The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 25 - Are you that Elizabeth?

Benedict mumbled, "It's not what you think…"

"Oh? You're awfully far from Fortress Fallinard. Were you reassigned here by Commander Christina?"


Lorenzo sighed. "I don't know why you're here, but I can guess. I don't need to explain how our father will react, right? He won't take it well." Seeing his brother remain quiet, Lorenzo's expression softened. "We can talk more about this later. For now, are you alright?" he asked the Zino Kingdom boy.

"Yes, thank you for your goodwill. I apologize for any disturbance I may have caused."

"Nonsense. My little brother was the cause of it. Apologize to the boy." Benedict did so without hesitation, pleasing Lorenzo. "What is your name?"

"Freon Adnire, my lord," he said with the utmost of respect.

"Adnire?" Lorenzo was surprised. "Are you Ten Dawn Nassandra Adnire's older brother? I've heard a few things about you."

"Yes, Nassandra is my little sister," Freon quietly explained. He knew the rumors about him and tactically chose not to go any further.

"You're Ten Dawn Nassandra's older brother? I met her back in Nightwin. She was a lovely girl!" Elizabeth interrupted. "If you're her older brother, then that must mean you're an incredible Arcanist too, right?"

"Haha…" Freon murmured while he thought, If I was an incredible Arcanist like Nassandra, would I still be an errand boy for the military? Surely, it isn't that hard to tell!

"Doesn't seem like he is," Shirley whispered to Elizabeth, except Freon could clearly hear it. His eyes twitched uncontrollably, but he refrained from saying anything.

"And you two are…?" Lorenzo wondered about the two girls. They introduced themselves, prompting the Grand Knight to fall into thought. "Elizabeth Silvera… That name sounds very familiar. Does anyone here know why?" he asked his squadron.

One of his subordinates brought out a tattered piece of paper and said, "She's on this search order issued from the capital."

Lorenzo did not hide his displeasure as he looked it over. "She does match the appearance. Benedict, do you know that she's wanted by the capital?"

"Huh?" Elizabeth and Benedict said in unison.

"Since this is a direct order from the crown, I can't keep quiet about this. All of you come with me. I won't take a no for an answer. I need to report this to General Illion."

Half an hour later, they were expressly escorted to the office of General Illion, the Third-In-Command of the Quinvoren Army, and the highest authority in Port Silic. He was a middle-aged man with a piercing cold gaze and sternness that could make the most rebellious of soldiers fall in line. His demeanor was eternally professional, and he kept everyone at arm's length. Efficiently ruthless was a frequent descriptor for the general. He rightfully earned his position as Third-In-Command, directly underneath Prince Dannark and Lord Korogin. Sir Lorenzo was a Great Knight of the Realm and a Grand Lord and while he could not show up unannounced to General Illion, he had a higher priority than others. General Illion mulled over the details after Lorenzo explained the situation.

"Thank you for your efforts, Sir Lorenzo. As for you, girl, do you know the trouble you've caused? The capital sent out an urgent order for your safe return. The entire kingdom was searching for you."

"I had no idea…" Elizabeth squeaked.

"I don't know who you are, but I couldn't care less. You'll be returning to Algard on the next available ship in three days. I won't have you run around and cause trouble in my city, got it?"

Elizabeth wanted to speak up, yet Illion's death glare forced her down. "Yes…"

"What a troublesome child. You three are soldiers under the military, right?" the general asked of Benedict, Shirley, and Freon. "You three will be responsible for ensuring that this girl gets on that ship. If she isn't on that ship back to Algard, then all your heads will roll. Including yours, Sir Benedict Hawken," he threatened, emphasizing that Benedict's status had no weight here.

"With all due respect, don't you think that's a bit harsh?" Lorenzo protested.

"Your brother brought her here from Algard. Under Alzar laws, he should be punished for willingly causing a mess in the capital. All things considered, this is a light punishment."

"Yes, I understand…"

"Good. Now you four, get out of my sight. I'll have a private chat with Sir Lorenzo."

After everyone left, Lorenzo asked politely, "What is it that you want, general?"

"Gather up a small elite squadron of Great Knights and High Knights. No more than twenty-five in number. Keep a close eye on those four and make sure that nothing happens to her."

"If I may ask, is there a special reason for this?"

"Have you ever heard of the name Elizabeth Silvera before? Whether it be in the military, the government, or even Grand Nobility?"

"I don't recall the name, no," Lorenzo answered.

"Lord Korogin is a sensible man. He would never issue a special order using the crown's authority for a random girl. There is clearly some special reason that the crown does not want to say," Illion deduced correctly.

"I understand. I will keep her safe until she returns to Algard."

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