The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 118 - Royal Family's decision

Elizabeth was standing outside, pale as the snow outside. She could not believe it. She was having difficulty understanding what happened. She knew it would be hard to convince them, but this… Stepping inside, saying a few words, and then being sent right back out… She did nothing at all! An unbelievable sense of disbelief, shame, and mockery built up inside her. The girl wanted to laugh at herself. Obviously, it would not be so simple. The Holy Reingolian Medallion was merely a formality. The real struggle was earning everyone's approval!

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The Royal Assembly might have been prejudiced against her, but the reality was she was not qualified. At least, currently. Elizabeth was not deluded enough to believe she was queen-material already. The difference between her and former monarchs was akin to the ground and the sky. There was a long way to go before she could achieve the glory of her predecessors! This meeting only served to remind her… that the path she took was bound to be a long and treacherous one.

But she did not want to falter. She did not want to regret. She would take one step forward at a time. As long as she kept walking forward, eventually, she would reach the top! Funnily enough, the Royal Assembly's effect on Elizabeth was the exact opposite of what they wanted. They wanted to crush her spirit, destroy her motivation, and ruin her ambition. Instead, Elizabeth was spurred on. It ignited her resolve! She wanted to make the Royal Assembly regret their words! This was just the beginning!

The next day was the last day of the year. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered from across the kingdom to fill Corasen and Algard to the brim. Every inn was stocked full and the streets were swarming with people. It was so exaggerated that folk slower to arrive were forced to camp outside the city. People would have their eyes dazed as they watched famous heroes, affluential merchants, provincial officials, and Grand Nobles show up one after another in their golden carriages or massive sh.i.p.s. It seemed like everyone was slowly gathering in Algard. That was how ridiculous it was!

There were two reasons for this. The first was that Lord Korogin's memorial would be held today. In his time, Lord Korogin's reputation was second only to King Harth. His list of achievements was so long that it could dry any mouth. Serving as the Master of Strategy and the Leader of the Royal Assembly, his name struck fear into his enemies and brought hope for his allies. He managed both wars, saw the death of King Harth, prevented multiple rebellions, and singlehandedly propped up the kingdom for the last two years. Working himself day and night to the bone until his hair turned white… His legacy was something everyone looked up to!

After that final battle with Emperor Lianghu, General Illion had specifically chosen to recover Lord Korogin's body. Illion had far too much respect for the man to allow enemies to desecrate the corpse. This allowed Korogin to be given a proper funeral with the highest honors in Algard.

On the streets, despite the grand procession, the thousands of spectators kept quiet. No one dared to make a single noise. Every Grand Nobility Household was present, standing at attention. Benedict was also among the Hawken Household with a dejected expression. The military was especially solemn with many generals, commanders, and captains showing their earnest respect. General Gordon and Commander Christina were only some of many present.

Elizabeth was somber, watching from Castle Reinhard, as the casket was marched through the city street. She wished she could have apologized before he died. To at least talk to him one last time. The girl sighed. Things did not always go the way one wanted. You appreciated things only once they were gone. Was it not the same for her family on New Havens? Taking things for granted… That was right. She did not want to waste the life given to her. Both her family, Lord Korogin, and her friends suffered so much just so she could live. She had to live up to their expectations!

The ceremony lasted for the greater part of the day as the casket travelled from Castle Reinhard, down the streets of Algard and Corasen, before returning. And people were still arriving to pay their respects! Only when night began to fall did everything wrapped up. While Korogin certainly commanded an abundance of respect and reverence, that was not enough to gather these esteemed individuals from across the kingdom. The reason why everyone travelled such an enormous distance was because… the Royal Family issued an emergency summons! They were finally making their announcement about the heir apparent tonight!

A trumpet sounded as the crowds quieted down and looked up towards Castle Reinhard. A grand stage was constructed in front of the castle, where many chairs were carefully organized. Gasps of shock could be heard as people slowly stepped onto the stage. The commoners had their eyes widened to the extreme. The twenty-five Grand Nobility Household representatives were arriving! The Daemons, Highguards, Hawkens, Stars, Dewshards, Lannisails, Ovarrs … The list went on. These twenty-five were the absolute pinnacle of nobility! A single glance could raise beggars from poverty or plunge lords into darkness. One by one, they took their place!

Mostly people from the younger generation were seated, but they did not command any less shock. Among them, three individuals stood out. Whether it be their disposition, appearance, or background, they were like glorious peac.o.c.ks in a flock of chickens. The first was a cold-looking girl, sitting as straight as a sword, with wintery white hair. Her gaze was as frigid as the air, as she looked on in solitude. That was why she was called the Solitary Wind, Lady Kalasena Dewshard! Her mastery of the sword was incomparably deep, and she had already achieved Perception Realm! People compared her to the likes of Sir Winstin or Lady Valentina when they were young.

The second was a scholarly-looking boy with a sophisticated air. His gaze was filled with a sense of boredom, as if he were impatient to leave. Rather than addressing the crowds, he was absorbed in his own book. Despite his young appearance, he was already famed for being one of the most brilliant minds of his generation. He was the Artful Pen, Lord Archibon Lannisail, famed for being the lead candidate for the Master of Progress on the Royal Assembly!

Finally, there was an extremely handsome and sharp-looking young man. Every facial feature seemed to be carved with the utmost precision. Every action was refined and graceful. A gentle smile hung on his face as he sat in his chair with his gaze full of profundity. This was the Graceful Willow, Lord Fredrick Ovarr. Proficient in a multitude of subjects such as literature, poetry, mathematics, science, and even strategy, he was aiming to become one of the few Crown Advisors. Together, these three were the brightest stars of the younger generation!

Next was the Royal Assembly and the Royal Family with their Protectors, who received more ravenous cheering than the last. By now, the stage was fully seated. Everyone was present except for the main star of the show, Elizabeth herself. She was shaking nervously as Queen Bethnal gave her introductory speech. You could not help but admire Queen Bethnal's charisma. Even with her advanced age, she could display the demeanor of a monarch! Elizabeth tried memorizing everything her grandmother did, but everything seemed so natural and fluid. How could you copy that?

While she was mesmerized, Queen Bethnal finished and gestured for Elizabeth to come. The girl took a very deep breath to calm her racing heart as she trudged forward. A strained smile was painted across her face. The cheers of the crowds were shockingly loud, echoing across the city and dominating the sky. Even the ground was shaking from the sheer noise. That was how many people there were! It was an absolutely mind-boggling amount! Compared to the small town of New Havens, it was truly a vast comparison. Elizabeth felt nauseous just hearing the commotion, much less seeing it herself.

The royalty could see her trembling clearly. Prince Ranir smirked while Prince Dannark frowned. Princess Millisandren wanted to go up and help, but Prince Dannark shook his head. The Royal Assembly were wearing blank expressions, yet the younger generation from the Grand Nobility did not hide their glee. They smirked, sneered, and snickered as Elizabeth climbed the steps. Lady Kalasena was neutral, Lord Archibon was humored, while Lord Fredrick remained enigmatic.

When Elizabeth finally reached the top and saw the grandeur of the occasion, she was stunned speechless. At centerstage, every pair of eyes zeroed on her, watching her from every direction. For thousands of people to do so, it sent chills down her spine. She was pale from head to toe. Queen Bethnal was standing off to the side, observing every little reaction, not just from Elizabeth, but also the royalty, nobility, and the commoners. Nothing was hidden from her sight.

A breath later, she spoke, "This is the Alzar Kingdom's new chosen heir apparent, Princess Elizabeth Etuvel Reindel." Her voice was amplified dozens of times over thanks to Arcania. This allowed her to be heard from all over Algard and into Corasen. "The Royal Family and the Royal Assembly have made their decision regarding Princess Elizabeth. As all of you may know, the current times are perilous. With the threat of both external and internal enemies, we realize that the position of monarch cannot remain empty any longer. However, we cannot abandon due precedence. Princess Elizabeth was chosen to be heir apparent by King Harth.

"Therefore, the Royal Family and Royal Assembly have decided: Princess Elizabeth will train for one year! If she reaches the appropriate standards as set upon by the kingdom's ancestors, then she will inherit the throne to become the next queen. If she does not, then a substitute will be chosen among the Royal Family. In that time, I, Queen Bethnal Etuvel Reindel, will be the acting queen.

"Have no fear," the woman continued. "The Alzar Kingdom has survived through times far more chaotic than now. Time and time again, we have persevered! This is nothing more than a steppingstone in our kingdom's long history. We will use it to become stronger and more united than before. Together, we shall stand. Together, we shall rise. Together, we will last to see it all!"

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