rolled around on the ground and were beaten by the fat and thin people.

It’s really a natural cycle, and retribution is unpleasant! Heaven is so good at reincarnation, who will be spared by Heaven!

Gradually, the tall and short people lost the strength to turn over, and only the sound of breathing was left.

The fat and thin brothers were really angry this time! But suddenly they smelled a stench, and the two brothers were confused. They often heard people in their hometowns threatening to beat the shit out of each other when they were fighting. Could it be true that they would beat the shit out of each other today?

After Wang Yin was attacked by the two people around him, he immediately rolled to the side and stood up quickly, and took out the night pearl, intending to find the attackers, but within his field of vision, the mine was empty, and no people or monsters were found.

Wang Yin is more knowledgeable and has heard from his cousin Wang Jin that there are some precious and exotic beasts in the world of cultivation that have various abilities and even come and go without a trace. Or a master with advanced cultivation can use spells or magic weapons to cover his aura. But in this small mine, Wang Yin was confident that he would not encounter these strange people and beasts.

Wang Yin knelt down, took out a dagger from his boot, unsheathed it, and carefully groped deep into the mine, hoping to find the attacker. Yuan Xiao turned slightly sideways and took a step back to the edge of the mine. After Wang Yin walked past, he hit him on the neck with a stick.

Although poor Wang Yin was ruthless, he was knocked unconscious by a blow unprepared. The dagger in his hand also fell to the ground, but it was inserted into the hard ground with only the handle outside.

Hey, this dagger is so sharp, I guess it is not an ordinary thing. Yuanxiao put the dagger away and threw it into the storage ring to study it when she had time.

Yuanxiao found that Wang Yin had another bag besides Yunhaimen's bag, so he took it off and opened it to look at it. There were several talisman papers inside, with the words wind, fire, thunder and lightning. These were not the current Wang Yin's. What Yin can possess is most likely the spare offensive props lent to him by his cousin Wang Jin. It's a pity that I was knocked unconscious before I had a chance to use it today.

Suddenly, Yuanxiao remembered another important thing. He took out the low-grade spirit stone sample from Wang Yin's bag and put it into his own bag, so that he didn't have to explain to the sect why his low-grade spirit stone sample was missing.

Because his own low-grade spiritual stone sample has now turned into a green medium-grade spiritual stone. This cannot be explained, so he will not explain it. If you have to explain, let Wang Yin explain it!

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