"So that means that if you have a middle-grade foundation-building pill, you have about a 60% chance of success?" Yuanxiao asked.

Yuan Xiao suddenly remembered her previous experience of using Tianqi Pearl to purify pills. The result was that the pills discharged a layer of black impurities, leaving behind a core essence full of luster.

"That's right! The mid-grade Foundation Building Pill can increase our foundation building success rate by 40%. If coupled with my own cultivation conditions and efforts, we can indeed achieve a success rate of close to 60%. Of course, this is Just think about it," Mo Fei said.

"I have tried my best to get this low-grade foundation-building pill in front of me. The mid-grade foundation-building pill is out of reach for me, and the sect's alchemy workshop is limited to the alchemy level of the alchemist, and it may not take a year. A furnace of middle-grade foundation-building pills can be made! The ones that succeed in refining the pills are basically low-grade foundation-building pills. The ones that fail can even be scrapped and turned into black beans or pill residue. "

"Senior Brother Mo, why don't you ask our crazy uncle here for help? At least he can refine the elixir independently. If he can succeed, wouldn't it be possible to bypass the sect and reduce a lot of the cost of exchanging elixirs?" Yuan Xiao asked .

"Junior brother Yuan, as you said, if it can succeed... Ever since I entered the sect more than ten years ago, when I was about the same age as you now, I have heard about the crazy uncle. The crazy uncle swore to only practice There are two kinds of elixirs, the Foundation Establishment Pill and the Gold Formation Pill. One is used during the tenth level of Qi Refining to reach the Foundation Establishment stage, and the other is used during the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection to hit the Golden Elixir stage. Both are very precious elixirs. "

"It is rumored that since the sect moved a hundred years ago, Uncle Crazy Master has never successfully refined any qualified foundation-building pill or gold-forming pill. Even if you don't talk about these rumors, I have been managing the old mountain gate here for the past seven or eight years. In seven or eight years, Uncle Crazy Master still hasn't refined any Foundation Building Pill or Gold Forming Pill." Mo Fei paused at this point and fell into memories.

"I have visited Crazy Master Uncle in the alchemy room several times before. I also hope that one day Crazy Master Uncle can successfully refine these two elixirs, fulfill his vow, and live a happy life in Xinshanmen. Recently. I have basically given up this hope for two years, and sometimes I think that Uncle Crazy Master is also a poor old man who is struggling, so why should I go and stimulate him?" Mo Fei said sincerely.

After hearing this, Yuanxiao fell into deep thought. Mo's frank words would have a great guiding effect on Yuanxiao's future path of cultivation.

I really want to help Senior Brother Mo, but can I? How to help? Yuanxiao needs to be re-verified and reconsidered.

"Senior Brother Mo, I have a suggestion. Please consider it. If possible, don't use your low-grade Foundation Establishment Pill yet. Other preparations required for Foundation Establishment can be carried out as usual. But the Foundation Establishment Pill must not be eaten. Keep it well.”

"In a few days, I will go find Uncle Crazy Master to find out what's going on, and see if I can find out why Uncle Crazy Master has been unsuccessful in refining the elixir. I'll help him by the way. Maybe with someone's help, everything can be solved. With a turn of events, maybe we can make a furnace of foundation-building pills!”

Yuan Xiao paused for a moment, then continued: "Senior Brother Mo just said that in order to exchange for this low-grade foundation-building pill, all the spiritual stones have been spent, so it just takes some time to accumulate some spiritual stones, which can be used at the critical moment of attacking the foundation. So I had to wait a little longer.”

"Senior Brother Mo, just wait for me for a month. Don't use this Foundation Establishment Pill within a month. In addition, I have actually found a few low-grade spiritual stones in the mine in the past few days. I will send them to you in a few days. Come to you."

Mo Fei felt warm in his heart, but he was also surprised at the same time.

"I have been to the mine several times before and found nothing. How do you find it?"

"Little Fatty Hu Lai and Murong Xue can both find a few low-grade spiritual stones, not to mention I have this right-hand man!" Yuan Xiao laughed, stretched out his hand to take Xiao Jin out of his sleeve, and held it in his hand.

"Spirit-eating ferret! Still a golden royal family!" Mo Fei suddenly stood up in surprise.

"With its help, it won't be difficult to find some remaining spiritual stones in the old mine site! Junior Brother Yuan, try not to tell others about these opportunities that belong to you in the future! Cultivation is to compete with the sky and fight against Fighting for others, seizing every opportunity that belongs to you, and keeping your own secrets are all things you should do."

Yuanxiao thanked him because Senior Brother Mo said these words from the bottom of his heart.

"By the way, Junior Brother Yuan, you came here today because you have something to do, right?" Could it be that he suddenly remembered this incident. Just now I was only paying attention to the Foundation Establishment Pill and forgot about these things.

"That's right. I have reached the peak of the first level of Qi refining and am ready to attack the second level. However, I don't know how to activate my spiritual consciousness, so I came here to ask my teacher."

The speaker, Yuanxiao, didn't feel anything, but the listener, Mo Fei, opened his mouth in surprise, even more unbelievable than when he saw the golden spirit-eating ferret just now.

The formulas for levels 1 to 3 of the Qi refining stage have only been distributed for two or three days. Are you already at the peak of the 1st level of Qi refining? ! I had been practicing for about half a year just to enter the first level of the Qi Refining Stage, and I was still an inner disciple. Many outer disciples even reached the threshold of the first level of Qi refining in a year or two.

After two or three days of practicing to reach the peak of the first level of Qi Refining, and preparing to hit the second level, my brain was temporarily starved of oxygen.

Suddenly I thought of Yuanxiao's performance in the selection test. The aura running speed was orange, and the aura absorption rate exploded by 10 stars. Only with such excellent qualifications could such progress in cultivation be possible.

Mo Fei found a reasonable reason for himself, making himself believe that all this is reasonable.

"Junior Brother Yuan, your current news is even more shocking than the royal golden spirit-eating marten just now. I suggest that you keep a low profile and don't let others know for the time being, so as not to be too shocking and affect your future practice!"

"Senior Brother Mo, my practice speed may be a bit fast, but is it very fast? What is the general practice speed of other sect disciples?" Yuan Xiao asked doubtfully, he really needs to know these.

Mo Fei was almost speechless, it seems that Yuan Xiao really doesn't know. Yes, a young man who has just entered the sect for a few days, just passed the selection and went to the Spiritual Medicine Garden, currently has no master, and really has no chance to know these.

"Let me tell you this. The reason why the sect gives you, the inner disciples who have passed the selection, the 1st to 3rd level of Qi Refining Mantras, and gives you a one-year training period. At the same time, the outer disciples are given the 1st to 2nd level of Qi Refining Mantras and given a three-year period of miscellaneous labor."

"That's because the sect's practice of recruiting disciples over the years shows that outer disciples can only practice to 1st to 2nd level at most in three years, and inner disciples can only practice to 1st to 3rd level at most in one year. Even if there are a few geniuses who practice beyond this level, the number is extremely limited, and the number is rare, almost negligible."

"So, Junior Brother Yuan, take a look at yourself, isn't your practice speed a bit shocking?!"

Yuan Xiao was also a little stunned after hearing this.

Is it because I practice too fast, or are they practicing too slowly?

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