The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 100 - World in turmoil (3)


Roughly half a month later, the news finally reached the Alzar Kingdom's capital, Algard! All things considered, it was a shocking speed. Remember, Algard resided in the King's Bay, on the opposite side of the continent facing the Desterina Ocean. It was not easy to transport messages across such an enormous distance from the Xingyuu Empire. However, this was an exception. The Communication Division spared zero expense in trying to send the news as fast as possible to the capital. It was that important!

On the top floor of Castle Reinhard was a particular person's quarters, Queen Bethnal Etuvel Reindel! As the former queen of the Alzar Kingdom, this elderly woman was the current matriarch of the Royal Family! This position would normally be inherited by the next king, but King Harth had died tragically. Consequently, she regained this unique position. Even though she did not reign as queen regent currently, her word was practically law. When Elizabeth escaped from the capital, Lord Korogin had to seek her counsel. He was the substitute monarch, not a true monarch. In the face of royalty, he could not act freely. She was the true power behind the throne!

Nonetheless, she did not typically act. She understood that her era had come and gone. It was best to leave everything to Lord Korogin and the Royal Assembly. Needlessly interfering in affairs would invite more trouble than solve them. So, she adopted a rather carefree lifestyle and practised her hobbies. One would find her closer to a warm grandmother than the former queen regent. And yet, she was not enjoying any of her favourite pastimes. As she read her book, Queen Bethnal wore a strange frown. A foreboding feeling surged in her. As queen, she learned to trust her intuition. Something had happened!

The doors to her quarters burst open, gaining Queen Bethnal's displeasure. She had specifically instructed Sir Sebastian to forbid anyone from interrupting her. But when she saw her Protector's face, she did not scold him. Sir Sebastian, the son of Lord Korogin, normally had a stoic and unapproachable face. He was strictly professional in all regards. Yet, his mood was heavy right now. It was enough for Queen Bethnal to understand this was a special circ.u.mstance. The woman turned to see the visitors.

The first arrival was wearing an elaborate dress, highlighting her curvaceous body. She was quite a tall lady and possessed a natural beauty that lifted anyone's mood. Furthermore, she looked extraordinarily kind and gentle, as if she could not bear to kill even a fly. Like a delicate flower, she was incorruptible by the worldly evils! If one was to compare, she bore a striking resemblance to Queen Bethnal in her youth. Indeed, she was Princess Millisandren Etuvel Reindel, the eldest daughter of the queen! The second was a stern-looking woman, wearing the traditional uniform of the Royal Guard. Her appearance paled against Princess Millisandren, but she kept her looks well in her years. With a weapon by her side, she was known as Lady Jessica Asaleni, Protector of the princess.

"What seems to be the matter?" Queen Bethnal frowned.

"It's terrible news, mother! The emperor and Lord Korogin are both dead!" she cried.

Princess Millisandren was a bit of a crybaby. Her emotions were easily roused. For many men, this was an adorable trait. It showcased her innocence beautifully. However, for a member of the Royal Family, this was less than desirable. This was one of the many reasons why the Alzar Kingdom's throne remained empty till now. If there was someone suitable, would Queen Bethnal not prop them up? Did she really want the realm to destabilize in the hopes of finding Elizabeth? It went beyond King Harth's wishes. There was simply no one ready!

Meanwhile, realization dawned on Queen Bethnal. She figured the cause of her premonition was this. As the matriarch of the Royal Family, she was privy to every secret in the kingdom. Naturally, she knew what Lord Korogin's plans were for invading Yongtein. She had to admit it, it was a courageous plan. Of course, it was not completely suicidal. There were many elements intertwined together to ensure a decent chance. Was it not for his plans being leaked, Lord Korogin could have succeeded in taking Yongtein! Yet, this was an outcome she did not expect. Both the emperor and Lord Korogin died? What happened?

"Here, Your Majesty," Lady Asaleni presented a detailed report.

Queen Bethnal glanced through the scroll and gained a quick understanding of the situation. "Princess Ming is hoping to reach a ceasefire with us? I heard that the Imperial Princesses were clashing with the Imperial Council in the Yunyun Stronghold, but…"

Bethnal thought Even if Princess Ming wants a ceasefire, she is not the empress. She cannot decide things like it is right now. She might be working with the Li Family, but she cannot fight against the Imperial Council and the other three Great Nobility Families forever. Furthermore, Elizabeth's act of killing the emperor will not be so easily forgiven. It might even spark more bloodshed. This could be the cause of empire's collapse instead. Queen Bethnal's thought process was very logical and encompassed the core of the issue. She was leagues ahead of Princess Ming who considered things from a superficial point of view. This was the experience of decades of rulership!

"What are you thinking about, mother?"

"Nothing in particular. The most important thing we need to do is make our stance clear. The question is about what to do with Elizabeth."

"She's the one that the Royal Family sent out a search request for, right? I remember that name very well. Is she really my niece and the new heir apparent?" Millisandren was slightly upset about this sudden revelation. Her mother was keeping such a big secret from her! She could not help but think her mother did not trust her and started to tear up.

"Oh, Millisandren, stop crying. You're not a child anymore," the queen chastised. "Elizabeth is Harth's daughter. I'll tell you about it later. The problem now is that child has already gained such a reputation and the kingdom is already quite unstable… Now that Korogin is dead, his death will have a profound effect on the political landscape."

"Then what are we going to do, mother? The realm is going to…" the princess cried.

The queen sighed. "Very well, Millisandren. Summon the Royal Assembly, the Provincial Occurions, and the twenty-five Grand Nobility Households. Declare a state of emergency for the Alzar Kingdom! I will personally act for now!"

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