I decided to save the Duke of Filsand’s daughter, Elizabel.


According to the information that the knight had said, she is currently on a horse, fleeing away from Senpu Village.


The problems are that she has had at least an hour’s headstart, and that we do not know the direction she took. We need to figure out a way to track her.


“Currently, there are only two routes leading away from Senpu Village: the northwestern road towards Yuule Village, or the eastern road towards Filsand on the other side of the mountain range in the east.” (Irudo)


“If the young lady is truly trying to get away from the Knight Order, then it seems logical to think that she took the northwestern road.” (Claura)


With Irudo’s and Claura’s input as reference, I select several spells. At the same time, I also give thought to the distribution of roles.


“Firstly, Irudo, rendezvous with Ted and the soldiers. Then tell the Knight Order that we will still search for the young lady, of our own accord. It would be a good idea to emphasize that we are doing this ‘of our good will.’ Furthermore, also inform the dwarves.”




“Claura, cooperate with the dwarves in conducting a search inside Senpu Village, just in case. There is a possibility that she only made it seem like she’s left.”


“I see…… very well, I understand.”


“This is also as a precaution, but Leiha, take the eastern route. If there is no trace of a horse having gone that way, then return immediately.”


“As you wish.”




“What? This has nothing to do with Shadow Demons. I don’t need to listen to your orders.”


“No, this is not an order, but a request. Can you remain here, and protect everyone if it ever comes to that?”


I briefly lower my head towards Leid, who is sitting on a sofa with his greatsword in his arms.


His mouth distorts sullenly as he sighs.


“I’m just staying here, in my room. If someone comes to bother me, then I’ll just handle them as appropriate.”


“I’m sorry to ask it of you. Thank you.”


Though his words makes it sound dubious whether he has any intention of helping, I’m already giving him thanks, treating his cooperation as a foregone assumption. I know this is forceful, but since I’m covering literally all of his living expenses, he’s going to have to bear with at least that much.


“Which leaves you to search the northwestern route, yes? Do you really think you can find a single girl in this dark a night?”


“I’ve already given that thought.”




Several minutes later, I have already left Senpu Village and activated the [Fly] spell.


Senpu Village itself is lit up with countless dots of illumination, but a single minute of flying already brings me so far away that the only thing visible is the pale line below me that is the northwestern road. To have a horse sprint on that road would be quite the reckless driving indeed.


After several more minutes of flying, I catch up with a group of horses running full speed on the road. It seems even they have yet to find their ward.


I push on ahead of the Knight Order, but even with my strengthened sight and hearing from [Physical Boost], I catch no clue of the young lady who had had a headstart.


If Elizabel is serious about getting away from the Knight Order, there is a very real chance that she’s chosen to hide behind some rock or inside some thicket. She even used sleeping medicine (or whatever that was), so that degree of strategy is more than imaginable.


An even worse possibility is that she’s taken a random branch road and gotten herself lost.


I stop in midair for a beat and glare into the dark night.


Ho, hou.


Without having to wait long, a single owl comes before my eyes. It circles around while crying its unique cry. It is what I have been waiting for.


Of course, it is no normal owl. It is a Level 4 monster, a Moon Owl, that I had created with [Create Monster].


Possessing sharp night vision as well as high intelligence, I had created 9 of them beforehand, then sent them off to search in various directions.


Following the guidance of this Moon Owl, I eventually see a horse and human collapsed on the road. What I thought was a torch from afar turned out to be a staff clad in magical fire, but either way it made for a very conspicuous marker in the night.


I know this is no time to be saying this, but apparently I would have found her just fine simply by continuing to follow the road……


When I hurriedly land and rush over, I am able to identify the person to be a blond-haired young girl.


Identifying is fine and all, but……




Despite having that staff as illumination, it seems that the horse ride through the dark night was reckless after all.


They must have crashed into a rock beside this curve in the road. I see foam around the white horse’s mouth, but it is not moving at all. The young girl’s limbs are also crooked at unnatural angles, her head is split wide open, and her entire body is covered with blood.


On the ground illuminated by my Wizardry Staff, I see the trail of blood indicating her desperate attempt to crawl on the ground in spite of her broken arms and legs. I cannot help but to shiver at the ghastly sight.


“...... Oi, oii. You there, hang in there!”


As long as she is still breathing…… is what I am praying as I bring my ear towards her half-opened mouth.


Hyu-, hyu-.


I do indeed hear breathing, though it is so faint that it sounds like a mere draft.


“Yes! Then I can save her.”


It’s been a while since I’ve been so impatient for the 10 seconds for casting a spell to be over. Fortunately, I am able to activate [Perfect Healing] before she is completely gone.


“Uu?! Ah…… aaahh……”


Although the wounds on her head and all over her body have closed up and her limbs have returned to normal, it seems that she is still gripped by the feeling of being on the verge of death.


While uttering meaningless moans, she clings onto my robe with all her strength.


Her cute face is still all messy with tears and fresh blood. She probably still hasn’t recognized who I am yet.


“It’s fine, Everything's fine now.”


“Uuu, upu. Geho.”


Not knowing what else to do, I simply hug her body, which is trembling so badly it is almost like a joke, and rub her back. The clumps of blood clogging up her trachea that she coughs up gets all over me, but I have no time to worry about it at the moment.


“...... Haa…… Haa…… I………… ah.”


About a minute passes. The young girl’s breathing finally stabilizes, and the light of consciousness returns to her red pupils.


Most likely due to realizing that she is being hugged by a man, she suddenly pushes me away to take some distance.


“...... Y-, you are……”


“If you can move that much, it seems that your body is fine now.”


Forget the girl, even I am aware that this situation seems strange. I try my best to address her in a friendly voice.


“If I remember right, you are…… the Wizard…… Margils, sama…… right?”


“Indeed I am. Lord of Jiiteias Castle, Wizard Margils. Am I right to believe that you are the daughter of the Duke of Filsand?”


Despite the wariness, or absolute bafflement rather, on her face, this short exchange with her gives me confirmation of something. This girl really is very sharp. At the very least, despite this being our first meeting, she doesn’t call me a Magician, but a Wizard. She must have done some proper looking into me beforehand, and memorized the information that she found.


“Yes…… I am. Elizabel Roni…… Filsandia……”


Looking still half out of it, she grasps the edges of her short dress with both hands and bows…… then comes to a start and looks all around.


“Ah, I, I was! …… Star Wind! Star Wind…… AHH……!”


She notices the white horse collapsed motionlessly on the ground, then raises a short scream. In a fluster, she picks up the staff that she had dropped, then confirms the state of her own body.


“As I’d thought, I really was thrown off of Star Wind…… the bones inside my body…… Why am I still alive?”


Taking out a cloth from the saddlebags attached to the white horse, she wipes her arms and face while churning her mind, before finally remembering everything up to the moment of her accident.


“My head…… doesn’t hurt? Could it be that…… you, did something……?”


I nod in reply to the girl, whose face is pale from lack of blood.


“Yes I did. You were gravely injured, after all. Though it might have been unwanted meddling, I took the liberty of healing you.”


“Is, that so……”




In sharp contrast to her twintails, a hairstyle that emphasizes her cuteness, a long sigh like that of an old grandmother escapes her lips.


“Margils-sama…… why did you do something like this……?”


Not “why did you help me,” but “why did you do something like this,” huh. Guess she still doesn’t trust me.


But before even that, what catches my attention are her eyes.


Having lived 42 years, no matter how peaceful my life may have been, I’ve still seen those eyes a few times. My aunt, who had lost her entire family in an accident, had the exact same eyes I see on this girl right now.




What can I say to really help this girl?


In the first place, was she truly trying to run away?


The best thing to do is to be completely honest with each other, but unfortunately, my strengthened sense of hearing tells me that the knights are getting close. We probably do not even have 5 minutes before the Filsand Knight Order is upon us.


“I simply wanted to save you, that’s all. But above that, there is something that I needed to tell you urgently.”


“What may it be?”


I indicate the direction I came from with my brightly shining Wizardry Staff. The flickering  torches held by the knights are gradually approaching.


Quickly catching on, she gives me a small nod. It seems that I managed to successfully convey that I’ve a general grasp on her relationship with the Knight Order.


“As the lord of Jiiteias Castle, I think it in my interests to help you here. If you are willing to cooperate with me, then I will do everything in my power to help you.”




She nods as if listening to a very familiar song. Considering her experience as a diplomat, it seems I was right in thinking that talking profits and benefits would persuade her best. Though of course, what I’m saying is not a complete lie either.


However, the problem is…… whether she actually wants to be saved.


True to expectation, Elizabel begins fiddling with her hair, a troubled expression clouding her face.


“...... I……”




“As you seem to already know, I am ostracized by my father and second stepbrother, and my life is being targeted. Up to just now, I’ve been thinking that dying, or being killed…… there was no helping it, there was nothing I could do about it. But now……”


While still looking downwards, she continues as if talking to herself.


“Now I know…… that dying is such a frightening thing……”


The several pinpricks of light are gradually drawing closer. We only have a few minutes left.


In the depths of Elizabel’s eyes, I see a faint strand of an emotion other than despair…… I think.


“I…… don’t want to just die like this, while bearing my mother’s resentment, and without knowing my father’s true intentions……”


“...... Is that so.”


“Wizard Margils-sama. Though informal, I propose that we form a personal alliance.”


I’m sure she has yet to fully trust me. However, she has chosen to use me, fully prepared to be used in return, in order to live on beyond this.


She once again rearranges her posture, and gives me a gracious bow.


Despite her hair and dress both being soaked in blood, every single aspect of her is perfectly beautiful.


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