The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 264 - Persuading the two (2)

On the other hand, Protector Avin felt irritated. They came in with imposing momentum to squash Shirley and Freon's ideas. Yet, before they could do that, Adel already jumped ship and gave her blessings! Rather than discouraging them, it was doing the opposite! Therefore, it was much more important that his stance be firm and unmalleable. He could not compromise!

Sensing his uncle's thoughts, Freon spoke, "I agree that the Arcellius Family blood flows through my veins. Both my Bloodline and Nassandra's Magic Potential falls in agreement with this. However, that's it. Neither of us think we're truly part of the Arcellius Family. I mean, even our surname is Adnire." Saying so, he paused to collect his thoughts. "I don't know why you're so motivated to resurrect the Arcellius Family, uncle, but the truth is… neither Nassandra nor I have the ambition to do so. You might call it unfilial, disgraceful, or shameless, I don't really care. It's the truth."

"Then why did you endure training to unlock your Bloodline and Bloodline Ability?" Avin asked.

Freon smiled and answered, "That's simple enough. I wanted to become stronger."

"And why did you want that?"

"That's simple too." He offered a self-ridiculing laugh. "Because… I don't want to die! I don't want the people around me to suffer or die. I don't want to live in fear, ashamed to face my problems head-on. I don't want to live in regret, feeling that I failed to reach my potential. I don't want to live in shame, letting the ones around me suffer from my own weaknesses. I don't… I don't want plenty of things, but I also want plenty of things! In this world, you could call it arrogance, but I want to live with my head held high, proudly looking forward! I want to laugh and say… I was happy with the way I lived!"

Freon's glare was razor-sharp, cutting straight through the reservations in his heart. It was so strong that everyone faintly felt pressure from the deepest parts of their soul. Previously, it was Shirley's family that was shocked with her declaration. Now, Freon's side shared in their shock. The two that knew him the best, Nassandra and Yuna, were amazed that Freon thought such things. He was always calm and collected, maintaining a logical and cold persona. He never revealed his emotions or thoughts, leaving most to guess. Who would have imagined that he would harbor these ambitions? Even Protector Avin, a reputable Rank 3 King, was astonished at how clear and pure Freon's eyes were! His unbelievable strength of heart shone brighter than the suns, making everyone feel the urge to look away. These were Freon's true feelings: his ambitions, his hopes, and his dreams!

The room turned quiet when Protector Avin… sighed. He realized he lost. It did not take a genius to realize how determined and resolved Freon was. No matter what he said or did, Freon would not change. These ambitions came straight from the heart, how could they be changed so easily? The two could continue their battle of willpower to see who would give up first, but Avin could already foresee the ending. Neither of them would relent. Then what? Would he imprison Freon and force the boy to obey? Ignoring the questionable morality, that was one step forward, ten steps back. He wanted to nurture the future patriarch of the Arcellius Family, not a puppet!

Perhaps… the Conquestian saw this coming, Protector Avin was gloomy. The saying reappeared in his head: New waves flourish, with old waves from behind. Perhaps… I should let nature take its course.

"You win," he said with closed eyes. "I'll let you go on one condition."

Freon was surprised and asked, "What is it?"

"Promise me that you'll come back alive."

"Why wouldn't I want that?" he chuckled before taking a serious tone. "I'm not going to die that easily, don't worry. I will come back. I will definitely return."

"Very well, I'll keep you on your word."


Five days later, they arrived in Presharvo Port where significantly more people were present than what Shirley remembered. There were hundreds of caravans and wagons pulling into the city every hour, creating a scene of chaos and pandemonium. Because of the increased traffic, the Zino Kingdom issued more manpower here to help control everything but despite that, it was still a mad rush with the constant flow of people in and out. The streets were jam-packed, while inns and taverns were filled to the brim. And this scene was not limited to people alone because the port was also struggling to process the enormous flow of sh.i.p.s! The ocean was littered with small and large sh.i.p.s, cargo and transport sh.i.p.s, public and private sh.i.p.s, and even military sh.i.p.s! It was both amazing and terrifying to witness!

The scene was not too hard to explain. News of the Second Great Kingdom War's continuation had now thoroughly seeped into every household in the Zino Kingdom, ushering in another wave of fear and panic. People were scared for their lives, so they hoped to flee towards the 'safer' Alzar Kingdom, scrounging up what little money they had to afford the trip. After the Invasion of Aereon, where they were captured or slaughtered like pigs, it was very understandable. Those that were worse off shuffled their way towards the Zino Kingdom's main cities, creating that scene that Freon once saw outside of Firecast. And the current scene was not just playing in Presharvo Port and Firecast. Rather, the entire world was stirred by the impending chaos. It was the calm before the grand storm, the storm known as war!

Since the Alzar Kingdom announced Princess Elizabeth's participation as Royal Army General, it struck a chord with uncountably many people. For a time, the army enlistment numbers surged to an unbelievable peak! The truth behind Elizabeth's origins from New Havens had long since exposed, causing everyone to feel closer to the Royal Family than ever before. She was the perfect example of a humble commoner, rising against the villainous nobility, to claim the throne! This was why her popularity among the commoners was extraordinarily high, higher than any other royal candidate! She was their idol, their role model, and their star! What a shame that it meant little in the inheritance race. Still, many people flocked to join the army, including two familiar people: Shirley and Freon.

Standing on the dockside, their group stood out as one of the largest around. There was Shirley, her two brothers and mother, Freon, his sister and uncle, as well as Yuna for a total of eight! Furthermore, Protector Avin was… just too intimidating. Even without channeling his aura, his lifeforce and presence were far greater than anyone else around which subtly repelled people away. Both Robert and Nassandra were clinging onto Shirley and Freon, practically mirroring each other's actions. The fact that they were both around the same age made the scene funnier in a sad way. Yuna was close to tears and said close to nothing. Charles was openly unhappy but reserved his words.

"Don't worry, Charles. Your big sister won't bite the dust that easily!" Shirley laughed.

"Hmph. You might fool Robert, but you won't fool me," he replied. With hesitation, he added, "Are you sure about this? Once you board that ship… you might not come back. This might be the last time we see you."

"Why are you cursing me before I go?"

"Shirley," her mother interrupted. "Take care of yourself, okay? If it gets too dangerous, don't hesitate to run away. Your life is the most important! If anyone has a problem with that, your mother will fight them off for you!"

"Mother…" Shirley was touched. She then knelt and faced Robert. "Your big sister is headed on a big journey and I won't be back for some time. Promise me you won't make things difficult for Charles and our mother."

Robert shouted, "Promise you'll return!"

"I will, so you'll keep up your end of the promise, right?" Hearing that, the boy nodded, making Shirley smile. "Good. I won't let you down!"

Similarly, Yuna murmured to Freon with a downcast expression, "Do you… really have to go?" Their reunion was too short, and she had many things to say. Letting him go like this… how could she be happy?

"Sorry about this, Yuna," Freon felt awkward. "We'll catch up when I return." He then glanced at his uncle and continued, "You'll take care of Nassandra for me, right?" Realizing that his death may be a possibility, he subtly entrusted his sister to his uncle.

"You can leave to me," Protector Avin understood and agreed. "Good luck. You'll need it."

"Thanks… I guess." He continued to Nassandra, who was pouting angrily. "Sorry, Nassandra. I know you don't want me to go, but… it's the way things are. I hope you'll forgive me."

"I… I'll also train to become stronger too!" the girl shouted. "Enough that you'll be proud of me!"

"Silly girl, I'm already proud of you. Don't worry because I'll be back before you know it."

Shirley nudged Yuna on the side and whispered, "Are you going to let him go with just this? You waited so long for him to return."

"Lady Shirley!" she blushed red.

"The ship is beginning to board. If you're done everything Shirley, then we should head off too," Freon asked.

For whatever strange reason, Yuna surged in confidence. Actually, it was not so strange because she… fell in love with Freon! She just realized this now! As if her heart gained wings, she moved without thinking. Even she did not know herself what she was doing. Her hands held Freon's face as she stared into his eyes intently. While she ignored the people around her, she carved every little detail of his face into her memory. Seeing him up close like this made her cheeks flush into a deep crimson red. Then, without saying a word, she closed her eyes, leaned in, and kissed him! Freon was stunned and did nothing to stop it. Much less Freon, everyone else was equally surprised, but they dared not interrupt. After an unknown time passed, the girl finally released Freon from her grasp. When she realized what she had done, her embarrassment increased dozens of times over and she jumped back in fright. She was too afraid to look up anymore.

Before anyone else could react, Shirley smiled and shouted, "Wait for our return, everyone! Let's set off, Freon!" She grabbed the stiff boy and dragged him towards the ship, out of everyone's sight. Their destination was… Pelangi Fortress!

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