The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 182 - Third Hand makes their move

However, Nassandra shook her head immediately. "Let's not do that, brother."

"Oh, why is that?"

She curled up and hugged her knees. "Isn't it better to live by ourselves? I don't want to lose those peaceful days."

"But a situation like today is bound to happen again," Freon argued.

"I don't want to lose you, or anyone else but… Involving ourselves in politics is much more scarier," she whispered. As a Ten Dawn and one of the highest-ranking officials in the kingdom, she was deeply tied to this power struggle. Although the Three Sages sheltered her, she had seen the ugliness of humanity! In her opinion, it was a hundred times scarier than facing an enemy head-on.

"Then we won't," he smiled. "Don't worry. Your big brother will figure something out! Go on and get some rest. It's been a long time."

Nassandra nodded and went to her assigned room, leaving Freon to linger around. Freon sat on this bench and faced the night sky. Despite the frigid air, his eyes seemed colder. They might have lived in the commoner's district, but never had anyone attacked them directly like this before. It was clear that the attackers' motives must be related to the Arcellius Family. In that case, did they follow Uncle Avin to his house? Freon denied that possibility. Although he was unclear on Avin's Core Level, it was unquestionably high. With his level of caution, it would be hard to believe that someone successfully tailed him the entire time without him knowing. Then, that would mean the plan to attack came after Freon reunited with his uncle.

Assuming that no one knew about his relationship with the Arcellius Family beforehand… then either someone eavesdropped on their conversation or it was leaked by the people who heard it! However, their little second-floor flat had surprisingly good soundproofing. It would be hard to eavesdrop without being discovered. Even the landlord could not hear them unless he was in the house itself! By ruling out this possibility, Freon's heart dropped. That would mean either Shirley, Gunther, or Yuna exposed his secrets! When he thought about how his friends betrayed him, he felt deeply hurt. It was a cruel truth!

Shirley could be excluded because she never left his notice. Furthermore, she just arrived in Firecast. It would be hard to believe that this numbskull could be involved, either purposefully or accidentally. Yuna as well. If she were involved, then why would she willingly come back to get herself attacked? She was the one that lost the most! Therefore, the blame fell upon Gunther… Freon sighed. He was not certain, but he had a feeling his suspicions were dead-on. Once all the evidence stacked up, it was hard to deny it!

He thought back to when he first met Gunther. It was a few years back when he first enrolled into the First Celestial Magic University. Since Nassandra was his younger sister, he skipped most of the preliminary tests, allowing him to enter this prestigious university. Normally, one had to go through the First Celestial Magic Academy, train there for five years, and finally reach the standard of Medium Gaseous Fog to graduate. This made the university's entrance requirement to be Medium Gaseous Fog! Obviously, because of Freon's Core Level being low, he was placed at the bottom of the rankings. Everyone had high hopes that he would mirror Nassandra to become the next Ten Dawn!

When he disappointed time and time again, people began to look at him differently. They started mocking, insulting, or bullying him to an outrageous point. The heirs of the great Engelsheft Families looked down on a no-name nobody like Freon. It went beyond Freon as it became a matter of pride! They could never be inferior to people like him and Nassandra! To be honest, regardless of his results, even he dominated the rankings and achieved Peak Gaseous Fog, it would be the same. Unless he could soar to the top like a dragon and become a Ten Dawn, he would never escape their criticisms!

No matter who it was, they would feel discouraged by the incessant negativity. It was when he considered quitting that Gunther and Yuna approached him. They became the first friends he made. Freon was never an emotional person, but… that was because it was normally shrouded in logic. That did not mean he was emotionless! He might be cold and distant, but that was because he had poor social skills. In reality, he treasured every friendship greatly! When one of them was sad, the other two would cheer them up. When one of them was happy, the other two would celebrate together. Together, they supported one another, struggled against the persecution, and stood strong! Certainly, his friendship with Elizabeth, Benedict, and Shirley was deeper, but he knew Gunther and Yuna for far longer!

He remembered when he kept failing to reach Medium Gaseous Fog Core Level, Gunther came to tutor him personally. Often, the two spent many sleepless nights smoothing over the difficulties that Freon had. They would show up late to class in the morning, earning the professor's displeasure. Thankfully, Yuna would always save a few spots for them to join in. It was little sweet moments like these that made him think fondly. When he returned from the war, Gunther's attitude took a distinct turn. Although Gunther acted the same, Freon could sense the faint irregularities. Their closeness was gone like the wind. Yet, who would have thought… this was the result?

Freon took a deep breath and sighed. At this moment, a servant walked towards him and said, "Lord Freon, there is a letter addressed to you."

He raised an eyebrow, received it, and watched the servant leave. He thought, I only arrived in the Arkfell estate more than two hours ago. Why would someone send me a letter? This seems suspicious. Once he opened it though, his expression rapidly changed. It was simple enough. It told him to go to a certain alleyway, otherwise Gunther would die! His suspicions were dead-on after all. Gunther was involved in this mess somehow. The question was… who was behind all this?

Some distance away, two large burly men were seated at a table in a tavern. Their muscles radiated a frightening level of strength that pulsated masculinity. Their biceps alone were thicker than a normal person's thighs. If they flexed them, just how much power could be unleashed? They could probably pulverise human skulls with their hands! Their bodies made the chairs they sat on seemed tiny. Honestly, they made the furniture seem like it was fit for children rather than grown a.d.u.l.ts. They chugged a few cups of wine like water. But anyone could tell it was not a cheap variety. It was the most expensive drink in the house! Strong and rich… People wisely kept their distance and averted their gazes. They became the center of attention in this establishment!

One of the men groped a nearby waitress, causing her to lower her head in embarrassment. He laughed, slapped her on the butt, and sent her away. People flashed him dirty glances. The man sneered and radiated a bit of his killing intent! A massive aura surged from his body, overwhelmed everyone, and forced them into submission! Perception Realm! He dominated the room like a king! This time, people were scared out of their minds and many scrambled out. In no time at all, the tavern vacated like that. Besides a few frightened waitresses who quivered quietly in a corner, there was no one else left.

"Ah, why did you do that?" the other man shook his head. "You ruined the mood."

"The wine is disgusting, and the women are ugly. We should have gone to a high-class place instead," he grumbled.

The man laughed. "This is the closest good tavern to the Arkfell estate. There's not much else I can do. I'll be sure to treat everyone to a better place next time!"

"Oh? I'll take you up on that offer!" He raised his mug and emptied it out immediately.

"And here you said it was disgusting," the man sneered before copying.

Unexpectedly, these two were part of the Third Hand, one of the five divisions under the control of the Whispering Shadow! The one who spoke just now was Captain Murvin and the one who complained about the wine was Vice-captain Uldat. They were both accomplished Perception Realm Adepts, much like their counterparts in the Second Hand. Rather than assassination techniques though, they learned all sorts of martial techniques. Their bodies were not for show! While the Second Hand dealt with assassination and other shady jobs, the Third Hand was responsible with muscle and direct confrontation. One in the dark, one in the light, it provided a very round range of operations.

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