The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 126 - Grand celebration

Elizabeth was sitting in her quarters when a chill went up her back. She glanced out the window behind her. There was only a cloudy black sky without a bit of moonlight. For some strange reason, she felt uncomfortable and drew the curtains shut. The girl sighed, looking at the stacks of paper on her desk. There was so much work and so little time. Her eyes were baggy and bloodshot. She wanted to sleep, but the work would simply be backlogged to tomorrow. If she did that, then what about tomorrow's work? She gave a self-mocking laugh and sighed again.

She casually glanced at the top paper. It was a summary of the political scene in the Xingyuu Empire currently. Last time she was in the empire, the Li Family was going toe-to-toe with the Imperial Council. The sudden death of Emperor Lianghu created an enormous power vacuum. Princess Xiuying and Ming simply could not stand up against these monumental powers. They were helplessly swept along the currents. Several negotiations were made, but they all failed miserably. According to the Alzar War Council's predictions, a civil war was inevitable! The Tzu Dynasty would fall, and a new dynasty would rise!

Her memories lapsed back to months ago when the Imperial Princesses desperately pleaded for peace from her. They were willing to put aside their honor and titles to speak earnestly. Elizabeth did admire them. Their strength and determination were something she wished to emulate. But whenever she thought about how she killed Emperor Lianghu, a sense of guilt welled up inside her. One could say she had singlehandedly caused the empire's turmoil right now!

She sighed and wondered when their next meeting would be. The world was like so. People meet and depart, their time together a tiny and significant part of life. Was that not a part of the world's beauty? Time was precious! Thinking about that, her mind wandered to Benedict, Shirley, and Freon. Her three friends who suffered tribulations to rescue and protect her… After her family died, they were the ones who saved her from ending it all! They were truly what she could call family, not the mockery of the Royal Family now.

That could not be helped. The Royal Family had authority and power, far surpassing anyone else in the Alzar Kingdom. They had to act and behave in a way befitting that. One day kind and merciful, the next cold and calculating… Everything was a game in this complex playing field. Everything was a matter of benefits! If they benefited from slaughtering a million innocents or sparing a million criminals, they would do so in a heartbeat. Even King Harth, famed for his charisma, kept this principle in mind. That was the entire logic behind the Golden Nightmare perpetrated by Lord Korogin!

So, how could there be warmth and compassion? What days of chatting with her family alongside a homemade dinner? What days of playing and laughing together? Compared to those happy days on New Havens, a million of the Royal Family could not match. Elizabeth never felt more like an outsider than now. These cold stone walls never felt colder. She never felt lonelier. For once, she understood just why Prince Dannark had given up the crown. It took a special willpower to endure all this. As they say, the top was truly lofty and lonely. Although her determination to become queen had not wavered, it was certainly a bitter truth to accept!


A few days passed when shocking news was released across the kingdom. The youth of the Grand Nobility Households arranged for an enormous celebration for Elizabeth! Normal citizens might think nothing of it, but to those above, it was clearly an open challenge! Her isolation made the Grand Nobles too wary. They had tried all sorts of schemes and ploys from lunch invitations to marriage proposals to get close to her. However, everything failed by Queen Bethnal's hand. The old queen had made sure of this. Therefore, the nobility had no choice but to play this card. They wanted the Royal Family to respond!

What drew everyone's attention was the Grand Nobility Households supporting this, particularly the Lannisail Household! The Lannisail Household was an extraordinarily neutral family that rarely dabbled in political affairs. Their wisdom and foresight allowed them to stay in good faith with their peers. Lord Wenmord would not act without good reason. So, when the Lannisail Household announced their support, everyone was surprised. Even Queen Bethnal was no exception. This pushed every Grand Nobility Household to support this endeavor. Therefore, Queen Bethnal made her decision.

At the beginning of April, the celebration was held in Algard. More specifically, it was hosted by the Daemon Household, known as the richest family in the world! Not even the fearsome Li Family could compete! That was understandable though as the patriarch of the Daemon Household was the current Master of Trade on the Royal Family. His acc.u.mulation of wealth was far beyond what anyone could imagine. It was a staggering amount! Hosting a celebration like this allowed them to flaunt their wealth more. Naturally, they would volunteer to do it.

Despite the grandeur of the occasion, only the youths from the Grand Nobility were invited. Anything less was rejected which showcased how high-class it was! Inside the great hall, it was the epitome of luxurious. Marbled floors, golden chandeliers, exquisite flowers, and priceless artwork were commonplace. Lords and ladies slowly entered one after another, wearing glamorous clothes with prideful faces. These were the future heirs to the Grand Nobility Households!

Lady Kalasena Dewshard arrived with a snow-white dress that matched her hair and personality. Nearly every boy drew heated gazes toward her. She was practically the dream girl of every boy present! However, she maintained her cold personality. Lord Fredrick Ovarr was the exact opposite. His friendly smile and handsome looks caused girls to flock to him. He entertained everyone with the same cordial words. It was hard to find someone as tactful at his age. The two walked over to a quiet Lord Archibon Lannisail, who was leaning against a wall and reading a book. His mood was clearly poor.

"I must say, it was quite a surprise to hear the Lannisail Household supporting this endeavor. May I hear what the Lord Wenmord is thinking?" Fredrick asked.

Archibon stared at him for a moment. "You're both asking on behalf of your families, I assume."

"You have assumed correctly," he replied while Kalasena gave a slight nod.

"As for the reason my father decided to do so…"

Fredrick was momentarily stunned before realizing, "You don't know either?"

"I don't have the slightest clue," Archibon said wryly.

Fredrick glanced at Kalasena who shook her head. He frowned, deep in thought.

At the same time, Benedict arrived with his brother, Lorenzo. The two were wearing fashionable clothes as befitting their status but many stared at Benedict with funny faces. The boy grimaced. The beating by his father had bedridden him for several days. He could barely move a muscle without wincing. His father was truly ruthless! Although he recovered, the bruises and welts across his body could not be hidden. Anyone would find it funny. However, he came anyways. He could not help his growing desire to meet Elizabeth.

Lorenzo said, "I hope you behave yourself, brother. You're already on thin ice with our father."

Benedict clenched his teeth. Of course, he knew. The matter with his father was not over yet. How could things be settled with a simple beating? If only it was so simple… His father could not act as he wished. The eyes of everyone were currently focused on the Hawken Household. If he wanted to punish Benedict more harshly, people would criticize him for punishing the heir apparent's savior. Therefore, Sir Roland had no choice but to let Benedict off nicely, while also rewarding him. The next time Benedict slipped up, it would really be the end.

Where there was smoke, there was sure to be fire. A small group of Grand Nobles came up to Benedict grinning. "To think that the Hawken Household was capable of such scandals. It has been a real eyeopener to everyone here!" someone laughed.

"First, the matter with that low noble. Now, this… I feel sorry for the Hawkens," another snickered.

Benedict's eyes narrowed into slits. His hand shifted to his sword. How could he not know what the boy was referring to? It was obviously about his deceased lover Lady Isabella Targal! The fact that he fancied a girl of lower status sent waves throughout the Grand Nobility. The nobility always schemed in the shadows, so when this scandal went public, it caused an uproar. Naturally, the youths loved mentioning it! Lorenzo held Benedict's shoulder and shot him a gaze. Benedict took a deep breath and released his sword handle.

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