The Chronicles Of Elijah

Chapter 77 - New Nidavellir

Earlier that day, a dark looking ship approached Nidavellir.

The ship was piloted by Thanos.

Frustrated by the failure of his subordinates, he decided to seek the stones by himself.

Thanos exited the ship and attacked Nidavellir. He disposed of all the guards and battled Eitri and won.

Thanos:" Choose wisely , Dwarf King. The gauntlet or your people's destruction."

Eitri was pissed and afraid. He sent signals to Asgard but no one seemed to answer him. He was beyond angry at Asgard for forsaking him.

Eitri chose to save his people and said:" Spare my people and i'll make it for you."

Thanos smiled cruelly :" Wise choice."

Eitri made the infinity gauntlet. Thanos put it on and smirked:" Now to make sure that your people won't create something against my interest.."

Thanos took his blade and readied to chop Eitri's hands.

Eitri:" You promised to spare my people you monster."

Suddenly sounds explosions rang all around Nidavellir. The explosions startled everyone , even Thanos.

While the explosions raged on, all the dwarves that were still alive were swallowed by portals all around.

It took only seconds for all the dwarves to disappear.

The latter seeing Thanos occupied with finding the source of the explosion, attacked him and was let go just in time for a portal to open under him and swallow him too.

Thanos, seeing the fleeing Eitri, swing his sword to kill him but and energy blast sent him backwards and Eitri was successfully rescued.

-Inselheim Palace, Throne room-

The throne room looked magnificent. The floors shined brightly in silver colouring. The walls were of artistic natures depicting several event.

On the ground, the crest of the Müller family was printed.

On the Throne, Hela sat majestically awaiting her guest.

A portal opened and Eitri was dropped on the ground.

Eitri was confused and disoriented by today events. He looked around and found himself in a hall bigger than Odin's.

Hela :" Well well, if it isn't my old friend Eitri."

Eitri turned to the source of the voice and said:" HE-LL-AA..?"

Hela :" Oh you still remember me? "

Eitri:" When did you escape?"

Hela laughed :" Well aren't you a curious one?"

Eitri asked still confused and scared :" Where am i ? And could you please tell me what's going on?"

Hela stood and walked gracefully:" I saved you and your people . Well technically My husband and i saved you."

Eitri sighed and said :" Thank you ." He then remembered and asked shocked :"Wait your husband? When did you get married ?"

Hela:" Let's not talk about irrelevant issues now. I have a proposition for you and your people."

Eitri shook his head :" I will pay you back for saving me but anything that has to do with betraying Odin. I won't do."

Hela waved her hand and showed Odin's location. He was on Midgard, in a retirement home.

Hela :" My father in his infinite wisdom adopted a Jotun. The bastard sneak attacked him and banished him to Midgard and is now posing as My father in Asgard."

Eitri stood frozen. It was almost a disaster if Odin wasn't in Asgard.

Eitri:" What about the Prince?"

Hela : " You know he is naive borderline stupid and weak. He is travelling around looking for the infinity stones."

Eitri thought for a while and said :" I might be inclined to hear your proposal."

Hela :" My husband admires your people's craftsmanship. He was the one who that saved your people and implored me to give you this proposal."

Eitri interrupted :" Who is your husband?"

Hela waved her hand and an illusion of Elijah's zanpakuto "Kuroi Inazuma" was shown.

Eitri:" You mean the midgardien named Elijah. I remember him. How did he manage to get you out of Hel?"

Hela :" Unimportant. Now , as you may not know Ragnarök is coming and it's inevitable. No matter how much father tried to stop it, it will happen. Now i took it upon myself to rebuild Asgard. Our family controls several planets surrounding this one and my husband decided to offer you a nearby neutron star to be a home to you and your people."

Eitri thought for a while and said:" I don't think there is a better option. What's in it for you and your husband?"

Hela :" Mainly nothing, you will be in charge of building everything that needs to be built and you will be of course payed and protected."

Eitri nodded and said:" I agree but all the metals and treasures stayed back in Nidavellir . We will need plenty of metals to rebuild a multi ringed megastructures."

Hela:" Do not worry about this issue, Elijah is handling it as we speak."

Eitri sighed in relief and hoped his people would have a better future.

Elijah brought back the multi-ringed megastructures from Nidavellir and put it the neutron star's orbit. It was delicate to control using his Psychokinesis but he transported it safely.

Eitri spoke with the other dwarves and explained to them the situation. They agreed with his decision after finding out that Asgard can't protect them anymore. The dwarves wanted only to create and manufacture and stay in their smithies. Their lives were simple but for them it was rewarding.

The following day, the dwarves began to readjust the megastructures and rebuild their homes.

Elijah retuned to the palace deciding to spend the day with his kids.

Elijah found the kids playing with Fenris. Strangely the wolf was docile toward the two kids and protected them.

Elijah : Hello kids."

Nikolas and Emilie shouted:" DADDY."

They jumped into his embrace.

Elijah held them and asked:" what were you doing?"

Nikolas:" Well daddy , we woke up and ate breakfast."

Emilie continued:" then we went to the library and read something. We have managed to understand everything in the texts daddy."

Elijah laughed and hugged his kids:" You kids will be smarter than me. Anything else happened?"

Nikolas and Emilie both said :" We will show you something Daddy."

The went and approached small decorative stones in the garden . They stopped and concentrated then the stones floated for a bit. Elijah felt similar power to his own radiating from his kids. He was pleasantly surprised and happy.

Elijah lifted his kids and kissed their cheeks.

Nikolas:" was that good daddy?"

Emilie:" Daddy we were awesome, right?"

Elijah:" Yes you are. Let me show you."

Elijah then made all the decorative marbles stones in the garden float and arranged like they were dancing.

The kids laughed and then said:" we are like daddy awesome."

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