The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 185 - Hearing

Once she pushed the head butler's patience too far, Shirley went to Ten Dawn Rosemary's office. As Captain Murvin and Vice-captain Uldat expected, the woman was absent. Shirley had a feeling that would be the case, but she could not help her disappointment. Both Ten Dawn Rosemary and the Arkfell Family were incredibly powerful and influential. They had the power to repel the Third Hand!

Of course, there was the option of Ten Dawn Nassandra. But… Freon did not have the heart to ask for her help. It would bring her into dangerous situations where she might be forced to kill again. What kind of big brother would he be if he forced her hand? Nevertheless, his absolute last resort was her. So, Shirley placed a failsafe letter on her bedside before slipping out. If everything failed and Freon was captured, Nassandra would know what to do. After checking up on Lord Avin and seeing he was still unconscious, Shirley felt more disappointed. With how powerful he was, Avin likely had the capability to resolve their crisis by himself. Alas, if everything were that convenient, that would be a fairy tale!

Shirley donned a cloak, equipped her weapons, and walked out of the Arkfell estate. Her goal was to alert the city guard and rendezvous with Freon! The two organized a rough time limit for their meeting. Freon would try his hardest to gain information and pry out any answers while buying time. Then, Shirley would swoop in, detain the kidnappers, and hopefully reverse the situation. It was a gutsy plan that involved many things to work perfectly. Neither had an easy time! Shirley felt the gaze of several individuals lock onto her as soon as she left the premises. She had to figure out how to shake them off! Only then would she have a chance in getting away and alerting the city guard!

Walking down the streets, people were shuttling around her. The curtain of rain brought a thin layer of mist and fog to the nighttime city. There were dim streetlights here and there, but they scarcely provided enough light. An ominous air hung in the sky. Shirley walked slowly, but steadily in a random direction. She never turned back, but her senses were pushed to their limits. Although her ears tried desperately to capture any sounds, the rain drowned everything out. She had an ugly expression on. No matter how she strained her hearing, all she heard was the rain! How was she supposed to isolate her pursuers? If she failed, Freon was doomed!

Her heart and mind were sinking into chaos. No, I need to stay calm! she thought.

The girl took a deep breath and relaxed her body. Her ears perked up again as a vague picture of her surroundings entered her mind. The soft rain drops, her footsteps on the stone street, the rustling of her clothes, her breathing, and her own heartbeat… She heard them all, but she shook her head. It was not what she wanted! She needed to go further! This time, she exhaled and slowed down her breathing as much as she could. Her movements started to slow as well. The subtle sound of her heartbeat began to fade. As it did, her range of hearing increased. Now, she could hear the people moving around her clearer! Unfortunately, it was not enough. Those people were merely innocent citizens, rushing up and down the streets. Her true targets were elsewhere, beyond her range! Shirley clicked her tongue and bit her lip. She continued walking aimlessly as she tried over and over again. The girl felt her composure crumbling every second.

She wondered if there were alternatives. Perhaps, she could try attacking her pursuers and causing a scene? If she stalled long enough, then the city guard might come help her. She discarded that idea immediately though. Her pursuers might outnumber her severely. They could do away with her and alert their companions, who would deal with Freon. It was a terrible idea. Could she discreetly alert the city guard though? It was also unrealistic. She would have to approach them, which was already a telltale sign. There was no way her pursuers would let her do as she pleased. She was walking a tightrope, where her enemies could cut the rope at any time. To turn it around, she needed to catch them off-guard!

Ah, planning is not my forte! She groaned. She was used to facing her problems head-on! All this planning and scheming was best left to others. Just then, the girl stepped under a rooftop and the rain abruptly disappeared. This… This is? Shirley had an idea.

Her steps slowed down to a snail's pace when she attuned herself once more. She forcefully suppressed her nervousness and focused. Then… Her hearing erupted! By isolating the sound of rain, she narrowed down those irregular noises. The footsteps of others, the rustling of their clothes, their breathing… Everything gradually became crystal clear in her mind. That was not all. From their movements, she could detect their emotions and thought processes! If they moved hastily with agitated breathing, then they were frustrated or angry. If they moved slowly and stiffly, then they were tired. If they moved animatedly, then they were happy or excited. Even without eyesight, she could distinctly sense these things!

Shirley thought it was a bit strange, but nothing more. However, this was actually the second time she experienced such a phenomenon. The first time was months ago, right after the battle with Emperor Lianghu! Little did she know, this was a glimpse of Perception Realm! For her to achieve this at her level, it was an incredibly rare and valuable learning experience. Remember, she was a Fundamental Realm Adept. There was still Expert, Master, and Half-Step before she could step into Perception Realm! If she had the time to process these new changes, it would be instrumental in helping her reach the next realm. Unfortunately, she was too preoccupied to realize this.

This tiny success proved that she could seek out her enemies! The girl spent several minutes savoring this new sensation before walking again. Her pursuers were slightly confused but maintained their distance. When she stepped into the rain again, although she could feel her hearing was still hindered, it was much less now. She could forcefully maintain her sensory range! It was a mysterious feeling. Previously, Shirley felt like a log floating down a stream. She could not battle against the current! The environment fiercely resisted her attempts to conquer it. She had no option but to let it take her wherever it flowed. Now though, she became a fish in water. She could go and hear whatever she wanted. The stream became her territory!

The girl cracked a small smile. By now, close to thirty minutes had elapsed. That was how long she took to reach this state after dozens of attempts. However, her body and mind felt weak. It was not easy to repeatedly push her hearing to the peak level. Any tool could be broken with enough usage, and the same was for a person's senses. Her achievements did not come with their price! Shirley stumbled a few steps like a drunk, and her ears rang like a bell. Her vision faded slightly as well. But she bit her lip and raised her head. This was not the time to fall. She was not done her job yet!

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