The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 1 - New Havens

In a small quaint town, the suns of the world were beginning to rise in this lush and peaceful land. At the early break of dawn, a few roosters were heard to signal the start of the working day. At a particularly old farmhouse that had seen generations of use, the tired yawning of a girl played out. The girl mumbled in her drowsy state and rolled in her bed.

Just another few seconds, she tempted herself. I'll get up after a few seconds I promise so leave me be… The soft allure of her bed, the comfort of her pillow, the warmth of her sheets was too attractive. Moreover, she dreaded what today would bring. As she was ready to enter her sweet dreamland again, her brother knocked on the door.

"Elizabeth, come on and hurry up. We need to get our farm work done by noon. Our parents want to head into town by the afternoon so get Aisa and yourself awake!"

As expected of my older brother, he knew my plan. She chuckled to herself. But it won't be that easy! I'll just pretend I have some sort of sickness, so I won't be able to attend the event today. No matter what, I won't go!

Edward sighed beyond the door. Every year and it was the same scene again and again. He had grown accustomed to her nature. However, if he were to relent and let his baby sister do as she pleased, then he could never call himself the older brother. He grabbed the doorknob and swung the door open with deliberate force, prompting Elizabeth to groan. Aisa was still soundly asleep next to her sister, cutely clinging to her arm, snuggled up in the sheets. With the curtains closed, the small and bare room was shrouded in a layer of darkness. The man walked over to the curtains and flung them up, letting the morning light burst into the room. Elizabeth gave a pained expression as she turned over away from the light.

"Alright, Elizabeth. You can sleep for a few more minutes, but if you're still asleep by then, I'm taking your bedsheets away," he said while leaving the room.

The girl grumbled under her breath. She disliked it but her brother seemed unreasonably resolute today. Normally, he would be more doting. She pondered for a moment and realized! Today was the announcement of his engagement with the baker girl! They chose today specifically as the anniversary of the town's founding would bring all the town folk in to celebrate. His fiancée had good looks, a bit on the plump side, but nice enough. Elizabeth considered it a shame that she would be wed to her rowdy and bothersome older brother, but love was always a strange and unexpected concept. Although she would criticize her brother, she was nevertheless happy inside. With this, Edward would move into a new house with his wife, starting a family. Time was moving fast, far too fast…

She sighed and nudged Aisa awake before getting up herself. As much as she would like to bail today's events, she knew Edward would bear a grudge. It was better to give her brother at least some respect than make bad memories. After all, she would see him less and less from now on. Better yet, her parents were beginning to turn their eyes toward her. With her recent birthday, she was now sixteen years old, the age ripe for relationsh.i.p.s to blossom. It might not be long before they start talking about her marriage proposals.

Well, not like any of that ever matter to me. She wryly smiled as she brushed her crimson red hair.

In terms of looks, she thought she was pretty. She was skinny and curved in the right areas. Her skin was a bit tanned from the years of farm work but still rosy pink. Her hair was neat and tidy with a generous length down to her waist. Her eyes were a beautiful deep blue with a tinge of gold. She touched her flat chest and frowned. Even without a voluptuous chest, she could undoubtedly rank as one of the most beautiful in the town. But despite all that, the towns folk shot scared looks in her direction every time she visited. No one would look her in the eye and talk to her. She was a complete outcast. This was why she abhorred going into town. There was nothing but pain awaiting her.

The source of it all was her red hair. It was long and l.u.s.trous, beautiful and tame, but the towns folk were nonetheless frightened of her. Why? No one else in New Havens had red hair. Not their parents, grandparents, or even their great grandparents. No one. No one even knew it was possible to have red hair. For the unknown, people were often wary. The unknown was scary. They would label her with harsh nicknames such as demon or witch and shun her. They would say her bloody red hair was an omen of death to come. As a result, no one liked her or talked to her freely. Out of respect for her parents, some may spare a few words but nothing more. Having friends was nothing more than a fleeting wish. Sixteen years and all she really knew was her family.

"Good morning Elizabeth…" the slurred words of her baby sister entered her ears.

"Good morning," the girl said with a complete reversal in mood. The opinions of the town folk were of no concern to her. Although the future was uncertain, if her family was with her, she could weather any storm. Her family was enough. "Let's get dressed and head downstairs quickly, alright? They are probably waiting for us in the fields already."

The little girl nodded her head as she stumbled out of bed to grab her clothes. Elizabeth also started to get dressed herself and changed into her working clothes. It was a simple brown woolen dress with a darkly colored underskirt, covered in patches of mud and grassy stains. It glued to her figure greedily as it barely fit her. It was already several years old having been handed down by an older girl in town. She stretched her joints and glanced out the window. The two suns were just hanging on the edge of the world, illuminating the small town. As she looked past the yellow fields, the small townhouses, the lake with the massive Asaparagon Tree, into the mountain and beyond to the clouds, she felt energized.

Aisa mumbled from the side, "Elizabeth…" in an embarrassed tone. She was having trouble tying the laces of her boots together. Elizabeth could not help but feel her heart soften. Her sister was truly a treasure to this world.

"Honestly! You're eight years old. You should know how to tie your own boots!"

The girl's face changed into a teary one. Elizabeth admonished herself. I guess I shouldn't tease my little sister that much.

"Okay, don't cry. I'll teach you how to tie your laces today, but you'll do it yourself tomorrow."

"Yes!" Aisa said with a cute raising of her hand.


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