Chapter 40: The Fog of Malice

(Part 3)


The intelligent and steady Council Chairman Braus-shi that had me overwhelmed the entire time since I first walked in is now lying prostrate on a table and groaning. 

This development seems like something straight out of a drama, but the only explanation that I can think of is that there was indeed poison mixed in with the tea from the province of Kanel that we had been drinking. 

When I look all around, the figure of the maid who had poured us the tea is of course gone, and one of the windows is standing wide open. 


“Are you alright?”

While asking a question that even I think ridiculous, I support Braus’ body and stroke his back for him. It would be terrible if he chokes on his vomit. 

Wait a second, wasn’t I also drinking from the same pot? 

“Ma-, Margils-dono, a-are you, u-unharmed……?”

“So it seems. I suspect my poison resist roll must have gone well……”

Exactly. If my body has the same specs as the level 36 wizard Gio, then no normal poison should be able to affect me, due to my level-dependent resistance values. 


My face shoots up at the shout, and I notice the secretary from before standing ashen-faced at the door. 

Mu. Is this the plot development where I get suspected of killing the Chairman with poison? But in spite of that, I am shockingly calm. Guess I've been poisoned in a fantasy world already a few times too many. Anyways, the answer as to what I should do now has already been decided in my mind. 

“D-...... Don’t raise a f-, fuss…… Let no, no one near…… Ma-, Margils-dono, th-, this is a frame job……”

“I’m sure. Calm down, I’ll treat you now.”

“This, this is by n-, no means, the w-, the will of Lelis…… Eh?”

The Council Chairman goes from groaning from agony and trying to protect Lelis even while the shadow of death loomed over him to being slack-jawed with surprise. Though I do currently have [Detect Enemy] activated, even if that wasn’t the case I would still find it really hard to suspect him. 

 From my sling bag I take out a silver ring, which I immediately press against his body while chanting the command phrase.

“Detoxify all poison in this person.”

“O…… oh?”

Medical Ring is a magic item that can be used 3 days a time to to cast a Cleric spell, such as Heal or Detoxify. The color in Braus’ face returns to normal within a few moments.

The secretary who had been petrified makes his way over with tottering steps and helps to support Braus.

“Council Chairman! A-, are you alright?!”

“A, Ahh….. It’s like it was a lie. Margils-dono, are you also a Priest?”

“I’m sorry, but no. It’s due to a magic item that I just happened to have had on me.”

“What a wonderful item it is……”

While wiping his mouth, it seems that Braus has finally caught his breath. With a start, he roars at his secretary.

“What are you loitering around for?! Margils-dono and I were almost killed with poison by someone! Seize that maid from just now! Without fail!”

“Y-...... Yes, sir!”

The secretary flies out of the parlor in a fluster. Guards and nearby people being bombarded with rapid instructions can be heard through the door.

“...... Well, what’s most important is that we’re both fine.”

“I am truly very sorry! I promise you, the criminal will definitely be caught! I beg of you, please calm your anger!”

Council Chairman Braus is apologizing profusely while in dogeza.

It appears that he is seriously worried about me being angry and dropping a meteor on the city of Lelis. Of course, he still knows almost nothing about me, so I can’t blame him for being apprehensive.

Braus had been courteous yet fully composed the entire time, but now he’s thrown aside all appearances and is pressing his forehead against the floor. At this sight, besides the discomfort of having someone grovel to me, I feel enormous respect for this man. 



Pacifying Braus, who staunchly refused to lift his head, took quite a bit of effort. 

Only after I’ve convinced him that I’m not suspecting him and that I have no intention of rampaging through Lelis does he get back up, looking relieved. 

Finally we can get to discussing what to do from here on. 

Firstly, about the maid. The guards on duty at the Council Hall searched high and low, but naturally found neither shape nor trace of her. Instead, they found the real maid locked up in a storage room. Apparently, the criminal had attacked her as she was on her way to the parlor while carrying the tea, then took her place. The escape route seems to have really been the window, but no one saw anything. However, the maid uniform used by the criminal was found abandoned in an alley beside the Council Hall. 

Being able to pull this off in broad daylight when there are not only guards but also government staff and ordinary citizens coming and going throughout the Council Hall means that it was no common criminal.  

…… Wait, before even that, [Detect Enemy] didn’t react to her. What does this mean? 

“Is she supposed to be **ko-chan?”

The heroine of a certain national anime about a thief comes to mind as I mutter to myself. 

“I have already ordered all available guards inside the city to set up checkpoints at all city and inner gates. We shall capture this criminal for sure.”

“Ahh, that’s…… Yes, please.”

“If it was just me, that would be one thing, but to target Margils-dono’s life is absolutely unforgivable.”

“...... Council Chairman-dono, you believe that the target was my life?”

“...... Indeed I do…… Actually, I’m not so sure.”

Braus shakes his head. 

The fact that he and I are meeting is a fact that could easily be found out after a little digging into either a Council member or the Council Hall. Furthermore, hiring such a skilled assassin must mean that the employer thought it possible to assassinate the both of us together. However, I can’t see a motive in going after the both of us. 

“Thinking about it simply, it must be someone looking to sour the relationship between Margils-dono and myself.”

“I see. The best outcome would be for both of us to die. But if one side survives, or even if both sides survive, enmity would remain.”


“Do you have any idea who would plot something like this?”

“If the target was only me, then I have a few…… However, I’m afraid I do not have enough of a basis to divulge their names to Margils-dono at the moment.”


Previously, I’d heard from Irudo about the power struggles between the merchants faction and nobles faction. To be honest, if this is merely another part of those power struggles, I don’t want to get involved. However, purposely setting this up in a place where I would be present means there is a real possibility it was my life being targeted. But more importantly, if Mora and Irudo really got dragged into this…… any amount of regret would never suffice. 

If the criminal…… the fake maid is still somewhere near, I would very much like to find her employer. But unfortunately, most of the spells that I’d charged for today are movement and defense types, and I don’t have much that can be used for investigating. 

Which means that there is no other option than to have Council Chairman Braus try his best for now. 

“The investigating, I will leave to you. If you find out anything, please tell me immediately.”

“Understood. I will definitely do so.”

Right now, I see what appears to be a slight flinch in Braus’ eyes. 

…… I see, perhaps even I’ve begun exuding a slight bit of real dignity. 

“Apologies, but I will take my leave here.”

“Very well…… About today, once again, I am truly very sorry.”

Braus looks like he wants to talk more, but it’s about time I make my own move. Though it’s just a precautionary one as a just in case. 

“...... Oh, and for the sake of investigating—I’m serious, it’s for investigative purposes!—may I take with me that maid uniform that was retrieved?”


Braus wordlessly packs the maid uniform into a box, then hands it over. His expression does not even twitch once. 

This guy is a real pro.




After leaving the Council Hall, I get into the carriage that had been prepared and chant two spells. 

They are [Fly] and [Move Outer Plane]. I give the coachman a shout from inside the carriage, then transfer my body to the Astral plane. 

(T/N: I’ve decided to take you guys’ suggestion and call it the Astral plane instead of just ‘the alternate dimension,’ at least until the author says something that would make this difficult. So, is ‘Astral’ supposed to have a capitalized ‘a’ or not?)

Flying within the Astral plane makes travel ridiculously fast. 

My destination is the Magician Guild. 

After all, when I try to think of someone who might wish me dead at this point in time, the only possible candidate who comes to mind is the person who was lit up nice and bright by [Detect Enemy], Magician Guild Branch Leader Heldol. 




There might be some sort of ‘magical’ barrier surrounding the Magician Guild, but such a thing cannot stop me in the Astral plane. 

I manage to find the Branch Leader’s office while avoiding all detection. Without delay, I pass through the door. 

Instead of his usual open smile, Heldol is currently scowling while going through some documents. 

This time, I am foregoing all etiquette. I transfer back out of the Astral plane right in front of him. 

“Heldol-dono, excuse me.”


Heldol is of course shocked, but immediately shoots up from his chair and takes a stance with his staff. As expected of the top of a Magician Guild branch. 

“M-Margils!...... -dono?! How did you…… never mind that. What is the meaning of this?!”

“Truly sorry for the intrusion. As a matter of fact, I was almost killed by poisoned just now.”

“? What are you saying?!”

I grasp a certain magic item within the hem of my cloak as I turn my gaze straight towards him. 

[Detect Enemy] is working as it’s supposed to, so I can see the light of his hostility. That ominous glow suits the expression of anger on his face very well. 

“Did you not know? Well, I was worried that this villainous fellow who tried to assassinate me might lay his hands on the Magician Guild that I have such a close relationship with.”

“How would I know! What are you on about?!”

«This guy, what is he saying? Is he here just to bother me?!»

It appears that he is unable to resist the effect of the magic item ‘ESP Medal’ that I have in my hand. His surface consciousness is being converted into words and transmitted directly to my brain. 

So he really doesn’t know anything about it. Guess I did him a bad turn. 

“...... Is that so. I apologize for having bothered you. Hmm…… in that case, would you happen to know of anyone who despises me?”

“...... Margils-dono is the hero with great victories against the anki. I can’t think of anyone who would despise you……”

«I do! My magic soldier project! You disrupted my dream of becoming the leader of the human forces in the war against anki! What are you going to do about it if the magic soldiers and trainees end up on the streets because of you bastard!»

“I see. So that’s what it was……”

The follow-up question that I asked as an aside unexpectedly gave me the explanation for his hostility. 

As someone who hasn’t spoken of ‘dreams’ since decades ago, I feel a certain reluctance against answering the hatred of this person, who must have devoted so much time and effort towards his ‘dream,’ with simple eye-for-an-eye hatred and just cutting and throwing him aside. 

At any rate, the sense of guilt from reading someone else’s heart is immense, as I’d feared. Let’s try our utmost to play this hand as little as possible. 

“I’m sorry, but may I have you calmly think about it one more time? When it comes to the city of Lelis, you are far more knowledgeable than me. If it was just me, then it would be something else, but I wish to avoid having the people around me falling to harm.”

“...... Muu.”

Heldol lets out a long sigh, then begins to wrack his brain while rubbing his chin. 

“Rumors of you have reached every nook and cranny in Lelis. Even if only 1 in 10 of those are true, I really doubt that anyone would even think of messing with you. This leaves us with those stubborn people who refuse to believe your power, or ……”

His shapely eyebrows twitch.

“You defeated anki…… in other words, those who would despise you…… [Demonist]......”

«Do they actually exist? Here, in Lelis? …...How frightening. They’re going to kill me too…...»

The fear that Heldol feels to the very bottom of his heart reaches me through the ESP Medal, throwing me into a gloom.


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