Chapter 95: The Job of Giving Hope


“...... Hope?”


I am slightly surprised at this word coming out of Agbeil’s mouth, so out of odds it is with the dark expression currently on his face.


“That’s right. Everyone here has seen a more than sufficient demonstration of your power. It is clear to all that you are above the Duke of Filsand…… far, far above, at that.”


“...... For what it’s worth, in the alliance I’m hoping to form with him, we will be of equal standing though.”


The matter of the anti-Shadow Demon alliance is currently on hold.


“That may very well be so on paper, and that’s fine. But I’m sure even my father understands in his heart that you are above him. No one will be able to raise a word in complaint if that fact is taught to the Shulz.”


“Though not the main force, you did just wipe out a whole Legion, and by controlling dragons no less. Lining you up next to any earthly ruler just sounds ridiculous.”


“When you guys put it that way……”


Both Balzard and Kolbel indicate agreement with Agbeil’s analysis.


…… I feel like it makes me sound like a really bad person, but I guess they’re not wrong in regards to the power difference. This is especially applicable towards the Duke, whose main standard that he measures everything by is strength.


“Alright, even if that’s the case. What is this about the Shulz’s hope?”


As I very, very reluctantly prompt the continuation of the conversation, Agbeil spits out a piece of rutsu fruit and replies.


“Oh, anything, really, as long as it comes from you. For example, ‘In the future I will definitely take Filsand back for you all’ or something like that.”


“You mean, deceive them?!”


“It’s fine, isn’t it? They should be obedient enough for a while.”


“I’ll get found out soon enough though.”


“Even if you do, no one can raise a word in complaint. That’s what I’ve saying the whole time.”


…...It sounded good until halfway through, but I guess Agbeil is just Agbeil.


I mean, if we don’t care at all about the consequences, that’s a plan that might work. But how are you going to handle the aftermath oi.


“...... I’m sorry, but that plan is rejected.”


“Uun. But I don’t think what my younger brother said is totally wrong, Margils-dono.”


So says Balzard while rubbing his round chin.


“What do you mean?”


“The fact that at the moment, the Shulz will lend an ear to whatever Margils-dono has to say. If only we can think of a good recompense for them after this whole commotion is over……”




If they knew for a fact that the insecurity and inconvenience of their lives would be resolved, then I’m sure they would be able bear with their current bitterness and unease for a while longer. Even with that, I don’t expect their resentment to dissipate 100%, but I see the logic in what they’re saying.


“...... If Demon G-…… Margils-sama would become our ally, if you can have Damund chased out and Filsand returned to us…... But if that cannot be……”


Old Man Kolbel’s deeply wrinkled face distorts even further.


“...... If that cannot be granted…… at the very least, if you can make it so that we wouldn’t be chased around anymore…… for the sake of that, I would even be willing to kneel to Damund.”




Old Man Kolbel purpose phrased his words as “if you can make it so” instead of “we want it so.”


With that, he doesn’t oblige me to help them.


However, I’m always open to ‘helping each other out.’


“I am the ally of all peoples resisting the Shadow Demons. If your people would cooperate with me to that cause — within your means — then I can indeed ensure that the Duke of Filsand never lays his hands again on the Shulz tribe. But of course, that’s with the assumption that you can repress the Shulz’s resentment.”


“O, ohh……”


“Furthermore, and this is something that you will need to run by the Tribe Chief and others, but depending on the case, I may be able to offer the Shulz a new place to settle.”


“Is, is that the truth……?!”


With his breath taken away, Old Man Kolbel looks up at me. In his eyes, alongside the doubt, I indeed see the light of hope shining within.




After resting for about an hour, when the refugees’ stamina has mostly recovered, I stand in front of them all.


If we waste too much time here, there may be more Shadow Demons on their way from the Legion main force.


“Everyone of the Shulz tribe. Allow me to formally introduce myself. I am the Wizard Gio Margils.”


“Demon God-sama……”


“Oh, please save us……”


The dirt- and dust-covered refugees — mostly elderly, wounded, women, or children — turns towards me and prostrate themselves like it’s the most natural thing to do.


It seems I have gotten slightly more used to this kind of treatment. Without being too nervous, I look over them, then nod.


Though gathered in one place, this is a crowd with almost a thousand people.


To make sure that my voice reaches everyone, I’ve casted [Project Illusion] in advance. This is a spell that creates illusions, but its capabilities also encompass sound control. Amplifying a person’s natural voice is not its original usage, but I’ve used it like this quite often back when playing D&B. Mostly in situations like this.


From a slight distance away, a silver-haired female warrior, Dianu, stares intently at me.


“As you have all seen, I fight to protect this world from Shadow Demons. Currently, you are all being threatened by Shadow Demons. I intend to lend you all a hand with that.”


I hear a child’s voice ringing out in joy. Many of the adults’ faces also grow lighter.


But I suppress that atmosphere by stabbing the ground with the butt of my Wizardry Staff, causing a high-pitched sound to ring out.


“However, you of the proud Shulz tribe do not possess the insolence to demand to be saved one-sidedly. Now, I will lead you all to Filsand. Until the Legion this time is completely eradicated, that will be your reservation. Naturally, I will make sure, through the Duke of Filsand, that no one will lay a finger on any of you.”


“ “......” ”


The Shulz people’s faces grow stiff, not comprehending what I’m saying.


I even see a child opening his mouth to shout something out, and his mother covering his mouth before he could do so.


“After the Legion has been defeated, I swear that I will help you all to find a land where you can live in peace! If you wish to return to The Fort or Garden of the Gods, then that is fine. If you wish to come to my own castle and develop new land there, then that is also fine. Either way, if you are ever attacked by an external enemy again, that enemy shall be my enemy as well!”


“N-, new land……?”


“If Demon God-sama will protect us, then……”


“In exchange, I will need people to support me in my ongoing crusade against the Shadow Demons. Those who can fight, with your sword. Those who can work, with your strength and skills. Those can cannot do either of those, with your prayers. This can be after you all have rebuilt your livelihoods, and I do not mind if only those with the will come. In order to protect all Sedia from the Shadow Demons, please lend me your strength!”


“ “......!” ”


After saying everything that I have to say, I look around at the crowd that is staring at me with their jaws hanging open in astonishment while still on their knees.


Just as Old Man Kolbel had said, if I become their ally in the true sense, then I would help them drive out the Duke of Filsand. Which is why what I’m doing can actually be said as taking advantage of them when they are weak. However, this was the only method that I could think of to offer them help without showing contempt for their pride.


The Shulz people begin to buzz, exchanging looks with every other.


On their faces I see hope, unease, misgivings, and a myriad of other emotions all mixed together.


“...... I will take you up on your offer, Wizard Margils!”


A clear voice that makes everyone listening to it straighten their back cuts through the buzzing.


All eyes gather on the female warrior who is raising high a Divine Sword clad with a rainbow-colored aura.


“If you truly guarantee the safety of all Shulz! Then I will entrust my sword and life to you! Know that the arm and sword of this Martial Chief does not come cheap!”


Her originally cute face is pale, and I cannot read her true intentions. However, how can I doubt the words of someone who would even stand up against a Huge Dragon for the sake of her allies?


“I welcome you, princess of the Shulz.”


“......I, I will also join Hime in fighting for Margils-sama!”


“Let’s kill us some Shadow Demons!”


"M-, me too……”


Though few in number, warriors stand up one after the other.


Women and elderly also raise their faces, will shining in their eyes.


All this does is gloss over the problem of the discord between the Shulz and the Duke of Filsand.


However, neither I nor they have the time to waste looking for a proper solution for a problem that has no proper solution.


“Those words, we have received them! As of this moment, we Shulz are allied to the Wizard Gio Margils! Let us fight together!”






“Margils! Margils!”






And thus I fulfilled another job as a Great Wizard, still feeling slightly guilty even though this is how it always ends up.


After this, there is the even more crucial job of eradicating the Legion.


As planned, I used [Forced March] to transfer the refugees to Filsand.


For now, I entrusted the Shulz / Balzard / Agbeil matter to Irudo and Claura, told the Duke in no uncertain terms that the Shulz are not to be touched at all, then began preparations to fight against the Legion.


Turns out the Legion main force really is heading straight for Filsand.


We have two days before they are upon us.


…… That is more than enough time.

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