According to Magician Guild Branch Leader Heldol’s very proudly delivered explanation, details regarding the existences that he refers to as ‘magic soldiers’ are as follows. 

Normally, there are four stages to the training and maturation of a magician. The first is to sense and control one’s own magical power. The second is to become able to see the phenomenon called the ‘magic board.’ The third is to understand the meaning of the magic characters that show up on the board and to utilize them. The last is to know how to group the characters and release magic power according to one’s image. 

Those who clear Stage 1 are apprentices. Stage 2, novices. Stage 3, trainees. It is only after attaining Stage 4 that the practitioner can be called a real magician. 

As can be guessed from the naming, Stage 2 is the minimum requirement for entrance into the Magician Guild. It takes most people 2 to 5 years to progress through one stage, so the shortest predictable time for an absolute beginner to become a magician is still 8 years. Furthermore, only 1 out of 10 people who reach Stage 1 has the necessary qualities to achieve Stage 2.

“Due to this, I decided to completely change my way of thinking—if all we want is just battle potential against anki, then we don’t actually need full-fledged magicians. Even if someone can’t see the magic board, as long as they can use one or two simple spells, that would do the job.”

The magic board that appears in magicians’ eyes are crucial to their practice, so he must have thought really hard to come up with a way to circumvent it. As a result, 

“It turns out that as long as someone has magic power, this idea can be realized by forcibly planting the needed magic characters and imagery into the person! Re-grouping characters and learning new spells would both be impossible, but as a [soldier], this is more than enough! Above anything else, the short training time means we can mass produce them! Magic soldiers are the greatest weapon against anki!”

In game terms, he is talking about foregoing a crucial step like [magic control] and forcibly mastering only a single spell, like «Ice Arrow». In theory, it sounds like an idea that might have merit, but seeing Claura and the 3rd Seat’s shameful faces, I surmise that there is much more to this story. 

“During the anki outbreak 10 years ago, the city of Lelis suffered enormous damage. The Carbanera Knight Order that we’d been relying on turned out to be useless…… Thus it dawned on me that Lelis needs to have a fighting force of its own, one that would be effective against anki.” (Heldol)

“The magic soldiers begin training at 8 years old at the earliest, so they should also be receptive of your wizardry training. All credit for this wonderful idea belongs to the Branch Leader.” (Yahman)

So says 2nd Seat Yahman with an ingratiating smile. 

From 8 years old?! Training 8-year-olds into soldiers is just mad. But…… what if this is considered normal in Sedia? 

“They start at such a young age? How do you gather them?”

“Naturally, by accepting applicants. The children of nobles and wealthy citizens similarly grieved by the defenseless state of Lelis who wish to protect this city with their own hands come to us of their own accord.”

“...... Though it seems that of late, the ticket window has widened quite considerably.” (Claura)

“That’s, well…… the numbers are important, after all.” (Yahman)

Yahman wipes his sweat while nervously answering Claura’s barbed question. The whole thing is sounding more and more suspicious by the minute. 

But wait, in the first place…… 

“If it’s the anki nest, I already destroyed it a few days ago. The situation is no longer one where you have to go to such lengths to acquire fighting potential, is it?”

“...... Dear oh dear.”

“Nests have appeared numerous times already. The past ten years were just exceptionally peaceful—a new one can pop up tomorrow and it wouldn’t be strange.”

Now not only Heldol, but the other three magicians also look exasperated. I guess at least this is common sense here. 

If something like that can appear anytime, then even I can understand why they want to amass fighting potential…… 

“...... So those two are magic soldiers? May I ask them something?”

“Of course, of course. You two, answer whatever Margils-dono asks you.” (Heldol)

“ “Yes, sir!” ”

The young boy and girl respond with a clack of their heels. 

“Fumu…… Why did the two of you want to be magic soldiers? Wasn’t the training hard?”

The boy opens his mouth to answer me first. He has a well-featured face and looks like an intelligent kid. 

“Sir. As a Lelis noble, it is my duty to be of use in the protection of the city. The training was very strict, but under the guidance of my instructors, I was able to learn everything I need to be a magic soldier.”

“I also applied because I want to protect my family and the people of this city…… Also, as a magic soldier, I earn a salary.”

The young girl, who answered after the boy, has earnest and pure eyes. Naturally, neither of them are being lit up by [Detect Enemy]. 

“Aahh, these two are from the 1st Generation, and are fully completed magic soldiers. The ones that we want you to teach are from the 3rd Gen, who are still undergoing training at the magic school.”


I cross my arms and hmm.

Somehow, the conversation has become completely different from what I’d expected. As before, the light of hostility is still shining from Heldol, but it appears that his hostility is not the kind where he wants to kill me on the spot. However, as [Detect Enemy] is reacting to him, I don’t think it’s something on the level of him being vaguely annoyed.

In other words…… it is likely the kind of hostility where he wants me to teach the magic soldier trainees, and then steal the curriculum and know-how and dispose of me.

It is a simple thing to just reject his proposal. Right now, even if the magicians and magic soldiers attacked me together, I’ve made preparations that enable me to get away.

With all this in mind.

Should I really decline?

In moments like these, adults calm down and carefully weigh the merits and demerits.

Firstly, the merit of accepting are two-fold: earning a favor with the Magician Guild, and the possibility of increasing my fighting forces if the experiments go well. Demerits are also two-fold: the possibility of being bound for an extended period of time by the experiments, and a high possibility of the Magician Guild turning on me even if the experiments succeed. Well, there is also the possibility of the experiments failing, so that is a demerit too.

On the flip side, the merit of declining are…… not having to shoulder any unnecessary problems. That’s about it, I think. As for demerits, there would be a high possibility of the Magician Guild turning hostile against me, and the lost opportunity for Lelis to increase its fighting strength. Well…… it might also sever the relationship that I have with Claura, which I suppose I should also count as a demerit.

Furthermore…… it would also mean turning a blind eye to those kids being recruited to fight against anki. By my own set of common sense, this is a huge demerit.

“...... Have you reached a decision yet?”

As my silence stretches on, Claura prompts me again impatiently. She seems to be in a bad mood, but I don’t understand why. I wonder which answer she is hoping from me.

No helping it. Let’s handle this the adult way, then.


“This is for the sake of defeating anki. We wish for you to accept.” (Heldol)

“How is it, Margils-dono?” (Yahman)

When I raise my face, both Heldol and Yahman lean forward.

“I wish to favorably consider it, but given the complexity of the proposal, I need several days to think about it.”




As I was about to leave, Heldol suggested that I see the magic soldiers’ strength for myself. He said that the purpose is to help me decide by giving me a reference, but all I could see was him wanting to show them off. 

Consequently, the boy and girl are currently facing humanoid-shaped targets lined up in the Magician Guild’s courtyard, standing with their spears at the ready. 

“Commence attack!”

“ “Yes, sir!” ”

At Heldol’s signal, the two hold their spears vertically. With a second look, I notice that a part of their spears have complicated designs that look like words (those are probably the magic characters) etched in. 

“Fire Lance!”

“Wind Lance!”

A lance of fire and wind emerges from his and her spear, respectively, and cleanly pierces through a target each. His target goes up in flames, while hers is sliced to bits. 


I haven’t had much opportunity to see magic, but I’m at least sure that their attacks were more powerful than Jyagul’s. 


“Haa, haaah……”


The two magic soldiers are completely out of breath, desperately clinging to their spears to remain standing. It is as if they’ve just dashed several laps at full speed. 

“It is because they’re using magic without the magic board. The consumption of a certain amount of physical and mental strength is unavoidable. With the 3rd Gen, we have implemented various changes to the training curriculum to improve on this.”

Even while seeing the state of the two, Heldol remains unfazed. 

“The consumption looks quite severe…… Are you two alright?”

“W-, we’re fine.”

The boy painfully straightens his back, and the girl forcibly rouses herself. 

“Are you sure? You’re not just forcing yourself?”

I grab the boy’s shoulders and peer into his eyes. 

“!? I-, I’m fine!”

Surprised, the boy shakes off my hands, but for the split second I saw his eyes, I noticed that they were definitely red. 

“Unfortunately, those who make it to this level are extremely few in number. But with your help, we can produce these magic soldiers at even lower costs and in higher numbers…… no, I believe that we can produce ones of even higher quality. We await a favorable response from you.”

So says Heldol with that sociable smile he had on at the very start. Every single one of his words bother me somehow, and he’s still glowing with the light of [Detect Enemy]. Being able to hide his real thoughts so well actually impresses me a little. 

Heldol, the 2nd and 3rd Seats, and the magic soldiers all head back into the guild building, leaving me alone with Claura. 

“Turns out I can’t stay at the Magician Guild after all.”

“Because you declined……”

“Claura, may I ask for your advice again? What do you think I should do?”

“My wish is aligned with that of the Guild’s.”

“With that Branch Leader’s?”

“I, too, lost several family members in the fight against the anki ten years ago. The reason I became a magician is to gain the power to protect what is important to me from the anki. On that, at least, my thinking is the same as his.”

“But, to turn children so young into soldiers……”

“If there was another option, I would have chosen it already.”

Claura’s words sounded obstinate. I guess this is territory that I, someone who’s come to this world only less than a month ago, cannot yet step into. 

“Well, give it some serious thought. However…… just do not ever forget the first warning that I gave you.”

If the Branch Leader gets serious about disposing of me, would she also turn into my enemy? 

The way I am right now, even if I would gladly use [Telepathy] on the Branch Leader, I simply cannot bring myself to use it on her. 

“Mora must be so bored with waiting around now, yes? Hurry up and go to her already.”

“Umu. Indeed, such is my intention. It’s just…… I don’t know the way.”


Mora said her house is on Commerce Avenue or something like that, but…… in the first place, I don’t even remember our way here. Which may make me sound like a failure of a salaryman, but in my defense, I’ve never walked through a medieval-style city before. 

“Oh well, I can probably make do somehow by asking passersby for directions.”

“Seriously! This person!”

After shooting a sidelong glance at the me that is embarrassedly muttering to myself, Claura briskly starts walking. But she stops almost immediately and whirls around to face me. 

“What are you doing?! When the sun sets, the Inner Gate will close and we won’t be able to go through anymore!”

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