The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 75 - Ultron -3-

After taking the Vibranium, Ultron searched for someone to create a body for him. He found a south korean doctor by the name of Helen Cho who has experience in creating human tissue.

Wanda brainwashed the doctor into doing their bidding.

Meanwhile, Thor flew to London and searched for Erik Selvig to understand his vision.

Erik took Thor to a lake where people can experience their dreams in.

Thor entered the lake and began seeing vision of the infinity stones.

Elijah entered the cave and sat down much to the confusion of Selvig.

Elijah waited for Thor to finish his experience while also manipulating the vision into him seeing Ragnarok and also a black haired faceless woman that emits an Aura of Death and Destruction.

When the vision finished , Thor regained his senses and the Lightning stopped cracking around.

Thor looked at Erik while the later turned to Elijah.

Thor seeing Elijah approached him.

Elijah materialised two chairs, one for Thor and one for Selvig and a table.

Elijah opened a small portal and took three cups and a bottle containing Alcohol. He served his companions then said to Thor:" Drink. You need it."

Elijah:" You gained knowledge about the infinity stones."

Thor surprised :" You knew about them?"

Elijah nodded and said:" After the birth of the universe, The six cosmic entities took six pre existing singularities and created the six infinity stones (Space, mind, Time, Power, Soul, Reality)"

Reality wrapped around the three of them showing the birth of the infinity stones. The scene changed again showing celestials harnessing the power of the Power stone and destroying everything in their path.

The scene was shocking for the two of them.

Thor:" This is overwhelming."

Selvig:" Too much."

Elijah cancelled the reality wrapping history lesson and said:" You realise how weak you are in the scheme of everything. It is why i was mad at Stark for thinking some tin cans can protect the earth."

Elijah sighed and looked at Thor and said:" There is so much potential in you. You need to bring it out before it's too late."

- Barton's house-

The team was gathered with Natasha.

Natasha:" Let's go. We found Ultron. He's in Korea."

Steve :" what is he doing there?"

Natasha:" Trying to create a body."

Tony:" where is Thor?"

Nat:" Don't wait for him . He need some time alone."

The avengers all got ready to intercept Ultron in South Korea.

-Helen Cho's lab, South Korea-

Ultron stood up and put the Mind stone into the newly created android body's forehead.

Wanda stealthily took a peak inside the mind stone to see what's in Ultron's mind and consciousness. A heavy vision and nightmarish foreboding appeared in her mind. The destruction of earth and all life on it.

The vision caused Wanda to scream in pain.

Realising Ultron's plan , Wanda and Pietro flee from there.

Ultron after the completion of the synthetic body, transport it in a truck.

The avengers ultimately arrived and Steve attacked the truck and engaged in a battle against Ultron.

The battle continued until both of them were forced off the truck leaving Natasha the chance to pick up the synthetic body. Natasha passes the body to Clint in the jet and leave after exterminating most of Ultron's sentries using her ice powers.

On the train, Steve continued to battle Ultron in a losing fight until he was aided by the twins who made Ultron escape. The twins then helped avoid a big accident that could've happened on the derailed train.

After thanking the twins, he returned with them to the avengers tower.

They found Tony trying to upload JARVIS onto the synthetic body.

A fight almost broke out making both Steve and Pietro taking down the power source sustaining the transfer.

Suddenly Thor came in and charged the synthetic body into continuing the transfer.

The synthetic woke up but before he could see around, Natasha came in and shot an ice lance toward Tony's shoulder making him stick to the wall. She then went and lifted the synthetic body by the neck and said:" Did you think my brother's warning were a joke?"

Much to the confusion of everyone as they never seen Natasha act so aggressively and angrily.

The synthetic body tried to understand what was going on but saw Natasha looking at him with eyes that could kill.

A voice talked in Natasha's ear and them she dropped "Vision" and said:" You're lucky, you will remain in existence for now that is."

Natasha turned and appeared instantly in front of Tony who was in pain.

Steve:" Natasha, it's alright just leave him be."

Natasha shook her head:" No steve this dumb ȧsshole need to understand to listen otherwise i'll be more than happy to end his life."

Natasha sighed then took back her ice lance.

Natasha looked at Vision:" Are you aware ?"

Vision:" Yes "

Natasha:" What does Ultron want?"

Vision:" He seeks to destroy the humans."

Natasha:" How annoying."

Steve:" I think we should deal with him now. "

Natasha went and made a call to bring in the Hulk.

The avengers all went to Sokovia.

Ultron and his sentries were already there.

The avengers began evacuating the civilians from the city.

Suddenly they found the city to be levitating. Ultron was trying to create and extinction level event to destroy earth by dropping the city from high altitude.

The avengers were held up by the sentries. Nick Fury brought in the Helicarrier given to him by Elijah to evacuate the civilians from the floating city.

Suddenly Elijah came in and looked around the scene and said in his comms to Natasha:" Nat, evacuate everyone, I'll deal with the floating city."

Natasha responded:" Okay Brother."

Natasha spoke in her comms:" Pietro, evacuate the civilians to the Helicarrier. Wanda , Clint protect him from the sentries."

After getting confirmation, Natasha began cleaning up the scene.

Elijah went to where the drill was making the city float and found Thor and Vision battling Ultron.

A combined attack between the two and Tony almost obliterated Ultron.

Elijah approached and looked at Thor and said:" To the Helicarrier, i'll deal with this?"

Tony :" How are you gonna deal with it?"

Elijah ignored him and signalled to Thor to make the others leave.

Thor :" Tony, let's go back."

When everybody left and Elijah sensed no one the floating city. He looked at Ultron and began making the city decent slowly using his psychokinesis. The city was steadily and carefully going down.

Ultron: "Elijah Müller , the most mysterious human on earth. "

Elijah :" Hmm, I ceased to be a human a long a time ago?"

Ultron:" And what are you a God?"

Elijah chuckled:" Ah Divinity, a weird concept when you think about it. Most of them are weak however different they are. So they say you wanted to destroy the humans?"

Ultron:" They should be destroyed, they are weak and violent and prone to destroy themselves."

Elijah:" and you in your infinite wisdom you decided to destroy them. No matter how different you think you are . You are still his child."

Ultrom angrily shouts:" I'm nothing like him."

Elijah :" Oh yes you are, How disgusting for such an abomination like you to exist."

Elijah then lifts Ultron's body and compress it until he's a small cue ball. Elijah touches the ball with his finger and it disintegrate.

Elijah continued to control the city downward.

-On the Helicarrier-

Steve asked Natasha:" What's going on?"

Natasha shrugged:" Don't worry about it. My brother will deal with it."

The city continued downward. Elijah walked around the city and wherever he walked , the buildings rebuilt itself and piled up bodies of the sentries were destroyed.

After a while the city landed safely on the ground with no sign of Elijah being there.

Several Jets came in after that. They were the Reaktion teams deployed to deal with the fallout.

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