Chapter 16: The Carbanera Siblings


In the end, because the knight Arnogia will only be back from his patrols tomorrow, it became that we would stay in the White Sword Castle for the night. 

Sedia's nights are early. Due to fuel being scarce and thus expensive, everyone goes to bed soon after sunset. We are currently in the guest room that Espine had ushered us to (out of gentlemanly concern for Claura, a partitioning screen has also been set up). 

I, of course, am not feeling sleepy at all. Right when I ama bout to ask for an introduction about the Carbanera Knight Order, Sedam starts talking, as if he was just waiting for me. Seated in an easy chair in front of the fireplace, he looks primed for storytelling. 

“West of the White Sword Castle is the Plains of Twilight. The place used to be called the Plains of Dawn, though. After I explain how the name change came to be, you will also understand how and why the Carbanera Knight Order was founded.” (Sedam)

The founder of the Order, as well as its first generation Grand Cross, was a man named Gilzarl gal (great knight) Carbanera.

Around 150 years ago, the knight order that he was leading performed a great many achievements in the decisive battle between humans and anki on the Plains of Dawn, and was rewarded by the kingdom of Shulendal with the great fortress Rastland, which had been constructed in that place. 

However, 30 years later, the ‘Storm of the Dead’ incident occurred, which was a sudden mass appearance of undead. With the reason still unknown, the great fortress was eventually overtaken. At that time, Gilzarl was also killed in battle, and it is rumored that he still wanders around as one of the undead to this very day. 

The remnants of the knight order fled eastward together with the populace, then built the White Sword Castle and took up an oath to protect that land from both undead and anki. 

“It was after this incident that the Plains of Dawn became known as the Plains of Twilight.” (Sedam)

“So undead really do exist…… ahem. In other words, umm, it was after the incident 120 years ago that the Carbanera Knight Order was displaced to their current base, and the first generation Grand Cross also died during that incident. Ahh, is that why the current Grand Cross is no longer a Carbanera? To take responsibility for what had happened?” (Gio)

“The most relevant reason is something else. 15 years ago, the Grand Cross at the time forcefully initiated a large-scale operation to recapture Rastland……” (Sedam)


“I can see where this is going……” (Gio)

“It was a massive failure. On top of which, when an anki nest was discovered 5 years later, they were no longer capable of doing any proper fighting.” (Claura)

“So, well, that Grand Cross is the father of Gillion, whom you've already met. After being forced to step down from the seat of Grand Cross, talk is that he is now pretty much a vegetable. The current Grand Cross was Grand Commander at the time.” (Sedam)

(T/N: Grand Commander = vice-Grand Cross, if you will)

“He is a wise person. His son Arnogia-sama might be a bit indecisive at times, but is overall an outstanding knight. When he comes back, I am sure that he will make the correct judgment.” (Claura)

By the way, the organizational structure of the Order is as follows: Grand Cross at the top, Grand Commander right below, then the Company Commanders of the 1st to the 4th companies. The Company Commander of the 1st Company is the eldest son of the current Grand Cross, Arnogia, while the Company Commander of the 2nd Company is Gillion. 


“What about that female knight?”

“Her name is Lioria Carbanera. Gillion’s little sister. But from a different mother. Although it’s hard to believe that they even share the same father.”

“Unlike her brother, that girl is a proper knight. Her position is Vice-Commander of the 2nd Company. She is still lacking in experience, but……” (Claura)

Their evaluation of Gillion is so low. 

At that moment, a knock rings out. 

“Please pardon me. Sedam-dono, Claura-dono, and G-Great Wizard Margils-dono. Are you all still awake?” (Lioria)

The voice belongs to a young lady. It is the voice of the female knight Lioria, who we had just been talking about. I thought Sedam was going to answer, but he’s just intently staring at me, so there’s no helping it. 

“Indeed, we are awake. Do you have some business with us?” (Gio)

The corner of Claura’s mouth is twitching while she’s looking at me. Don’t you dare laugh. 

“What a relief. I’m sorry for my rudeness, but can you please open the door? Although it is late, supper has been prepared, so if it would please you to follow me……”

Supper. We did not expect to be served supper, so we had already had a meal of preserved foodstuffs. But with that said, declining here would be disrespectful…… 

“We are not terribly hungry at the moment, but since you’ve gone to the trouble, we shall take you up on your kindness.” (Gio)

I made the decision by myself without consulting Sedam, but rather than looking slighted, he is smirking while being the first to stand up and open the door. 

The figure of Lioria with candlestand in hand emerges from the dim hallway. Now that I’m getting a proper look at her, I realize that she is a beautiful girl with lots of spirit in her almond-shaped eyes. Her expression is currently stiff with nervousness though. 

“It shall please Margils-dono to join the supper. Are we also invited?” (Sedam)

“Thank you very much, my brother will be glad. And of course! Both of you are also very welcome.” (Lioria)

The first half was said to me, and the second half to Sedam and Claura. 

But still, her brother will be glad? Don’t tell me the host is…… 

“Ohh, Wizard-dono! Please eat lots and lots! This castle’s cooks were all handpicked by me. Isn’t their skill impressive?” (Gillion)

“Mmm……” (Gio)

As expected, the person waiting for us in the castle’s dining hall turns out to be Gillion. The long and stately table that he is sitting at is almost buried under an enormous variety of dishes, all of which are still giving off steam. What a fitting picture this makes. 

I am asked to sit next to Gillion, who has apparently claimed the responsibility of making sure that I enjoy myself. I dare say that inside Gillion’s mind, hospitality = making the other person eat delicious food. Each and every dish really is delicious though. 

“As for this bird, it was first pickled in horse milk wine for a night before it was roasted. Isn’t it just so soft?”

As I bite into the slightly sweet and sour drumstick, an impressive amount of meat juices squirt into my mouth. But my capacity is just a little…… 

“Nii-san, pressing too insistently is bad manners. Can’t you see that you’re troubling Wizard-dono?” (Lioria)

“Shut up! You keep your mouth shut! I’m having an important conversation here!” (Gillion)

Which part of what we were talking about was important…… But still, I guess I’m kind of like their sponsor now. I can put up with this much. But rather than that, how about I have him show me a hidden talent or two……


In such a way, I naturally slipped into ‘salaryman mode,’ but Sedam and Claura’s cold, painful stares quickly brings me back.

“Gillion, please get around to that ‘important talk’ that you spoke of. Margils-dono appears to be a bit bored already.” (Sedam)

“Margils-dono’s time is too precious to be wasted on meaningless banter, understood?” (Claura)

“What did you two say, you mere adventurers?!” (Gillion)

“Aniki! Knock it off already!” (Lioria)

“Buh!?” (Gillion)

As Gillion got up slamming both hands on the table and grinding his teeth, Lioria’s fist smashes into his face from the side. It was no open-handed slap. The sharp sound of bone colliding with bone is testament that it was a serious straight punch.

What is up with this pair of siblings. Seeing how Sedam and Claura are not reacting in any way, does that mean that this is how things usually are?

“...... Please accept my sincerest apologies, Great Wizard Margils-dono. I beg of you to lend an ear to what my brother has to say.” (Lioria)

Lioria straightens her back, places her right hand on her chest, then lowers her head deeply. Gillion, on the other hand, is sulking with his head turned to the side, and is gulping down wine without minding his swollen cheek at all.

“...... Very well. But only if he jumps straight to it. Now.” (Gio)

I really want to scold Gillion about turning his head this way or not making his little sister apologize on his behalf, but Lioria’s earnesty overwhelms all such thoughts, causing me to nod before I know it.

Gillion, after draining his glass, finally looks at me again.

“The talk is simple. Wizard-dono, please take me in as your subordinate!” (Gillion)

“......” (Gio)

Well, there are guys like this every once in a while…… is the thought that absentmindedly floated into my head. When I steal a glance at Sedam and Claura without moving my head, I see Sedam clicking his tongue and looking away irritably, while Claura’s veins are standing out as a dangerous smile comes over her face.

“Ah, sorry. No thanks.” (Gio)

I don’t think anyone can blame me for accidentally replying in casual speech.


Sweeping all of the dishes off the table with a log-like arm, Gillion roars in anger.

“...... Presently, I have no intention of taking anyone in.” (Gio)

…… If it was the me back in Japan, there is no way that I would have been able to stay calm while being yelled at like this right in my face. After merely two nights, how greatly I have changed.

“But I’m a Carbanera!” (Gillion)

“Aniki!” (Lioria)

“Ouch! Ow ow ow ow!” (Gillion)

Gillion had raised a fist and was flinging it around, but Lioria grabbed that fist. She grabbed it, then she twisted it, until the pain forced Gillion to stand on tiptoes. Then she begins to easily drag him out of the room by keeping him in that position.

“Ow! Lio! You’re just my little sister and…… ow ow ow!” (Gillion)

“I’m very sorry, Wizard-dono, and Sedam, and Claura. To think that he would say something like that…… I’ll definitely make sure that he apologizes later on!” (Lioria)

The two of them leave the dining hall, with him still yelling abuse and her bobbing her head up and down in apology (all while still dragging him along).

“I knew the topic would be something stupid.” (Sedam)

So muttered Sedam as he pours first-class wine into his glass.

“...... Are the Grand Cross and his son more decent and normal?” (Gio)

My question somehow came out sounding more like a wish.

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