The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 207 - Nameless

But before Elizabeth's mind collapsed, a strange light was cast on her. It shone on the world around her as well, stopping its inevitable destruction! It had the power to stabilize an entire world! Elizabeth felt her composure returning as she realized it was all an illusion. Her body, mind, and soul were still intact. She stared at her hands and feet, even her body was unharmed! But how was that possible? Lord Wenmord's attack was no illusion. She certainly faced that attack head-on. A head full of questions, she found a person was standing in front of her. At least, she thought it was a person. Their features were shrouded in fog, making it impossible to make out anything. However, Elizabeth could tell this 'thing' was looking straight at her!

"You…" She felt her throat running dry. Was this fear? Fear of the unknown? "Who are you?" she asked shakily.

The figure said nothing, nor did anything. They were like a statue. However, Elizabeth was not blind. She could clearly see that the air was distorting around them, bending to their tremendous aura. For some reason, she was unaffected, but it was clear that this person was an unfathomable existence! Like Lord Wenmord, they could transform the world with the sheer force of their aura! They could truly be called monsters! As soon as this thought passed, her eyes turned vigilant as a snake. That was right! Lord Wenmord was the only monster she knew. If this figure was a part of Lord Wenmord's scheme, then she had to be wary. There was no telling what might happen!

Just when she thought to flee, the figure spoke, "I have no name."

It was a language she did not know, but the meaning came through regardless. The voice was strange though. It felt both male and female, young and old, tired and energetic, happy and sad, gentle and hard, angry and calm… All sorts of impressions blurred together, making it impossible for Elizabeth to understand. Despite that, they blended perfectly without a single contradiction. It was everything and nothing simultaneously! How was that possible? She had no idea. Pure? Could it be called that? It felt like the voice was disentangled from the noise of the mortal world! It had become one with the world!

"No name?" Elizabeth furrowed her brow. For some mysterious reason, she could not think it was a lie. Perhaps it was because of that voice, a voice that stood above trickery.

This voice is affecting my thoughts? she thought with a dark face.

If her mind could be affected, then that was too scary! She figured that conversing any more would be dangerous, so their conversation turned to awkward silence. That said, her curiosity about where she was grew. She had no time to think about it before, but Elizabeth saw that she was actually floating in place! There was no ground to speak of. In a place where up and down had no meaning, it was natural that she was not bound by the laws of nature. This further exacerbated her wariness. In a place without anyone or anything, she was left with this nameless 'thing'.

This must be an illusion! Elizabeth figured. How could such a world exist? That was simply unthinkable! It must be a product of Arcania in some way. She had to escape somehow. Whenever a splinter of this world shattered, it would create a fracture in space. Perhaps the key to leaving laid in those cracks in reality!

"You'll die if you try," the person said ominously.

Elizabeth grew wary. "Try what?"

"You're planning on escaping through those cracks, right? You won't survive."

"You can read my mind?" she restrained her shock, but her gaze turned sharp. "More than that, are you threatening me?"

"No, you misunderstand me. Your injuries have not healed yet. If you return to the outside world, then you'll die instantly."

"Injuries?" Elizabeth frowned. "Is this body of mine not healed right now?" She waved her arms and legs but felt no pain. All her limbs and organs were intact. In fact, she was pretty much the picture of perfect health.

"That is not your real body. In a way, you can consider it to be your mental construct."

"Mental construct? Then this body isn't physical?" she pondered. "In that case, where are we?"

The figure turned silent before saying, "This was your second time here." Under Elizabeth's wide eyes, they continued, "According to your time, it should be something like half a year ago?"

Half a year ago? That was when I was still in the Xingyuu Empire, she thought. Elizabeth recalled that there were many bizarre occurrences from back then, but she found no answers. That invincible power that turned the tides and defeated Emperor Lianghu… If, by some tiny chance, this person was related to it, then this had serious implications. Her wariness managed to grow again as she reflexively took a step back. This person was too dangerous!

"I was only partially involved that time. Most of it was your own doing."

"You… really can read my mind? And what do you mean you were only partially involved? Are you saying that I had the power to kill Emperor Lianghu myself? How could that be possible?" On one hand, she was terrified of this figure, but on the other hand, she desperately wanted answers. This person seemed to have her dancing in its palm!

"To be accurate, I was helping you regulate your power."

"I don't believe you," Elizabeth said flatly. "How could I use magic? I never even knew that magic existed before landing in the Alzar Kingdom."

"You asked where we were, right?" the figure moved on. "Your body hasn't moved, but your mind has. This is your Core. Or at least, what it should be. Your Core is on the verge of collapsing."

"My Core?" she wondered suspiciously as she gazed around. A Core was an Arcanist's vessel for Magic Energy. To think that this desolate and crumbling world was her Core!

"I can stop its collapse for a while, but I cannot stop it permanently. When you wake up, you'll lose your Core entirely."

"I don't get it. Why are you doing this? What's your motive?" Elizabeth asked.

"Why?" the figure whispered to themselves. She could distinctly feel they were sad and for some strange reason, she resonated with that. She almost felt sorry for questioning their motives.

Shaking her head, she said, "Forget I asked. Regardless of your intentions, you did save me, and I will thank you. If I can't leave until my body is fully healed, then does that mean I'm stuck here for now?"

"That's right."

"Is that so?" Elizabeth murmured and 'sat' down. Although Elizabeth could not fully trust this person's words, she could not feel ill intent. At the very least, they were not a bad person. Considering how powerful they must be, there was nothing much she could do anyways.

Time passed slowly, or perhaps quickly. There was no way to tell in this blank world. The only Elizabeth did know was that it felt like an eternity. Seconds, minutes, hours… Everything blurred together into a mess. Since this was her mental construct, she did not need to sleep nor eat nor any other physical need. She simply existed. The girl sighed and thought about the outside world. She felt sorry about worrying everyone. There was no doubt that her absence was causing a storm. Her grandmother must be keeling over from the work. Auntie Christina as well, how was she? After being attacked by Vice-captain Julie, the woman was left in critical condition. Elizabeth had yet to reconcile with her. That was another one of the many things she had to do…

The figure also said nothing. It seemed like they were used to it. They stood there like a statue, while Elizabeth grew increasingly discomforted. Originally, she had some reservations in talking, but… her boredom was reaching an unbearable level. Humans were social by nature. With nothing else to pass the time, any conversation would cure some of that boredom. As long as she was careful, then there should be no harm, right? At least, that was how she convinced herself.

"I… I want to ask something," she said quietly, almost afraid of breaking the eerie silence.

"What is it?"

She took a deep breath and asked, "What are you?"

Elizabeth had to ask this. If this place were her Core, then how could they intrude into it so easily? What was the true identity of the figure in front of her? Furthermore, that unfathomable presence… One Lord Wenmord was enough. Two in one day, Elizabeth found it hard to believe. Before today, she had firmly understood the power structure of the world. Fundamental Realm, Perception Realm. She thought she had seen the upper limit of it through her Protector, Sir Winstin. But her world view was destroyed so easily and so quickly! And then there was their appearance. Dressed in fog, what were they hiding? Why disguise themselves?

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