The pilgrim knight.


Ten or so delegations arrived at the castle during my absent


Almost all of them were emissaries from cities affiliated to the Luce Union. All they want from the negotiations is for Lelis to unite its alliance against the dark beast with their own similar union.

To be honest, I already heard the particulars of their requests from Elizabel. Currently she’s away on a diplomatic trip to bring our response a to flush out the details.


The necessary arrangements were already carried out by Browse, the Chairman of the conference, so the negotiation itself should end without any troubles.

One thing that concerns me is that I haven’t received any news from Luschek, the biggest city in the Luce Union thought.

Most of the emissaries returned home once they were satisfied with the negotiations, However some of them were waiting for the opportunity to “Meet with great Wizard and then go back”.


Furthermore, each of the emissaries brought “diplomatic gifts” which I thankfully received, because it’ll ease the expenses on food.


By the way, in Leiha’s opinion these emissaries were suppose to also serve as spies.

While securing the usefulness of the anti dark beast alliance, they also want as much information about me as possible. Well, I think it’s natural being suspicious of someone like me.

Instead of returning to their own countries, those who stayed for the meeting wanted to gather even a bit of information about the “Great Wizard Margils”.


As for me, I wanted them to think I’m not a dangerous person.

I don’t think they’ll trespass into off-limits areas nor harm the residents of the castle, in any case I ordered the dark elves to leave them alone as long as they keep their probing to a reasonable level.


There’s another guest different from the rest of the emissaries.

A man calling himself the “Pilgrim Knight”.


In Cedia, a “knight” can either be someone who serves under a master (either a king or a noble) as soldier, or someone who inherits the positions after a certain amount of training and education.

The later is, more or less, the original meaning of the word. They are allowed to posses a middlename, Gal for senior knights, Gil for regular knights.

The former are people that tend to name themselves as knights, with all the good and bad that comes with this.


This guest is an average knight that served under a certain great noble.

Then again, this great noble could bring me problems later.......


With that said, I must give these people a warm welcome.


[Your attention please! The lord of the castle, The great wizard Gio Margils-sama have arrived!]


On Irudo’s announcement Leiha opened the door.

The banquet has started.

It wasn’t my intention to be late, it’s just that when the guests is of lower status, it’s proper etiquette for the host to arrive late.


During the course of the day, the hall of main tower, where I held my lecture about alchemy, was gorgeously decorated.

The walls were decorated with tapestries depicting scenes from myths and others with geometric figures, even a carpet was spread out on the floor.

The tables were covered with lace tablecloths that we don’t normally use, on the top candle stands decorated with jewels were placed. Irudo and Claura gathered numerous ornaments and decorations for this occasion.


There, Mora and the maids were lining up dishes fresh from the oven.

Two of the dark elves sisters stood on a corner of the hall playing a calming melody on the flute.


There’s ten people per table.

They were enjoying the food, and upon seeing me arrive all stood up at once.

The shadow of a robust man could be discerned among the emissaries.

Even so, “Detect Enemy” wasn’t reacting all at.


[Gentlemen, I am the wizard Gio Margils. I Thank you for coming!]


I was meet with a round of applauses as I look around and greet the emissaries. I really got use to act all haughty.


Once I sat on the seat of honor, the rest of the guests also sat down.

I received a full lecture on formal etiquette from Claura. But..... I’m still worried that I would somehow manage to shame myself.


[The diplomats told me how the negotiations are going. My wish is to form good relations with the cities of Luce, and together protect the people from the threat of the dark beasts.]


[Margils the protector of Luce!]


[Thank you all, this evening is dedicated to the prosperity of Luce and Jiiteas, please drink and eat to your heart's content]


After the applauses and ovations with one hand raised, the guests once again started to enjoy the food and drinks in front of them.

The calm and gentle sound of flute resumed.


The emissaries were enjoying the banquet in a cheerful yet courteous mood.

There’s also many acquaintances among the members of the Luce Union. Nevertheless, I’m feeling nervous, so I’m mindful of my words and actions.


[Margils-sama, was tonight’s cooking to your liking?]


After Leiha poured me a glass of wine, Mora spoke to me, as the head maid she single handed took care of tonight’s food.

A perfect posture and a perfect smile, truly the face of a pro.


[Yes, I liked it very much. Thank you head maid.]


As the host I answered in a proper manner, however those were my true feelings.

This chicken meat tart was also exquisite.


[You honor me with your words]


For a moment she smiled delightedly while bowing respectfully.

After More left, it was Claura’s turn to attend to the guests.


[Margils-sama, may I start attending to our guests?]


[..... Yes, Please do.]


Claura was wearing a pure white dress decorated with gold threads, she then put both hands on her chest, one above the other, and bowed in such a unique way.

It’s not that she’s showing much skin, but the design of the dress was fit enough to highlight the curves on her body, she is so beautiful.

Originally, is the duty of the wife of the lord to attend the guests in this way but, whether it is the situation, her social status or just for appearances, she’s the best I could have ask for as a substitute.


Certainly, the guests attended by Claura have this really happy expression. I know that feel all too well.


[I’m Cozma Belgh, councillor of the city of Solel member of the Luce Union]


The first man to come along made such a solemn reverence already.

He’s the most influential among the emissaries currently in this place.

Everyone else of the emissaries is just a representative of the chairman of their respective city, an official of lower rank going as an “envoy”, and that's the reason why Solel is currently so important to us.


[Good evening, Councillor Belgh. I hope you are enjoying yourself tonight]

[But of course, after such a warm welcome]

[I’m glad. Please give our regards to the council chairman and the citizens of Solel. That’s the wish of the wizard Gio Margils, protector of the people in the fight againsts the dark beats]

[Such reassuring words. That will surely restored the hope of the people, knowing that the wizard who can summon giants and meteors is their ally]


With such flatteries, the meeting proceeded smoothly.

I used the “ESP medal”, just to make sure no one was scheming something, but there was no one.

The last person to come was the “Pilgrim Knight”.


[An honor to meet you. I am called Elmer Ruk (Pilgrim Knight) Sandall!]

[..... I see]


He kneeled on one knee while bowing his head with a calm demeanor.

Well.... He’s very, very old.


His head is bald and smooth but, he has a thick white beard covering the lower half of his face. You could still see he was still fairly strong throughout his plain uniform. He has thick eyebrows, a sharp look and a mouth with firmly closed lips.

An old man as stubborn as a dwarf are words that comes to my mind.


The “Sense of the adept” spell showed: [Human / Male / 60 Years old / Warrior level 12], at level 12, he’s truly a master.


[I served under earl Frando of the northern kingdom of Shrendall but, for some trite reasons we severed our relationship!]

[...... I see]

[I adventured in search of a new master and came to this remote location. I originally intended to rely on the renowned Carbonera Knights..... but, amidst my travels I heard rumors about you. By all means I wanted an audience with such an splendid person, so I came as soon as it was possible!]

[......... I understand]


Wow, he’s so annoyingly pushy this old man. I pull Claura who’s holding herself back from his side.

In any case, I’ll have Leiha to investigate this further.

Also, he’s not lying, I confirmed it with the “ESP medal”.


Problem is, this Earl is very important among the great nobles of Shrendall.

In spite of what he said, I must consider the possibility of the earl sending someone because he has an interest in me, if not him, someone connected to Shrendall did.

There’s no doubt that any information from observing me is being reported to some country.


The northern kingdom of Shrendall.

Thought its golden age may be long over, is the country with the most history and territory on the continent. The Luce Union cannot match its national power.


[That said, my lord doesn’t know the extent of my abilities yet. In accordance with the “royal law”, I’ll have the privilege of staying with my lord for the time being. I won’t disappoint you]



I will have to be very careful with him. 



There's a lot of polite talking done in this chapter, and also the old man speaks in a rather archaic way so I had trouble conveing that in English. I blame my lack proficiency in the language (both languages ;_;).


I also liked the old man. I hope he really is this cranky old dude who pisses everyone off because of his weird antics.

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