The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 122 - Struggles of the Adonina family

South of the Alzar Kingdom mainland was the Teria Sea. Home to countless islands, it was a captivating sight to behold at any time of the year. Yet, it was also home to one of the most tragic conflicts in the Second Great Kingdom War: the Teria Sea Campaign. That campaign had ravaged the entire southern border of the kingdom for many years. Even after the war ended, the refugee crisis caused by it had not settled and that was putting aside the Invasion of Aereon or the Battle of the Millennium which followed shortly… It sufficed to say that the Teria Sea was one of the central battlefields of the war!

On Lour Island, atop of a large hill, was a single lonely tree. It was bare, swept clean from the winter, but fresh buds were growing on the branches. Shirley was knelt and had her eyes closed in a prayer before her father's gravestone. Shirley's mind was calm as memories of the past flowed into her head. Her mother, her father, her childhood… Each was lost, gone with the ashes of war. Her once happy family was shattered like that. However, it was not all bad. Her two brothers were still alive and well. She met Elizabeth, Benedict, and Freon. Life was moving on.

"Father, I hope you're well," she whispered. "I know that it hasn't been long since I came to visit, but I can't help but think you're lonely here."

The wind rustled the branches as if replying to her. Shirley smiled and opened her eyes. Beside her was her two younger brothers: Charles and Robert. The older Charles had a slightly muscular build, forged from the years of working in the family business. The younger Robert was skinny but possessed a sharp mind. Both sported the same brown hair as their sister without the additional glamor that a girl would have. Right now, the two boys were still in prayer. Shirley felt grateful for them. If her brothers had died as well, she might have taken her own life too. In a way, they saved her.

Gradually, the two opened their foggy red eyes. Shirley hugged the two and together they descended back to town. Their town, Tino, was the largest settlement on the island with a mere several thousand inhabitants. The only reason people bothered with this island was its rich abundance of metals. Many miners had struck a fortune by mining here. That was why the island was owned by the Star Household, a Grand Nobility Household, which also attracted its fair bit of trouble during the war.

However, that was long ago. Now, most of the mines had dried up. The war had made it worse, leaving the town as a shell of its former glory. Hundreds of families fled and many of the houses remained as ruins. Those that stayed had crudely patched up their homes with scrap wood or metal. People were barely living through the next day. Miserable and tormented, their mood had permanently transformed the atmosphere into one of dread and desolation. Just seeing the town from afar was enough to send Shirley's mood into melancholy.

She scowled further walking through the town as the townspeople shot her hostile gazes. That was no surprise. Her memorable return months ago on the Alzar Kingdom's crown flagship Excellica had showcased her closeness with the Royal Family! These poor people were simple folk. Whether it was the Alzar Kingdom or the Xingyuu Empire that ruled them, they did not care. If their lives were the same, then why care who wore the crown? But not everyone thought the same way which led to the tragic invasion years prior. Furthermore, the Alzar Kingdom and the Star Household had not bothered with this place! They were completely abandoned… So, obviously, their frustrations would turn into hatred for the Alzar Kingdom, especially the Royal Family!

Shirley inwardly thought that if funds were no issue and her mother was healthy again, they should move. The Zino Kingdom was a good alternative since it was nearby. Speaking of the Zino Kingdom, her mind fell onto Freon and her friends. She wanted to send a few letters out, but it was unfeasible. Sh.i.p.s rarely came to Tino and when they did, they were disinterested in couriering her letters. In fact, she had yet to learn about Elizabeth's one-year deadline since it was announced months ago in Algard… Thinking along those lines, she fancied the idea of popping in and saying hello to Freon. Of course, that was just a passing thought. Travel was not only expensive, but time-consuming. Without a good reason, she pushed that thought away.

"What are you thinking about?" Robert wondered.

"Hmm?" Shirley mumbled. "I was thinking about moving in the future. What do you think?"

"Moving? You mean to the Zino Kingdom? Aren't you worried about you know… Magic and all?"

"Charles, it's wrong to think like that," she said. "There are good and bad Arcanists, just like how there are good and bad people."

"I know but…" he replied wryly.

"When do you plan on moving?" Robert asked.

Shirley patted her little brother's head. "At least, not until mother gets healthy. I'm not sure how she would fare with the voyage."

"Have you thought about money? We'll need money if we're going to move," Charles frowned.

"Well… The family business…"

"You're planning on selling the shop?" Charles was stunned. "You're joking, right?"

Shirley smiled bitterly. "We don't have any business. No one wants to buy our wares anymore and worst of all, our father…"

Back when the mines were roaring, their father had moved here with their mother to start a blacksmithing business. Through refining and forging the raw metals, their business was exceptionally popular. Hardly a day went by without customers rushing in to request jobs. Thanks to that, they were able to accrue a decent wealth and buy a house next door. But nothing lasted forever. With the mines drying up and the invasion, their business essentially reduced to zero. And that was before considering that their father, the only blacksmith, had died…

"I'm just speaking the truth. When was the last time we had a customer?" Shirley sighed.

"It'll get better when I learn to become a blacksmith!" Charles shouted.

"Without the mines, who's going to bother?"

"There'll be new mines! We haven't dug through everything yet!"

"We have to face reality. We can't keep living like this…" Shirley also felt sad.

"I don't want to hear it!" Charles stormed off.

"I don't want to do it either…" she whispered. "What do you think, Robert?"

"If you think it's best, then I'll listen to you," he said.

Shirley laughed. "You're much more mature than your older brother."

The two returned home in light spirits just in time to see their neighbour, Inari Riverend. He was a suave-looking man with a clean beard. His clothes were always sharp, and his expressions were friendly. Despite that, he was unmarried without a family. Furthermore, Shirley had the strange feeling that he was hiding something, but she had no idea what it was. At the very least, it was nothing against her family. The man was an old friend of their father who moved in shortly after the invasion. He wanted to help the family in their time of need.

"What's the matter?" Shirley asked.

"It's nothing. I was thinking about heading to the Zino Kingdom for business," Inari replied while hiding away a piece of paper. His actions were so smooth that the two siblings noticed nothing. "How was Wilford?"

"Same as usual," she replied. "I think he might be a bit lonely up there. You should visit him too."

"I will. I will," he said with a smile.

"You said you were headed to the Zino Kingdom?" Shirley picked up.

"Why? Are you interested?"

"Maybe," she said, thinking if she should visit Freon.

"I shouldn't be gone for more than two weeks. If you want to come along, then you're free to. I can pay for your portion of the fare too," Inari purposed.

"I'd have to think about it more…"

"Don't take too long. The ship is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. The next ship will be in two weeks time."

"I'll keep it in mind," Shirley said as she turned around to face Inari. However, to her surprise, the man had vanished into thin air. She scratched her head in confusion.

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