Chapter 29: At the Magician Guild


Let’s think about what Claura just said. 

No matter how I mull over it, the only interpretation that I can come up with is that she’ll wait for me to chant three spells. 

It’s almost as if I am going to march into an enemy camp…… Does Claura perhaps expect the Magician Guild to be hostile towards me? 

I mean, all I want is to establish a cooperative relationship to oppose anki. And well, to ask if they know anything about The Guardian. 

“...... Well, there’s never any harm in being extra careful……”

My perspective is clearly still based on the values of modern Japan. This time, let’s just obediently accept her advice. 

First off, [Detect Enemy]. Anyone who possesses hostility towards me will be glowing in my eyes, that’s the kind of spell it is. To be honest, I feel a certain amount of resistance against using this. Though it is detecting hostility, anything that peeks into or manipulates someone else's mind seems, for the upright member of society that I am, like a form of cheating. 

Furthermore, in normal TRPGs, the player side spamming this spell causes the mastermind to be easily revealed and thus wrecks the scenario, so GMs greatly frown upon this spell. Well, that's not relevant here though. 

After also casting [Invisible Demon] and [Emergency], all my preparations are complete. 

Uh-oh, that was longer than 30 seconds. 







“Well then, let us go.”

Standing outside is a cool Claura who is looking like nothing had happened. Seeing me emerge, she starts off towards the hall on the top floor. 

The hall is circular and about the size of a gymnasium. The color scheme is based on black, just like the exterior of the building, so there is a definite sense of pressure. The domed ceiling is inlaid with stained glass, and the walls are decorated with woven works depicting what appears to be magical characters. 

There are already three magicians seated at the table. 

The one in the middle stands up. 

“Welcome to the Magician Guild. I am the Lelis Branch Leader, 1st Seat Heldol Sairam.” (Heldol)

He is a man with a lot of ornamentation on his robe. Mid-thirties, I’d guess? With his blond hair all swept back, he cuts a rather fine figure. In one of his hands is a staff engraved with the sigil of  the Magician Guild. Full of self-confidence, sociable expression, open attitude. He is giving off the exact same vibe as those young CEOs looking to sell off their start-up companies. 

“Wizard of Jiiteias Castle, Gio Margils. I am deeply honored by this invitation.” (Gio)

While offering the statement that I am beginning to get used to, I bow once. Being able to attach “of Jiiteias Castle” makes things so much easier. It’s wonderful that I’m no longer without a fixed residence. 

“Please, the honor is all ours.” Heldol

“Yoroshiku onegaiitashimasu.” (Gio)

(T/N: The most formal way to say yoroshiku there is.)

The people beside Heldol also offer their greetings in turn. The 2nd Seat, which means the Vice-Leader, is called Yahman, and the 3rd Seat names herself as Nasaria. 

Behind Branch Leader Heldol is a male and female wearing black uniforms and holding spears. I am given no explanation about them, so they’re probably guards. 

“Come, no need to be reserved. Please take a seat.” (Heldol)

Thankfully, no one has lit up due to [Detect Enemy]. Yet. 







I take a seat at the round table, facing the magicians. Claura wordlessly sits next to the 3rd Seat lady. 

While (pretending to) calmly leaning back into my beautifully etched wooden chair, I survey them. 

The only one with a relaxed expression is the Branch Leader. Everyone else looks stiff with tension. Claura is expressionless. 

“I’ve heard that you hail from a faraway place. What do you think of Lelis?” (Heldol)

“The townscape is beautiful, and the people are full of liveliness. I think it a wonderful city.” (Gio)

His starting move is small talk, huh. He is clearly not the type who is only good at research. 

“Lelis is famous for its waterways, Great Water Gate, and Senjoumai (Boat-Top Dancing). Please take the time to enjoy them all.” (Heldol)

Senjoumai (Boat-Top Dancing)? Sounds interesting. 

“Branch Leader, maybe it’s about time……” (!)

“Fumu, you’re right.” (Heldol)

As the trifling conversation goes on, the Vice-Leader whispers to Heldol. The number 2 who pours water on the exchange with the very important (or should be) guest, huh. This was most likely staged. If it wasn’t staged, that would mean there isn’t much to expect of the Magician Guild as an organization. 

“I’m sorry, but we should go to the main topic at hand. To jump directly to the point, what is [wizardry]?” (Heldol)

A question that I’d expected. It is time to put to use the line that I had puzzled over on my way to Lelis. 

“I shall grant you an answer. Wizardry is the technique to, using one’s own heart as the channel, call forth the energy of chaos from beyond the world and utilize it to reform the very laws of reality.” (Gio)

“ “ “............” ” ”

The three magicians have all fallen silent. Is it as I’d feared, that anything beyond their common sense could only be received with suspicion? 

But before long, Heldol opens his mouth with an honest expression on his face. 

“Magic is the technique to manipulate the power hidden within the natural. In other words, it only functions within the laws of reality.” (Heldol)

The reason why arrows of ice and walls of wind are possible is because such things already exist, huh. As I’d surmised, it is indeed the absolute opposite of wizardry. 

“Margils-dono. We beg your patience, as the only thing that we are sure of, as of now, is that you have no magical power. However, according to Claura’s report, as well as information from the Carbanera Knight Order and the Adventurer Guild, there is no doubt that you have used magic powerful enough to defeat an entire army of anki……” (Heldol)

 Which reminds me, I was told that Arnogia and Sedam also came to Lelis to report, Arnogia to the city’s Council and Sedam to the Adventurer Guild. Seems like the organizations are all sharing information properly. On this issue, at least. 

“We are unable to react with anything but surprise. At the fact that there is another useable system of magic completely different from anything thus far, that is.” (Heldol)

“I find myself in the same state. For me, it is wizardry that is the norm, and magic the astounding new system.” (Gio)

“Is it so for you as well?” (Heldol)

“Indeed. There is much that I wish to know about magic. If your interest in wizardry is the same, then I shall endeavour to answer any questions you may have to the best of my ability.” (Gio)

When the other side is wary of you, it is a good idea to be the first to express willingness towards cooperation. I offered my words while praying that I’m emanating a “I wanna be on good terms with you~” aura. 

To my relief, all of the magicians, beginning with Heldol, nod deeply in response. 

“We are delighted to hear this. In which case, may we immediately take you up on your offer……” (Heldol)

“You wish to first see a demonstration of [wizardry], yes?” (Gio)

Presenting myself too humbly would only encourage them to take advantage of me in the future. For what it’s worth, I also nod self-importantly. 

“Turning people into stone and calling down meteors, was it? …… Is it really true?” (Nasaria)

The 3rd Seat, Nasaria’s question was posed shyly. 

“We beg your pardon. It is not that we doubt you…… It's just that we really wish to be able to confirm with our own eyes……” (Yahman)

The Vice-Leader, who looks to be the oldest among them, hurriedly adds to what Nasaria said. 

Well, it’s not like I don’t understand him. 

Not many people would intentionally antagonize someone who they think can drop a meteor anytime, after all. 

“As per your wishes, I can demonstrate, but I think a more appropriate spell would be good.” (Gio)

I nod in what I think is my friendly smile. 

“Ahhh, apologies. We heard from Claura that you also can create dragons and anki. May we see that then?” (Heldol)

“Fumu…… very well.” (Gio)

“Furthermore, may we do some observation as it happens?” (Heldol)

“Naturally. I do not mind.” (Gio)

“Thank you for your cooperation. We shall start then……” (Heldol)

The Branch Leader jerks his chin at the male and female behind him, who I now notice with a second look are no more than teenagers. They wordlessly approach me and each take out a crystalline medal from their breast pocket. The Vice-Leader offers me an explanation while wiping off the sweat on his forehead. 

“Th-, those are tools that can detect even the most miniscule of magical power. They are incapable of causing any harm whatsoever.” (Yahman)

Guess they still have some doubts. 

There is no reaction from [Detect Enemy], and the spells I’d cast as precaution should be able to get me out even if this is a trap. 





“Without further ado.” (Gio)

I intentionally leave my Wizardry Staff leaning against the table as I stand up. 

Imaging myself in the Inner World, I make my way through the Door of Wizardry. In front of my eyes in the real world, there is no change in the medals held out by the boy and girl. I can tell that aside from Claura, all of the magicians are holding their breaths. 

My Inner World self heads towards the chaos down the spiral staircase, stopping at the 9th floor Spell Archive. I lay my hands on the book I’m looking for and release the power of chaos stored inside. 

“By means of this spell, may a single Baby Red Dragon be created and be under my control for 30 minutes. [Create All Monster].” (Gio)



Right after the chant, chaotic energy materializes as a torrent of crimson that converges in the center of the hall and turns into a red dragon. 

Though this Baby one is smaller than the Small one that I had made before, it is still the size of a bull, which makes it more than enough as a performance. 


It roars once, then prostrates itself as if it is trying to convey the fact that it is under my control. 

“...... O-, oi. Any reaction from the detectors?” (Yahman)

“There is no reaction.” (Girl Guard)

The voice of the young girl who answered the Vice-Leader was also shaking. 

“Truly marvelous! So it really is possible to do this without the usage of magical power! If we can explain this mystery, the history of magic development will jump forward a thousand years in one leap!” (Heldol)

So said Branch Leader Heldol while exaggeratedly clapping his hands. 

“That sounds delightful indeed.” (Gio)

In contrast, my own mood is, contrary to my words, quite gloomy. 

The reason is because the figure of Heldol, through my currently [Detect Enemy]-enhanced eyes, is now glowing ominously. 


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