The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 42 - Hydra uprising.

Elijah spent his time enjoying Hela's company after her release.

His family was finally all together and living under the same roof.

After a few days with his family, Elijah returned to work. He has several upcoming events he has to deal with.

-9th January 2014-

Fury left the triskelion after a discussion with Alexander Pierce. He was suspicious at not being able to access the file that Natasha recovered from the Lemurian star ship.

He requested from Pierce to postpone Project Insight.

On the road, Fury contacted Maria Hil to arrange a meeting. He was attacked by ȧssassins posing as police officers. He evades them but is held up by the winter soldier, who shoots him with magnetic disk grenade under his SUV.

Fury got away by digging a hole through the sewers to escape.

Later that day, Fury was shot by the winter soldier in Steve Rogers' apartment and was declared dead during surgery.

The next day, Steve Rogers was declared a wanted fugitive by Alexandre Pierce. He reunited with Natasha and they traced the location where the information in the USB was written. They find an old supercomputer in a bunker in camp Leigh and inserting the USB awakened the preserved consciousness of Armin Zola, who reveals the survival of HYDRA within S.H.I.E.L.D.

The bunker in then destroyed by a fighter jet. They both survive and then evade capture.

Seeking refuge at Sam wilson's home, an army veteran, he agreed to help them. They abduct Jasper Sitwell and interrogate him about HYDRA and Project Insight. A few moments later, they were attacked by the winter Soldier who kills Sitwell and battles Roger leading the latter to discover his identity as Bucky Barner, his supposed to be dead best friend.

Nick Fury:"This man declined the Nobel Peace Prize. He said, "Peace wasn't an achievement, it was a responsibility." See, it's stuff like this that gives me trust issues." while looking at a photo of Pierce.

Natasha Romanoff: "We have to stop the launch."

Nick Fury:"I don't think the Council's accepting my calls anymore."

Fury then opens a case containing three chips.

Sam Wilson: "What's that?"

Maria Hill: "Once the Helicarriers reach three thousand feet, they'll triangulate with Insight satellites becoming fully weaponized."

Nick Fury: "We need to breach those carriers and replace their targeting blades with our own."

Suddenly Natasha's watch rang stopping the conversation. Natasha accepted the call, and a hologram of Eliana appeared:" The boss wants to see you."

Natasha nodded and turned to Fury:" It's your lucky day. Elijah Müller wants to see you."

Fury looked confused:" you have a direct line with Elijah Müller? "

Natasha just shrugged and said:" Yeah."

Fury:" why? How? Why I never knew about it?"

Natasha just shrugged and smile, then said:" follow me. He gets angry when someone is late and you don't want to meet him when he's angry."

The others looked confused and followed Natasha. Outside the secret facility, Natasha touched her wrist and her new upgraded private jet appeared from its invisibility. The jet was all black and looked nothing like anything man-made.

Sam Wilson just whistled at the beauty of the jet. The door of the jet opened and everyone got in. Natasha activated the autopilot and the plane took off.

Fury:" is this jet made by him? "

Natasha smiled and said:" This is one of the private jets of the Müller family."

After a while, the plane arrived at Haven Park and landed in a secret landing pad. They exited the plane and followed Natasha until she arrived in front of an old security guard who looked lifeless. The security guard scanned Natasha's wrist and then said:" Welcome back Home Miss Müller."

He then opened the door and they walked forward the hallways.

Steve got curious and asked:" why did he call you Müller."

Natasha laughed and said:" well that's my adoptive name."

This surprised all of them especially Fury who said:" Shit and they say why I have trust issues."

Natasha just giggled and said:" Nothing personal but I was tasked with indexing all HYDRA agents inside S.H.I.E.L.D "

Steve:" you knew about all of this?"

Natasha just shrugged her shoulders and said:" it was my main mission."

Their conversation ended when they were welcomed by Eliana:" Welcome back miss Müller."

Natasha:" Eliana good to see you. Is he in ?"

Eliana:" yes he's waiting inside."

Natasha nodded and entered followed by the rest. Inside, Elijah was sitting behind a desk while watching numerous viewscreen used to monitor key places and events.

Natasha ran in Elijah's arms :" Brother. I missed you."

Elijah smiled brightly seeing his lovely sister and ċȧrėssed her head.

He then turned to the guests and said :" Take a seat."

Natasha took charge as the head of intelligence and ordered medical attention for Fury.

After Fury was healed, Elijah sat down and began silently reviewing the list of HYDRA agents and their plans in the uprising.

Natasha:" what do you think should be done?"

Elijah:" Eliminate and takeover. Leave con Strucker for a while more, he's still had some use."

Natasha nodded.

Elijah turned to Fury and said:" You indulged yourself and your agency in over dangerous practices. Harvesting alien corpses and Project insight. You thought too much about the safety of Earth but you neglected your agency. You were never meant to protect the Earth. That is my responsibility. "

Fury :" I needed to do what's need to be done ."

Elijah :" you became paranoid ever since you met Carol. She will be disappointed. Well Humans and their stupidity. "

Fury:" how do you know about that."

Elijah chuckled and clicked his finger making Fury remember the full version of what happened in 1995.

Fury:" you took my memory ."

Elijah:" But I didn't seem to have taken your hobby of approaching dangerous things. Holding on to a Flerken to threaten a Skrull until you lost an eye. Experimenting with something as dangerous as the tesseract."

Natasha seemed to laugh at the mention of the Flerken.

Fury was confused :" why are you laughing."

Natasha:" come on. Touching the Flerken was just plain stupid. No one in their right mind would play with it. "

Fury:" and you there was no red room? All of it was fake? "

Natasha:" it was real alright. I was Russian and was a child soldier before my brother took me in. I destroyed the red room when I was 14."

Elijah looked at Rogers and said:" Go deal with your friend. " He then looked at Natasha and said:" take over S.H.I.E.L.D. after the cleanup. " Elijah then touched Natasha's shoulders releasing the limiters he put on her so she can appear just above human and not superhuman.

Natsha nodded and then returned to talk with the rest while Elijah just disappeared.

Natasha touched the viewscreens showing different HYDRA agents:" we only need to deal with the higher-ups of Hydra. Everything else is already handled. Project insight is already under my brother's control so no "eliminating targets" is happening. All the loyal S.H.I.E.L.D agents will be issued a warning to join the fight."

Eliana came back with two suitcases. Natasha gave the two to Steve and Sam:" This is a gift my brother left for you."

They opened the cases to find a black uniform for Rogers and EXO Falcon for Wilson.

Natasha:" just figure out how they work by yourselves."

The next day, the 5 of them attacked the Triskelion and with the help of loyal agents, most of the Hydra sleepers were killed or captured.

Alexander Pierce was killed by Fury. The former was baffled when Project insight didn't activate. Eve has already taken control of the whole mainframe of S.H.I.E.L.D and was the de facto ruler of the agency for the moment.

Rogers battled Bucky but the latter escaped leaving the former with several injuries.

All the while, Victoria Hand was saved from being killed. She was transporting Garrett (the clairvoyant) with Grant Ward. The latter betrayed her and was about to kill her when Eliana saved her.

Eliana then took Ward and Garrett to play with them later.

All the facilities that HYDRA tried to take control of resulted in a massacre for them since Elijah special forces helped defend all the secret facilities.

HYDRA also tried to attack the Academy but were all killed in the cleanup op that Elijah organized headed by Natasha and her girls as well as the Reaktion teams.

In the Aftermath, S.H.I.E.L.D recalled all active agents back to the Triskelion for about a week and all the clearances were temporarily revoked.

Inside a big conference room, all the S.H.I.E.L.D agents with a clearance of 7 and up were gathered.

After a while, Natasha came in. She was dressed casual and wearing the Müller family ring.

Coulson:" Nat, you are not supposed to be here. You're just a level 6."

She just shrugged and went forward and looked at the agents notably Barton, Hand, Coulson, Gonzalez, Melinda May and more and thought:' they could be molded into better one. At least my brother won't have to deal with every threat. '

She coughed a bit gaining the attention of the people present:" for those who don't know me, let me present myself. I am Natasha Romanov and my real name is Natasha Müller. From today onwards I am the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. "

The people present looked confused until Gonzalez said:" what about Fury?"

Natasha:" Fury was forced to retire after letting HYDRA sleepers in his midst. "

Gonzalez :" and who gave you the right to be director of S.H.I.E.L.D"

Natasha just laughed and said:" Of course my brother did. Since you seem to be doing a bad job at handling threats and only creating trouble. My brother Elijah Müller decided for a complete overhaul of the agency so you can be better able to handle future threats."

Gonzalez:" That is preposterous ."

He didn't manage to finish as a masked woman decapitated him. The woman of course is Eliana, she was present as a scare tactic.

The appearance of Eliana scared everyone since all the one present knew what happens when she gets involved.A massacre.

Natasha chuckled in an elegant demeanor fitting that of the princess of the Müller family and said:" One more thing. I'm not nice like Fury. Humans are just speck of dust in this universe. They have no power but claim to be powerful. A cycle of boasting and hatred repeats itself on Earth and you fell to the trap of HYDRA now you pay the consequences. "

Natasha continued her speech while looking at the eyes of everyone:" from Now on S.H.I.E.L.D will be secretive and efficient. Your job will be to deal with everything extraterrestrial and regulate alien visits. Criminals with powers will be dealt with by a newly created special branch.

As of tomorrow, the mainframe of S.H.I.E.L.D will be updated with new and important information. Most of it is valuable and will be available to people based on clearance. All the clearances will be reactivated tomorrow with new directives and protocols. You're all dismissed except Barton, Hand, May, Morse and Coulson. "

All the people except the one called left the conference room.

The people left were all high rankings agents with a really long list of achievements and missions.

Natasha observed them for a while before she said:"your performance in the last year was disappointing especially you Hand and Coulson. You've been played by Garrett and Ward like kids. I don't want to see anything like that in the future."

Coulson and Victoria looked ashamed since they've been really played.

Natasha:" Coulson, your team is clean but Skye is not and you're not okay."

Coulson looked confused and amazed then said:" you know about my condition? "

Natasha nodded and said:" Project TAHITI was one of the mistakes that S.H.I.E.LD has made. Go to Dr.Jean, she will be waiting for you. I need you field-ready the sooner possible."

Coulson nodded and asked:" what about Skye?"

Natasha:" she's an unawakened inhuman "

Coulson:" what's inhuman?"

Natasha :" you will find information tomorrow in the Data bank of the agency. Hand, your resume is impressive, you will retain your position but with more responsibilities. Your strict attitude is very welcomed and I approve but you should be more malleable if you want to survive this world."

Eliana then approached Natasha and whispered something. Natasha opened a view screen seeing General Glenn Talbot declaring S.H.I.E.L.D. a terrorist organization since the few skirmishes in the last days we're noticed by the U.S government and they decided to put S.H.I.E.L.D under the bus.

Natasha chuckled and said:" deal with him and the government ."

Eliana nodded and left.

Victoria:" This could be an issue threatening our secrecy. "

Natasha :" don't worry about it. It will be rectified in the afternoon. As of now, S.H.I.E.L.D is going dark. No mention of us should be heard. "

Natasha sent the people away and sat down thinking about the future of S.H.I.E.L.D. Elijah decided against destroying it and used the cleanup plan to use S.H.I.E.L.D resources to protect the planet reducing his work significantly.


-Glenn Talbot's home-

The general entered his home. He was thinking about his mission from the president. He was tasked with capturing all the remaining agents of S.H.I.E.L.D by the president so they can overtake it and lead it.

Entering his daughter's room, he was scared of seeing a blonde woman ċȧrėssing his daughter with a gun. The woman looked at him and said:" Shhhh your office. "

He got scared. He was really afraid of having his daughter killed. He followed instructions and went to his office thinking about how to escape his predicament when he was shot in the knees.

Eliana:"very brave of you to appear on T.V. "

Talbot:" please don't hurt my family"

Eliana chuckled and said :" brigadier general, amazing resume but apparently too stupid to go and piss me off. "

Talbot:" I don't know who you are."

Eliana:" Duuh, of course, you won't. You would have been dead. Don't worry your family will be safe but you're the scapegoat for this "

Eliana shot him and killed him and thought:' now to deal with Ellis.'

The next morning, the U.S government issued a denial stating that Talbot statement were self-made and had no relation with the government and declared that Talbot committed suicide after struggling with mental illness.

Natasha just laughed while watching the news since all the evidence of S.H.I.E.L.D real existence and missions disappeared from the world and S.H.I.E.L.D was a fairy tale for the outside world.

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