The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 222 - First steps toward the peak

Unfortunately, good things were often accompanied by bad. There had to be a corresponding price to wield this unmatched ability. For Thousand Core Resonance, there were three main issues. The first was that the body would resonate and 'correct' the Channels and Core into the optimal configuration for the spell. While this would grant immense advantages in using that particular spell, it also restricted the arsenal to that spell alone. In other words, the Arcanist could not use any other magic! This was a heavy penalty. The greatest power of magic came from its flexibility. It could freely adapt to a myriad of situations and boasted an unparalleled library of spells. Taking that away, it was essentially crippling an Arcanist, clipping them of their wings.

The second issue was more fundamental. A Bloodline Ability was not a passive switch. It was not possible to have it continuously active without any repercussions. It exerted an immense strain on the Arcanist conducting it, pushing their concentration hard. Due to that, to split concentration on another spell to use, especially in combat, was not an easy task. It was nonsensically difficult! Therefore, it was prudent to select an appropriate spell that was simple enough to use, but also adequate for the job. A certain sense was required for this. If a backlash was suffered here, then the damage could rise to lethal levels quickly due to the body's adjustments. Freon's case was evidence of this.

As if that were not enough, there was one final enormous issue. This transformation of the Core and Channels could not immediately return to normalcy. This meant that on stopping the Bloodline Ability, the Arcanist would be unable to use any spell! No… Not any spell, but every spell! They would cease in being an Arcanist! Of course, this was not a permanent side effect. The restoration time depended on the complexity of the spell attuned to. No matter how short it was though, a small pause in combat was undoubtedly a deadly thing. One second was enough for a person to die ten times over! Therefore, the Bloodline Ability, Thousand Core Resonance, was a sharp double-edged sword. It could hurt enemies as well as one's self. To maximize its potential was not easy!

"This would mean that when the backlash happened in the fight, it resulted due to the attuning of my Core and Channels to the spell, Fire Needles?" Freon asked.

"That should be correct. That fire-type spell is inherently a simple one by design, usable by low-level Arcanists. The severity of the backlash you received can be explained this way."

"I'm starting to understand the logic behind your speculations, but… Is it possible to activate a Bloodline Ability without sufficient Core Level? According to your explanation, I needed a minimum of Condensed Drop Core Level."

"That… is how it's supposed to be normally," Avin pondered. "Then again, it is hard to call it a true activation. You did not do it consciously."

"I suppose…"

The two sunk into silence after this shocking revelation was dropped. The one who broke the silence was surprisingly Nassandra. The little girl questioned quietly, "What are we going to do now? Go back to Firecast?"

"That's right…" Freon looked at his uncle suspiciously. "If the Third Hand was dealt with by you, then why are we hiding? Is there a reason to be so afraid?"

"We're not hiding from the Whispering Shadow," he returned flatly.

While the Whispering Shadow was indeed one of the overlords of the underground criminal world, Protector Avin was not particularly concerned about them. He was a Rank 3 existence like the Sword King Sin Quelldown! As Rank 3 existences, they were the strongest humans in both the Alzar and the Zino Kingdom. Although Protector Avin was still recovering his strength slowly, he could not be underestimated. Replicating the Sword King's feat of effortlessly annihilating the First Hand would be trivial! Admittedly, neither of them could match a full-fledged army. They were not arrogant enough to think they would prevail against a force of that size. However, they were not fighting against the civilizations, but the Whispering Shadow. The scale of forces they could mobilize amounted to assassins, mercenaries, or other riffraff. It was not enough to scare them!

And the worst part for their enemies was that both Protector Avin and Sword King Sin lacked weaknesses. Not in the sense of they were invincible, but untouchable! What did that mean? If frontal confrontation was impossible, then one had to resort to different methods. Attacks against their family, friends, or even state were all valid options. Regardless of how one lived, they would inevitably be tied to this world! Everyone would succ.u.mb to the pressure against a threat towards a loved one. That was normal. The stronger the person was, the more likely these attacks would become. Yet, Protector Avin and Sword King Sin lacked all that. Without family, without friends, and without allegiance to any organization or civilization, it was nearly impossible to gain any edge against them. The only problem was Freon and Nassandra, but they were two people. Protector Avin could easily protect them from any threat. Therefore, it was not an exaggeration to call him untouchable!

Freon narrowed his eyes and whispered to his sister, "Nassandra, please wait outside. I won't be long."

"…Alright, brother. I'll do as you say," the little girl said. She took the basin and used towels with her to clean, closing the door behind her quietly.

"What an obedient girl she's grown up to be," Protector Avin sighed.

A soft light revealed itself on Freon's face before turning hard. "So, about what you said, are you suggesting our enemy is a civilization?"

"How did you come to that conclusion?"

"Isn't it obvious?" the boy returned a rhetorical question. "I don't know how you managed to deal with the Third Hand, but you clearly don't care about the Whispering Shadow. There aren't many organizations with power equal or superior to them… Well, that's just my guess. Anyways, by process of elimination, the only threat you might consider is a civilization itself. Furthermore, Nassandra is a Ten Dawn of the Celestial Council of Magic. She has authority rivaling some of the strongest powers in the kingdom. Since we're not depending on them… I can only assume that your enemy is related to the Zino Kingdom."

"You're too smart for your own good," the man crossed his arms. "I won't dodge the question. You are correct. The problem is the Zino Kingdom."

"The Arcellius Family again?" Freon groaned loudly. "I don't mean to state the obvious, but this whole business with the Arcellius Family has been doing more harm than good."

"Do you really think that?" Avin said disapprovingly. "You can't be that ignorant about your sister's situation."

"…What do you mean by that?" A cold air crept into his tone. Freon was emanating a dangerous aura.

"The Zino Kingdom is planning… No, they've already forced Nassandra into becoming a weapon that lives and dies for the kingdom. They want the power hidden inside of her, specifically the Arcellius Family Bloodline. They plan to make her a deterrent force, stronger than the Conquestian. A figurehead, an icon, a symbol of power and fear, that is what they'll make her become."

"I won't let that happen!" Freon shouted defiantly.

It was not 'I do not believe', but 'I will not let it happen'. The meaning from his words was clear. Freon was not ignorant enough to realize the truth. The second Nassandra showcased her power of Low Condensed Drop, it was destined that the military would look favorably upon her. Without much consent, she was forced into the role of a deterrent as a Ten Dawn, one of the ten strongest Arcanists of the Zino Kingdom! Freon was angry and frustrated that her little sister played a pawn in this vast chess game of war. It was simply inhumane! He raised countless complaints to the Celestial Council, but they never relented. At the very best, they promised that she would be used solely in non-aggressive combative situations. In order words, Nassandra would not be ordered to kill. Although this was an agreement between them and Freon, it was an informal verbal one. It was all that Freon had to hope for, despite being nothing much.

And his suspicions were correct. Several months ago, during the climatic battle between Lord Korogin and Emperor Lianghu, Ten Dawn Nassandra wielded the large-scale destruction spell, Torrential Blizzard, alongside her partner to inflict critical damage to the enemy vanguard. Hundreds of soldiers were mowed down, while the entire battlefield was shocked by their power! Having slaughtered so many people, there was no way that Nassandra could remain unaffected, especially in that intensive bloody battle. She was a young girl after all, and this mental trauma scarred her deeply. Even now, Nassandra was suffering from recurring nightmares. For the Zino Kingdom though, that single battle might have led to the Alzar Kingdom's defeat, but there was no mistaking Nassandra's value!

It was a slippery slope that Freon could not stop. Nassandra's potential was too great for the kingdom to ignore anymore. To that end, they invested heavily in her growth, hoping that she would climb higher in Core Levels. Now, he understood that perhaps the Zino Kingdom expected her to awaken the Arcellius Family's Bloodline Ability as well. And there was nothing sadder than seeing her unconcealed misery at home while he could do nothing to stop it. These people, this kingdom… No, this world which forced her into this, Freon despised. He loathed it from the deepest depths of his being! But most importantly, he cursed himself. If he were stronger, then he could stop it. He could protect his sister's innocent smile…

Freon clenched his fists tightly. It was the same old story time and time again. The breakout at the Yunyun Stronghold, the attack in the Kuthong Forest, the final battle with Emperor Lianghu, the ambush at his home, and finally the brawl with the Third Hand… Much like Elizabeth, Benedict, and Shirley, he was plagued by a sense of powerlessness. The inability to change fate, to be washed along the currents, to be used in a game of a higher power, to be killed without resistance… No one wanted to be used or restrained. For humans who were freer than any animal, this right was especially treasured. The weak loses, while the strong prevail. History is written by the champion. But why? Why should he let that happen? He refused to relent. He refused to be used. He refused to lose!

"Train me, uncle. I won't let Nassandra be involved in this. I'll awaken the family's Bloodline and protect her myself," Freon said firmly. It was not a request, but a demand. "I won't let her be a weapon any longer."

The tiniest of smirks crept on Protector Avin's face. He was not saying those words to scare Freon. Rather, it was meant to spark Freon's resolve and the boy fell hook, line, and sinker. Inheriting the Arcellius Family's Bloodline Ability was not easy, much less perfecting it. The path to the top was filled with struggles and difficulties! Freon needed a solid reason to persist and Nassandra was the best trigger. Furthermore, they were running against the clock. The world was gradually slipping into chaos. With the Arcellius Family's return, the Lannisail explosion, and the Xingyuu Empire's civil war on the horizon… It was necessary to fight for every second.

"Alright," Protector Avin declared. "I will train you!" And like this, the final duo of student and teacher was born between the Protector of the legendary Arcellius Family and Freon Adnire! Elizabeth, Benedict, Shirley, and Freon will finally begin taking their first steps towards the peak!

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