The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 244 - Flying ship at the Xi Wall

Months later in February of K.A. 515, prior to Elizabeth's run-in with the Whispering Shadow, on the western border of the Xingyuu Empire laid the Xi Wall. It was the largest and longest wall in the human world, spanning the entire western edge of civilization and thoroughly separating the civilized world from the wilderness. Soldiers were stationed here all year-long to maintain security. After all, wild beasts were a common occurrence here, and if a pack of lions snuck into nearby villages, they would cause a bloodbath.

Very rarely, they would encounter an outstandingly strong beast, labelled as irregularities. They could dodge crossbow bolts with ease, scale the walls with no footholds, and slaughter the soldiers with haste! It might happen once every couple of years, but that day would be marked by panic and horror. Two years ago, an irregular gorilla was discovered. It was almost two times larger than an a.d.u.l.t man with rock-hard muscles that could resist swords! How could mere flesh resist a bladed edge? It was an absurd but cruel reality! The animal was fast as well, attacking with brutal ferocity and cunning. A single strike from its hardened muscles could blast through a shield and kill! When it attacked the Xi Wall, it was a massacre. Over twenty people were killed, and thirty more were crippled…

In truth, they could not be considered 'animals' anymore in the truest definition. They were actually Rank 2 Beast Lords! These beasts had transcended the stairs of strength and entered the level of Perception Realm. Coupled with their already frightening physiques, that surpassed humans, it created a natural killing machine. They could tangle with the Imperial Sentinels or Royal Guards, much less to say about regular soldiers. Honestly, the fact that they did not break through into the sheep's lair was because of human ingenuity. Rank 2 Beast Lords were, after all, still too primitive in their cognitive functions and comparable to human children. They could easily be corralled, isolated, ambushed, and then executed!

Of course, if a Rank 3 Beast King, like Rampaging Nightmare, were present… then the story would be completely different. His intelligence and cunning were far beyond the scope of animals! The soldiers would find it hard to lure or trap him. Well, to begin with, his powers were not something that humans could trap anyways. He could singlehandedly annihilate the defending garrison, break through the walls, and annihilate the surrounding lands. Just his last attack against Infernal Witch King was probably sufficient to wipe a small town off the map! The Xingyuu Empire would need to pay a steep price to stop his rampage.

A soldier yawned on the walls. His spear rested on his shoulder because he was not bothered to even hold it. Despite the harrowing tales of beast sieges, the day-to-day life was rather simple and lackl.u.s.ter. The scouting parties usually handled most of the work and left the guards with nothing to do. It was boring enough that many people started playing cards or napping outright. Their superior officers did not say anything either. Anyone sent to the walls were delinquents or criminals that refused to fall under the normal chain of command. It was almost considered exile. They were forced to guard the walls for years, if not decades, in lieu of their sentence…

Leaning on the wall, the soldier glanced in the far horizon. The same boring and empty sky was enough for him to start dozing off. Just before his eyes closed though, he noticed something wrong. Was there… a new star in the sky? It was nighttime, so it was hard to see, but he was confident in his memory. There should be no stars in that direction, especially one so bright! Then, what was it? Other people began noticing as well and stood up one after another. Their gazes were filled with confusion then awe! It was incredibly eye-catching and beautiful to look at.

"A falling star?" the soldier muttered.

Unlike the Alzar Kingdom, falling stars were an auspicious sign in the Xingyuu Empire. Everyone laid down their arms, clasped their hands together, closed their eyes, and prayed. Some wished for good health, others for good fortune. Some wished for a steady life, others for a promising child. The mood was surprisingly delicate and quaint. No one dared to spoil the mood, as if it would invite calamity onto their family. They might be delinquents or criminals, but even they had a soft spot, and the heavens were equal! Should they anger the gods, who knew what kind of disaster awaited them? This lasted until someone else raised their head in shock.

"Why… does it seem like it's headed straight towards us?" they whispered.

"Shush!" a few others snapped. This was a precious moment for them, so they would not tolerate any interruptions.

An older man frowned. He was a Half-Perception Realm soldier that got relocated to the Xi Wall after his poor conduct. He might not be an Imperial Sentinel, but he gained the respect of everyone around him. Hearing the others murmuring sent a cold shock through his heart. It was an incredibly ominous feeling! He learned through countless life-and-death encounters that these feelings could not be overlooked. Therefore, he opened his eyes and squinted, focusing his eyesight to the absolute pinnacle. Although he was a Half-Perception Realm, his vision was no less potent! If Shirley could accomplish the same with her hearing, how could this man not?

Is my vision failing me? he wondered before rubbing his eyes. No, no, no… There's no way. His expression grew increasingly grave.

"What's the matter, old sharp eye?" his friend joked. "You'll scare away the stars if you make a face like that."

"…I don't want to alarm you, but… that isn't a falling star," the Half-Perception man replied slowly, trying to make sense of the illusion in front of him. He wondered if he was going insane.

"Huh? If it isn't a falling star, then what is it? Are you trying to pull my leg?"

"It looks like a ship," the man hesitated wryly.

"You… You must still be drunk from yesterday. How could there be a flying ship?"

However, as the seconds passed and the 'falling star' drew closer, people noticed it really was a ship! A flying ship! Like the previous man, everyone questioned their vision and sanity. This went far beyond their understanding! Many tried to salvage their worldview and reasoned it was an illusion, only to fail miserably when the ship continued to approach. That was when everyone had to accept the truth. It was real! As expected, their superiors sensed the danger and immediately rang the alarm. The sounds of a bell tolled through the night, rousing everyone awake.

The number of bell tolls corresponded with the threat level. One was designated for a pack of animals that weak individually, but strong in numbers. Typically, a platoon of fifty men would be dispatched to deal with it. Two chimes were for irregular Beast Lords like the gorilla two years ago. A brigade or two were enough. Three chimes though… were unheard of. It was a mass mobilization! Everyone, regardless of their station or location, had to immediately assemble! Meanwhile, there were three crisp bell chimes. Three! That signaled the unparalleled urgency of the commanders.

Countless were unwilling to pay it much heed. Three chimes were equivalent to an invasion, requiring the full mobilization of the entire regiment! There were two thousand soldiers present though so who was their enemy? The Alzar Kingdom? The Zino Kingdom? Seriously? They would attack the Xi Wall on the far side of the empire? That was impossible! The second possibility was a civil war finally breaking out and the chances were not low. With the rapidly deteriorating political situation in the capital surrounding the Imperial Council and the Li Family, it was anyone's guess what the next day would look like. However, this was the remote Xi Wall. It was hardly considered a strategic location, much less a point of interest. Therefore… people were confused and angry. What could warrant their attention?

When the unruly crowds eventually assembled outside, their faces turned dumbstruck, horrified, and mind-blown! They dropped their weapons and armor in disbelief, forgetting to even breath! Right before their eyes, the ship finally arrived and floated elegantly to meet the soldiers on the wall. Everyone formed ugly faces because the famous Xi Wall was completely useless! What was their strongest defense? It was their wall! By having it breached that trivially meant that their defensive line was gone. If this 'ship' became hostile, then they were really screwed! People held their breath as five figures emerged and flew down. They were the five elder birds from the Featherwind Sect!

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