The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 16 - Algard, the capital city of the Alzar Kingdom

On the paths northeast, the roads widened to accommodate the traffic. Alongside their long military caravan, there were countless more people joining them. From traders to nobles to refugees, everyone made their journey to and from the capital as they entered the Premora Province. The capital city of the Alzar Kingdom was appropriately called the True Heart Capital, because it acted as the heart of the kingdom. Whether it was economy, military, or nobility, everything was taken to its extremes there. Whether it was the poorest slums of the alleyways or the spotless throne room of Castle Reinhard, anything could be found there. For those fleeing the Second Great Kingdom War, there was no greater safety than within those tall walls.

Elizabeth watched as her carriage crested a hill, giving her an expansive view of the capital city's skyline. From here, she could see sister cities of Algard and Corasen. If Algard was the haven of powerful nobility and royalty, then Corasen was the haven of everything else. Algard resided on its own island, named the Island of Gods and Goddesses with a single lonely bridge connected from Corasen. There, all the twenty-five Grand Nobility Households lived alongside the royal castle, Castle Reinhard. Of course, there was also the Quinvoren Strategic Central Command, the Quinvoren Academy, the Royal Supreme Court of Justice, and more. Nearly all the kingdom's key organizations had their headquarters in Algard. There, being a Great Noble was the standard. Anything less was looked down upon.

Corasen was its larger, wilder counterpart. Residing on the mainland, it nestled up close to the seaside, and boasted a vast sprawling size to accompany its several million strong population. Hundreds of thousands of houses were built along tight winding cobblestone streets and roads, with the city divided into ten primary districts. Where walls once contained the city, the city now freely flowed out and burst at the seams. Now, even the lands outside the city were inhabited by countless makeshift shacks for the poor. Smoke clouds clouded the sky as dots swarmed in the writhing mass. Toward the harbor, sh.i.p.s of all sizes were constantly entering and leaving.

Elizabeth could only feel dazed at the view. From a glance, the vastness and prosperity of the Alzar Kingdom could be seen! This was the kingdom with a history that lasted over a thousand years! Whether it was New Havens, Fortress Fallinard, or even Nightwin, nothing came close. All her life, she was most familiar with her family of four. Just the numbers in their hundred thousand soldier army was enough for Elizabeth to be dizzy. With the sea of people in the cities, Elizabeth felt a mounting headache. The capital city was really too much…

As they entered the city limits, the dense crowds parted way for the army. There was a sense of reverence, and hatred in their gazes. Reverence for the honorable who sacrificed their lives to protect the kingdom. Hatred for the soldiers for prolonging the war and ruining their lives. By now, nearly all the commoners were tainted in some way by the war. Everyone had their own tragedy. In fact, of the many who lingered in the slums of Corasen, it was not an exaggeration that four to five out of ten were refugees from the frontier provinces. Their cold lifeless eyes chilled Elizabeth as she inadvertently thought of herself. The look she had on New Havens was probably similar. To think that there were as many people here as stars in the night sky that shared her story… It was saddening.

The army passed under the portcullis, officially entering Corasen. Here, the makeshift dirt roads were instantly transformed into worm cobblestone roads as the buildings were constructed of brick and stone. Although it was only Corasen, the city of commoners and lower nobility, it still sang of wealth. Naturally, anyone who could own land in this precious haven stood heads and shoulders above other commoners. People clapped and cheered for the army's arrival with children coming to admire the valiant war heroes. General Gordon Mill was at the front and with his bear-like stature and lion-like charisma, he commanded everyone's admiration. The parade continued until they reached the military's Quinvoren District, where the caravan began unloading.

Elizabeth sighed as relief washed over her. Being in a carriage for so long assaulted her comfort. Every time they rolled over a bumpy surface, her underside would ring out in pain. She was looking forward to stretching her legs finally. But before she could leave, Christina, who was sat across from her, stopped her. This was not their destination. Instead, it was Castle Reinhard in the heart of Algard! Once more, Elizabeth wondered what business she had with the Royal Family that demanded such urgency. She only heard of the Alzar Kingdom a month ago. From what she could gleam, the Holy Reingolian Medallion hanging around her neck right now was central to this mystery.

The carriage pulled away from the military district and headed towards the city square. Here, the buildings were taller, sharper, and overall much better looking which mirrored the increase in wealth. Even though the streets were still as busy as always, the standard was now a Noble or High Noble with their colorful and expensive clothes. Standing over the wide city square and the bridge to Algard were two massive statues depicting the Church of the Twin Goddesses. The True Heart Bridge was a long suspension bridge that extended across the sea over to Algard and symbolized the vast difference between the two cities. Furthermore, Algard required a hefty entrance fee that many would bulge their eyes at. Great Nobles and higher could afford the price daily. Others would go bankrupt…

Entering the sanctuary of the Alzar Kingdom, the surroundings went under a qualitative transformation. Though the buildings were twice as tall and big by Corasen's standards, they were more spread out allowing light to sift through easier than Corasen. Greenery decorated the space in between, with trees and flowers becoming commonplace. Rather than a city, it offered a cozier, more sophisticated scenery. Elizabeth could spot the castle as soon as they left the bridge. It was a beautiful towering white beast that effortlessly overlooked Algard and Corasen. It was none other than Castle Reinhard, the symbol of Alzar royalty!


In one of the innermost chambers of Castle Reinhard, Royal Guards were lined up outside, warding off anyone who got too close. The difference between Grand Knights and Royal Guards was quite large. While both could push their senses to the limits, their respective masteries in the Perception Realm was significant. Every Royal Guard was capable of seamlessly integrating their enhanced senses during combat, explosively increasing their strength, something that Grand Knights struggled with. Much like the Ten Dawns of the Zino Kingdom, the Royal Guard was considered the Alzar Kingdom's trump card. They towered at the apex of strength among knights.

Of course, with those standing guard, those inside were not normal. Inside was a small windowed room with a round table as the centerpiece. Seven people were sat here, waiting for the eighth and final member to show up before officially convening the meeting. None of them were particularly pleased. After all, they all held extremely respected and powerful positions, second only to the Royal Family itself. A single word from them meant sweeping changes across the Alzar Kingdom. However, they held their tongue for the head of the Royal Assembly was Lord Korogin Highguard, the Master of Strategy! In a time where there was no monarch like now, the Master of Strategy defaulted as the temporary monarch. For the past two years since King Harth's death, Lord Korogin ruled in his stead.

The doors opened and two men walked in. The first was a middle-aged man with scruffy brown hair and a well-groomed moustache. He wore an elegant sleek coat with simple black pants. Attached to his collar was the standard cape for royalty: red with outlines of gold. On his sash, he wore the symbol of the Alzar Kingdom, a lion and snake, which symbolized his authority. Although bags hung under his eyes, he kept a focused gaze. His plain clothes did not detract from his overflowing kingly aura. This was the power to command an entire kingdom, Lord Korogin Highguard!

The second was a Royal Guard, whose white balding hairline may lead people to believe he was very old, but he was actually around the same age as Korogin. He wore an extensive and intricate white plate armor set with a sharp gaze. The insignia of the Royal Guard was proudly displayed on his chest piece. Every single motion was planned with nearly no excess movements. A large glaive was strapped to his back and a single lonely longsword hung on his waist. As the story goes, the man would only draw forth his glaive for opponents worthy of his attention! Just like Lord Korogin, this knight's reputation and fame spread as far as the skies itself. Widely considered as the strongest knight in the Alzar Kingdom, it was the current Leader of the Knights and Royal Guard, Sir Winstin Mormont!

The seven Royal Assembly members stood at attention with Korogin lightly nodding. The doors closed behind him, sealing them inside. The monthly conference of the Royal Assembly began in earnest!

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