The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 215 - Princess Samanthie's arrival

When the physician finally came, Shirley was half-way off the bed. Her wounds were worsening at a visible rate. The man ran over and yelled, "What are you doing? You can't move yet!"

The girl grabbed onto him and cried, "What about Freon? What happened to him?"

"I don't know who you're talking about!"

"Please let me go. I need to…"

"Stop making a scene, Shirley," a voice interrupted.

Shirley and the physician were dazed and turned to face an all too familiar figure standing there. It was Inari! The old physician nearly had a heart attack. Inari was that good at concealing his presence and sneaking up on people that he had to smile bitterly. It was not a conscious act. It had naturally become engrained into his movement to do this. Moreover, this was the same physician who helped them through Shirley's operation. After his business was 'taken over' by Inari, the poor man was treating Shirley daily. Most importantly, he knew about Inari's identity. Whether he wanted to or not, he was inexplicably roped in with Inari now.

"But… Freon… What about him?" Shirley protested.

"He's fine. You don't have to worry about him anymore," Inari lied. He would rather not lie; however, Shirley's mental state was too unstable. Who knew what she would do if she found out the truth?

Normally, she could pick up on the lie, but being too stressed now, she heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness nothing happened. If something happened to Freon…"

After calming down, the physician did a quick checkup and replaced her bandages. Although her injuries were severe, they were not unhealable. It would merely take time for her to return to her peak condition. Inari nodded and sent the man away. He then grabbed a seat and sat next to Shirley's bed. His smile and attitude were exactly how Shirley remembered, but there was a colder tone to it now. While she was ruminating, Inari asked about what happened. His understanding only went as far as the Third Hand making a hit on the Arcellius Family. The finer details, he had no idea.

Shirley explained everything from beginning to end, including Freon's mysterious Uncle Avin showing up. As the story went on, Inari's face might be static, yet his mind grew increasingly chaotic. Uncle Avin! He would be an idiot not to connect the dots. He knew that Freon and Nassandra's true heritage stemmed from the legendary Arcellius Family. Combined with an uncle whose name coincidentally matched, it had to be Protector Avin Arcellius! Initially though, he deemed it impossible. Like he said earlier, Protector Avin would be close to a hundred years old! However, Shirley's description did not match a frail old grandfather. What did that mean? Was it an imposter?

The girl continued to narrate the attack at Freon's home, emphasizing how Avin managed to fend off several large-scale spells by himself. He had even taken a direct hit and remained mostly unfazed! Hearing this, Inari's eyebrows twitched. Double-casting was a telltale sign of a Condensed Drop Arcanist. Then it had to be Protector Avin! Once the dominator of his generation, Avin was the strongest Arcanist in the Zino Kingdom prior to his disappearance! Although Inari was not afraid of Avin, it was not good news that he was still alive. It would make things far messier.

Finally, she talked about how Freon was threatened at the Arkfell estate and everything that ensued afterward. Inari kept silent. With the final missing piece of the puzzle, he began to see the full picture. And… all fingers pointed to one truth: the one behind that aura and heavenly phenomenon was Protector Avin! But that was a bitter truth to swallow. No, it was downright ridiculous! There was no way. Inari was a Perception Realm Master, and he distinctly felt how monstrous strong that aura was. It had to push beyond the level of Perception Realm into uncharted territory. It was not something a mortal could reach!

Suddenly, his alertness was raised. Something was rapidly approaching. Shirley noticed the same thing as she looked out the window. Inari peered outside when a faint rumbling was heard. Less than half a minute later, he saw a large procession headed their way. This time, Inari was genuinely taken aback. Why? Because that procession was none other than Princess Samanthie's! Princess Samanthie was not a princess of the Zino Kingdom, but the Alzar Kingdom! Daughter of Queen Bethnal, she was acting as the Royal Ambassador on behalf of the Alzar Kingdom. Officially, she had equivalent authority to the crown here, above the Conquestian and the Three Sages! Her word was truly law. However, since Queen Bethnal had promised the kingdom autonomy, this authority was never used.

This was the first time Inari had seen the royal procession. After all, it was extremely rare for Princess Samanthie to leave the Royal Embassy here, and even rarer for a public appearance. She was said to be always busy, working on political or diplomatic affairs. Despite that, the crest on her carriage was unmistakable. It had to be her! And when the large convoy of horses and carriages stopped just outside, Inari's heart seized. Several Royal Guards dismounted with one aura stronger than the rest. Belonging to a handsome man with a gentlemanly demeanor, he was Sir Lest Alvinshield, Protector of Princess Samanthie! Although he was weaker than the kingdom's three strongest knights, Inari still felt threatened. Sir Lest could not be underestimated!

A horn sounded and a messenger cried, "Her Highness, Princess Samanthie, seeks an audience with the heir apparent's savior, Lady Shirley Adonina!" Hearing this, many citizens turned heads to see the commotion and a small crowd was forming.

Shirley widened her eyes in shock. "How does the princess know I'm here? And why does she want to speak with me?"

The situation was progressing too fast. Inari hesitated. Should he escape with Shirley now? However, the next second, a piercing gaze locked onto him. It was Sir Lest! Inari might be a master assassin, capable of hiding his presence nearly perfectly such that it could fool the other Royal Guards, but as expected, Sir Lest was a cut above the rest. Warning signals rang in Inari's head. Yet, Sir Lest simply smiled and looked away. This was a clear message that tricks would not work. He was already discovered! Inari sighed and decided to let them in. Since they announced their visit so openly, his fears were probably unnecessary.

The physician and Inari opened the door to greet the princess. Shirley was still immobilized, so she could not be present. Sir Lest went over and opened the carriage doors, revealing a glamorously dressed woman. A long and extravagant dress covered her curvaceous figure. Her face was stoic, as if frozen in ice. Her beauty was matured, a stark contrast to the youthful innocence of her sister, Princess Millisandren. While her sister could be considered cute, Princess Samanthie was widely considered a very s.e.xy woman. Many admired her, and many more fancied her. Even her Protector, Sir Lest, had the slightest hint of affection for her. Do not let that misled you though. She was not just a pretty flower. Her political maneuvering and awareness were frightening. How else could she act as the Royal Ambassador to the Zino Kingdom? People thought of her as a younger Queen Bethnal and Elizabeth's rival for the throne!

Inari showed an immaculate smile and bowed, "I apologize for the unsightly display. We were not informed of your arrival, Your Highness." Inside, he was snorting. This was undoubtedly part of the princess's plan, whatever it may be.

"No, it is our fault for not informing you ahead of time," Princess Samanthie replied. "I hope you will forgive my transgressions."

"Of course, it is not a problem, Your Highness. However, I regret to say that Lady Shirley is bedridden for the moment due to her injuries."

"I wouldn't want the heir apparent's savior to strain herself. I will talk to her for just a moment."

Inari's attempt at waving her away was ruthlessly denied. He had to wonder just how much she knew. "Very well, follow me then," he said.

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