The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 25 - Iron man

"Sir what're your orders ?"-Eve

" tell the girls to find Stark but don't rescue him as of yet . They should do whatever it takes to keep Ho Yinsen alive , the guy is a genius , i want him working for me . And like always acquire all Stark shares available in the market when the news of his kidnapping hit the papers and buy more when Stark comes back . Lastly, open a file on Obadiah Stan , i want full monitoring on him , his calls and his connections with the Ten rings ."-Elijah

"Acknowledged sir "-Eve

Elijah sat down in his office and watched the news waiting for the report . After delegating most work to Natasha and Eve , he found himself with more free time in which he used to discover new things using his LOHP.

-3 months later -

Eve on Elijah's behest gathered evidence on Obadiah Stan's corruption and collusion with the Ten rings terrorist group . Two operatives were monitoring the place where Tony Stark was held in .

Inside the cave in the ten rings hideout , Tony Stark and Dr Yinsen were both looking haggard , 3 months of torture and malnutrition have disoriented them . They were ordered to produce Jericho missiles , they agreed in reluctance while in fact, they used the materials provided by the terrorist group to figure out a way to escape , that way being , creating an iron armour to blast their way out of the cave .

Both Tony and Yinsen were working on the last touches on the power armour . Stark donned the armour and got ready to face the terrorists .

"They're coming!"-Yinsen

"Nothing pretty, just get it done. Just get it done."-Tony

"They're coming"-Yinsen

"Make sure the checkpoints are clear

before you follow me out, okay?"-Tony

"We need more time."-Yinsen said while he looked around then went forward to buy more time


"I'm gonna go buy you some time."Yinsen

"Stick to the plan !Stick to the plan!Yinsen! Yinsen! Watch out!"-screamed Stark in anguish seeing Yinsen in the line of fire about to die .

Before the bullet could hit him two women clad in black armour appeared next to Yinsen , one of them removed him from the line of fire while the other went forward and shot the two terrorist who were about to murder Yinsen . The latter looked confused at the two masked woman.

He didn't have the time to ask questions when the one holding him spoke through her com :" Target retrieved . Permission to return ? "

When she got confirmation the two woman began to leave stealthily while protecting Yinsen not before saying to Tony :" Stark . Deal with the rest ."

Tony was baffled and didn't know who the women were . He didn't have tome to be confused as more terrorist advanced to his place . He finished donning and powering the armour and began his counterattack . He blasted through the armed people and used his flamethrower to kills most of them . It was massacre ,Rubbles and rocks were thrown in the air , explosions quacked the earth .

In a place not faraway from the cave . The two women with Yinsen stopped and put a hood on his eyes then one of then said in her coms :" we're ready for transport Sir."

Then a portal opened in front of them . They walked through it carrying Dr.Yinsen .

The next morning , Dr Yinsen woke up in a bed in a hospital room , the last thing he remembers was the two armoured women putting a hood over his head . He looked up to see a holographic T.V screen , with the news of Tony Stark rescue aired . People are waiting for him to comeback and give a press conference. Dr Yinsen looked around the hospital room . He knew the only hospital in which there is this high level of technology is Haven's Hospital. Now , he has no idea what he's doing here or who saved him . His thoughts were interrupted by one the armoured woman but this time without her mask , she has a short blonde hair and blue eyes , Her name is Eliana and she is one of the operatives under Natasha .

"Dr Yinsen , how are you feeling ?" - Eliana

"I feel fine but where am i ? "Yinsen

"Haven's hospital in New york Dr Yinsen . Please follow me . Dr Grey would like to see you . " -Eliana

Dr Yinsen put on clothes provided by the hospital and followed Eliana . They arrived to another wing in the hospital to find Dr Grey waiting for them .

"Welcome Dr.Yinsen . It's been a while . Sorry to have met in these circumstances ." said Jean welcoming the renowned surgeon

"Dr Grey it's nice to see you . Could you please tell me what's going on ?" -Dr Yinsen

" Dr Yinsen . Miss Eliana have stumbled upon your wife and kids while they were coming back from a mission. They found them shot and almost dead , they stabilised them and brought them back here . We were able to save them . " said Jean to an astonished Dr Yinsen while entering the room where his family stayed.

The doctor reunited with his family thanking God that he was saved from sacrificing himself .

Jean continued explaining :" After Their identity were confirmed as your family . Mr Müller ordered his forces to investigate your disappearance and rescue you ."

"Thank you . Can i meet with Mr Müller "-Yinsen

"Yes you can . But now spend some time with your family. He will be waiting for you . Eliana will take you to him ." -Jean

After spending some time talking with his family . Eliana took Dr Yinsen to meet with Elijah .

- Haven's Park . Haven industries Headquarters-

Both Eliana and Yinsen arrived at the top office . They knocked and were allowed to come in . Eliana presented DrYinsen and excused herself .

" Hello Dr Yinsen . It's been a while ."-Elijah

"Yes since that time the conference in Bern."-Dr Yinsen

"Yes . Please take a sit ." -Elijah

Dr Yinsen took a sit and said :" Thank you for saving my family dr.Müller ."

"It was nothing DrYinsen . You can thank Eliana and Jean .they did the saving and all medical work . As for the people responsible for this debacle . Here they are . " said Elijah while handing Dr Yinsen a file on all people responsible for his and Stark's kidnapping .

"So i was just collateral damage in a power play between Stan and Stark ."- said Dr Yinsen after he read the file .

" more or less . But don't worry about it . They will have justice coming for them . " Said Elijah with his usual apathetic face .

"Thank you Dr . Müller ." Dr Yinsen thanked Elijah and shook his hand ready to leave .

" Before you leave Dr. Yinsen . I have an offer of employment for you ." Elijah

Dr Yinsen was surprised since most people that works in Haven's hospital are recruited from college to have an extensive training in the medical field .

"Im your hospital?"-Dr Yinsen

"Yes . They are a lot of research and projects that could use your expertise and you are a renowned surgeon . I would be lucky to have . Think about it and tell Dr Grey you response . There is a project scheduled for release next year . It is groundbreaking and i would like for you to participate." - Elijah

Dr Yinsen nodded and said that he will think about it and them left .

2 day after Tony Stark rescue, he gave a press conference and announced the retirement of his company from weapons manufacturing. The price of his company stocks dropped and Eve was buying all the stocks available and Elijah has sizeable amount of shares in Stark Industries. He also pressured other major shareholders to sell their shares to him using proxies making him one of the major shareholders but remaining anonymous for the time being .

-17th November -

Tony Stark , after months on working on the iron man armour and perfecting it decided to attack the terrorist holding the village of Gulmira in Afghanistan . After fighting all the terrorists , Tony stark flew in his armour to return but he was interrupted by a woman donning similar power armour to his , just that her armour looked more advanced specially since the armour is a nanotech armour .

The woman attacked stark with ferocious attack beginning a battle of iron and metals . The woman was more experienced and didn't leave time for Stark to counterattack . After a bout of one sided battle . The woman said : " make something better tin can man . " while she handed him a flash drive with evidence on Obidiah Stan in it and left taking the air at high speed leaving Tony Stark gasping for air thanking god that the woman didn't destroy all his armour leaving his armour in an enough state to go back to Malibu .

The woman was of course sent by Elijah in one his created nanotech armours to encourage Stark to create something better than the tin can he has now .

-24th November-

Elijah was watching Stark and Stan fighting in the air of Los Angeles . Elijah had dispatched several of first aid teams from his subsidiaries in Los Angeles to helps with the casualties.

When the fight ended with the destruction of Howard Stark arc reactor . Elijah sighed and thought :' too much destruction '

And left not before secretly helping all the hurt casualties .

Tomorrow Elijah was watching the news in his office in Inselheim seeing Tony Stark :"I am iron man " announcement and thought :" All hell will break loose now "

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