The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 274 - Catching up (2)

"You still haven't explained why you're here," Elizabeth frowned. "Are you joining the army again?"

"I should be the one asking you that," Benedict shook his head. "Why are you entering these muddled waters? You're supposed to be the heir apparent. You shouldn't be heading to the battlefield!"

"I wanted to become the heir apparent because I wanted a place where I could call home. I wanted to do my part in protecting the kingdom. So, don't you understand? When the civil war in the empire boils over, everyone will suffer the consequences equally. Not just the Xingyuu Empire, but the Alzar Kingdom and the Zino Kingdom too. We're so close to achieving peace with the Imperial Princesses that if we can take that final step, we can finally resolve this war."

"It's not that easy. The wars have been going on for so long that no one remembers how it began anymore. It won't end until one side defeats the other. That's it."

"How can you say that? The First Great Kingdom War ended thanks to my father, King Harth, didn't it? Who's to say that it can't be done a second time?" Elizabeth refuted.

"You're right that the First Great Kingdom War ended but… didn't a second one begin less than ten years later? Say that the current war ends, who's to say it might not restart later?"

"That's just pessimism!"

Benedict smiled wryly. "Do you think this massive army posted here is for show? It's clearly an invasion force! The kingdom has already declared their intentions to defeat the empire."

"That's why I'm here… To prevent the army from going too far. We'll need to ally with the Li Family and the Imperial Princesses to suppress the Imperial Council. From there, we can work out the details for ending the war."

"You met the Imperial Princesses for a tiny amount of time, most of which was being their prisoner. How do you have that much faith in them? It could be a big ruse meant to trick you."

"You're right. I won't lie that I don't know much about them. It's hard to say that I know enough to decide anything," Elizabeth explained slowly, taking time to consider her thoughts. "However, they had plenty of opportunities to kill us, but they chose not to. If that's part of a grander plan involving me killing their father, the emperor, then… I have to say that they outsmarted me completely. I don't think anyone would be their match in scheming!"

"They helped us escape, I do agree with that statement. I don't think that they orc.h.e.s.trated anything there, but… It still isn't right to trust the Xingyuu Empire," Benedict could not accept it.

Elizabeth grew frustrated upon hearing his negative attitude. No… that was not quite true. She realized it was endemic. Having endured the wars for so long, for more than five hundred years, it was natural for the notion that one side wins and one side loses to emerge. They are the enemy. They are evil. We are righteous. We should win. It was this kind of logic that became engrained into the hearts of all. She had seen it herself during her carriage ride in Algard when tens of thousands of people cheered to slaughter or destroy the 'evil' empire. How many would say they sympathized with the enemy? Nobody would!

"The first step to building a cooperative relationship is trust. We need to, at the very least, try to trust them. If we don't have trust, then nothing else matters. Peace is a dream," Elizabeth said. "Tell me Benedict, do you want to destroy the empire or create peace?"

"I do want the war to end," he answered immediately. "But I also want those that deserve to be punished to be punished."

"Of course, I want the same. The soldiers who decided to massacre my family and townspeople deserve death," Elizabeth replied viciously before sighing. "However, if we decide to judge the Xingyuu Empire for their crimes, do we have to be accountable for our crimes too? Then who can be the neutral judge to decide everything? The important thing to realize is that both civilizations suffered. No one was the winner, and everyone was the loser."

"You're going regardless of what I say, aren't you?"

"I can't stay at ease if I had the power to change things, but I chose not to."

"I guess you haven't changed," Benedict chuckled. "That's one of your better traits."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

Benedict nodded. "If that's the case, then I'll join the army. I was originally a soldier anyways."

"Are you sure? It will be quite dangerous," Elizabeth was worried.

"Aren't those the same words I said to you? You said it yourself that you can't sit still when things are crumbling around us, and I'm the same way. If this campaign is the key to ending the war, whether it be a peaceful or destructive ending, then I'm willing to fight for it. That's why I trained under the Sword King… to gain the power to change things, whatever that change may be."

The two continued to catchup with more lighthearted topics to get away from the heavy atmosphere. This lasted for several hours until Elizabeth had to take her leave. While the armies were gearing up to send the first deployment force to the Xingyuu Empire, the main fleet finally arrived!

Elizabeth was waiting patiently, along with Benedict, at the harbor to see the fleet approach from the south. If there was one word that could describe it aptly, then it would be gargantuan! Although the fleet used to transport the troops and Elizabeth from the capital to Port Silic could be considered as huge already, there was a qualitative difference between the two. The capital fleet was comprised of smaller sh.i.p.s, suitable for river channels or seas, and had little in the way of defenses or armaments. Since they were logistic sh.i.p.s, designed to be far from the battlefront, that was enough. However, the main fleet approaching now was entirely different. They were hulking, massive sh.i.p.s meant to spearhead through the Maelstrom Gulf and charge into the battlefield! They were warsh.i.p.s!

Almost spanning from horizon to horizon, there were two distinct groups. One belonged to the Alzar Kingdom led by Admiral Aura Stormwind! Due to the differences between land warfare and naval, control of upcoming naval operations would be handled by her. Furthermore, she was actually a Grand Lady and the matriarch of the Stormwind Household, a Grand Nobility Household! The Stormwind Household was among the few households which had an active military presence, another obviously being the Hawken Household. Instead of Royal Guards and Protectors, this family loved the sea and admirals emerged every generation. Of course, there were some underhanded plays to ensure a position was always available for the Stormwind Household, but Admiral Aura had the skill and talent to support it! She was worthy to be called the 'Noble Protector' of the south!

The second group belonged to the Zino Kingdom led by Admiral Jacken Exula. Although he wore the Alzar Kingdom's uniform, he was actually an admiral from the Zino Kingdom! Ever since the Zino Kingdom folded their entire military under the Alzar Kingdom's command, all the Zino high-ranking officials had to abandon their patriotism and work wholeheartedly with the Alzar Kingdom. That was why there were barely any high-ranking military officials from the Zino Kingdom. However, due to the extensive presence of the Zino Kingdom's military in this upcoming operation, with four of the Ten Dawns also participating, there had to be an official representative to support the Zino Kingdom's best interests. That was Admiral Jacken Exula!

Elizabeth could almost smell the fire and blood in the air with how menacing and oppressive the view was. Hundreds to thousands of warsh.i.p.s arriving majestically on the horizon… Close to four hundred thousand soldiers participating… It was hard to imagine the sheer scale of the campaign, but this was the most direct way to visualize it! Elizabeth, Benedict, and the rest of the greeting party felt waves in their hearts and minds. No matter their position, no matter their experience, and no matter their views, they felt the same way. This was war!

When the fleet finally docked at the harbour, Admiral Aura and Admiral Jacken disembarked first. Admiral Aura was a tall woman, exceptionally tall, and towered over others. Wearing the admiral's uniform, she appeared almost gaudy. If it not for the solemness, Elizabeth might have laughed. It was slightly ridiculous. On the other hand, Admiral Jacken was exceptionally young in his late twenties or early thirties. To become an admiral and representative of the Zino Kingdom at his age was very impressive! He had a casual and friendly vibe which radiated charisma. Both the admirals walked toward Elizabeth and paid their due respects. Regardless of her dubious title of 'Royal Army General', she was still the heir apparent of the Alzar Kingdom, one step from being queen! Her authority was absolute here.

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