The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 276 - Catching up (4)

"Stop!" Elizabeth shouted. It took her time to race down to the harbour from their vantagepoint. Benedict, Lady Christina, and Sir Winstin followed right behind her. The crowds naturally parted to allow them through while Freon felt relieved. Any further and things would become hard to salvage.

"Your Highness, we were about to capture them," the captain began sweating, thinking that her disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e was due to his incompetence.

"Don't worry. They're my friends."

Those simple words nearly made the captain die of shock. He dared to treat the heir apparent's friends this disrespectfully! This was the heir apparent they were talking about here! She was next in line to become queen! As his blood drained from his face and he feared the worst, Elizabeth ignored him and walked past. She was not about to punish him since he was only doing his job. She was far more focused on Shirley and Freon, whom she had not seen for more than half a year. Elizabeth emotionally hugged Shirley, and because it was another girl, she had no qualms about doing it publicly, unlike in Benedict's case.

"I've missed you," Elizabeth said.

"Sorry… I promised that I would come and see you, but I didn't," Shirley sighed.

"No, it's fine. I'm happy that we could meet again."

"It's been a while, Freon," Benedict added, grabbing Freon's hand.

"It really has. I wasn't expecting our reunion to be so exciting though," Freon laughed awkwardly. "I also wasn't expecting to see you here. How come you're here too?"

"Probably the same reason as you."

"Ah…" Freon glanced at Elizabeth. "I suppose that makes sense."

"We have so much to catch up on," Elizabeth was overjoyed. "Let's head inside!"

Meanwhile, Sir Winstin was inwardly shocked. First was Elizabeth reaching Peak Gaseous Fog after mysteriously recovering from her coma. Second was Benedict reaching Fundamental Realm Expert and Major Sword Form after training with the Sword King. Sir Winstin thought he had seen it all, but now, Shirley and Freon showed up with equally frightening advancements! Although Sir Winstin lacked Martial Energy to utilize the full power of Perception Realm, his body had nonetheless reached the standard of a Perception Realm Master! His Martial Perception stood at the edge, one step away from Instinct Realm! That was why he could gauge Shirley and Freon's level accurately. One possessing Fundamental Realm Master with a vicious and bloodthirsty aura, another with the casting speed and proficiency of a High Gaseous Fog Arcanist… Despite previously thinking they were diamonds in the rough, these four progressed too quickly! It was unbelievable!

"Your Highness, care to introduce us to the rest of your friends?" Legion General Edward arrived with the admirals, Ten Dawns, and generals. There was a subtle devious light in their eyes, which made Elizabeth silent. She did not want to draw her friends to this stage!

The crowds grew quiet and stiff as could be. No one dared to move a muscle! After all, they were in the presence of the leaders of the upcoming campaign! Princess Elizabeth, Sir Winstin, Lady Christina of Highguard, General William, General Petra, General Dennis, Legion General Edward, Admiral Aura, Admiral Jacken, Ten Dawn Iris, Ten Dawn Krogan, Ten Dawn Rosemary, and Ten Dawn Yvonne! They stood at the top of the ladder, comfortably looking down on everyone. Every single one of them carved their own paths. Every single one was a household name. There was practically no one that did not know them! The extreme contrast between the lively harbor and the 'dead' harbor was scary. It was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.

"At ease. We won't stay for long," Legion General Edward said. Only then did people gather the courage to continue working.

"I am Sir Benedict, formerly of house Hawken. Pleased to make your acquaintance," he then said eloquently, showing the proper mannerisms of a former Grand Lord.

"Huh? When did you leave your family?" Shirley blurted causing Benedict to stumble.

Before anyone could reply, Freon jabbed her in the stomach and added, "I am Freon Adnire, brother of Ten Dawn Nassandra Adnire." He discretely chose to hide his affiliation with the Arcellius Family to avoid drawing attention. As far as he knew, only a handful of people knew the truth.

"And I am Shirley Adonina… I guess I don't have anything special to add."

"What a funny girl," General Petra chucked. On the other hand, General Dennis remained thoughtful and General William stayed stoic.

"My friends are tired from the long journey here, so you'll have to pardon our abrupt closure," Elizabeth interrupted. "Let's go." F.o.r.c.i.b.l.y ending the conversation, she dragged her friends away, leaving the large group behind.

Inside a small comfortable lounge in the central fortress, the four settled in. Elizabeth asked her aunt and Sir Winstin to stay outside since she wanted this to just be a reunion between friends. There was an awkward silence as no one knew exactly what to say. It might seem like a short time, but plenty happened to each and every single one of them. Elizabeth clashed with Lord Wenmord, learned the truth behind her Whiteangel Bow, and became a Peak Gaseous Fog Arcanist. Benedict earned the tutelage of Sword King Sin, grasped Martial Energy, and touched upon Sword Intent. Shirley was taught by one of the grim reapers of Firecast, struggled in the Mordrigan Peaks, and developed Mock Perception. And Freon discovered his Arcellius Family heritage, jumped to High Gaseous Fog, and prem.a.t.u.r.ely awakened his Bloodline Ability.

"Elizabeth… About the Xingyuu Empire…" Shirley began softly.

"I know what you want to say," she replied. "Benedict spoke about the same thing, but I won't change my mind."

Shirley flashed Benedict an unhappy gaze, as if her chances were spoiled by his actions. She continued, "Can't you rethink this, Elizabeth? Royal Army General… It's too dangerous. After what we went through in the Xingyuu Empire, I don't want you to return. After all, you might…"

"I know… Even Lord Korogin lost his life in this war so I can't say that it'll be safe, or that I might survive through this battle."


"But what's the alternative? Hide away in Castle Reinhard, close my ears and eyes, and pretend nothing is happening? I can't do that. I… really can't," Elizabeth said bitterly. To that, Shirley had no idea what to say.

After a brief silence, Freon said, "Elizabeth… I won't mince words here, but you aren't suitable to be the Royal Army General or the leader of the upcoming operations. I don't know how much you improved because of your training; however, war is a different beast altogether. It takes years of experience, theory, and talent to become a good general. Furthermore, you need the right aptitude for the job. I doubt you have all the qualifications, so this is just foolhardy. You'll endanger everyone's lives, as well as your own. You need to stop while you're ahead."

"I wanted to come here, but it wasn't my decision to become the Royal Army General."

"What do you mean?" Freon had a bad feeling.

"It was Queen Bethnal and the Royal Assembly that bestowed me the position of Royal Army General. They were the ones that approved of my actions here."

"That can't be true. What about the inheritance race? What about being heir apparent? Aren't they…" He did not dare to continue.

"I think you're right about that," Elizabeth smiled wryly. "They… lost hope in me becoming queen, haven't they? Since they don't think I can do it, they're casting me away from the capital."

"I didn't say that," Freon began sweating. It was dangerous to keep talking about the ongoings of the kingdom at the highest levels. One slip up, and he could be executed for treason!

She nodded in response but said nothing. How could she not understand? The simple fact that her grandmother was willing to fancy her request was not because she was nice. Obviously, that was wrong! Who was her grandmother? She was Queen Bethnal! Although Elizabeth would not call her cold-hearted, her grandmother was nonetheless calculating and logical. Weighing pros and cons on a scale, judging the best path to take, and plotting everything out to the tiniest details… That was what it took to reign as monarch! Then why would she grant Elizabeth her request, despite the pressing inheritance race and the importance of being heir apparent?

It was not like Elizabeth was a miracle worker, capable of bringing the war to a close with a snap of her fingers. She certainly had hopes that an alliance with the Imperial Princesses and the Li Family could spearhead that, but that would be the beginning of a long, long process to peace. And just like Benedict said, it was not guaranteed to succeed either. Regardless of that, Queen Bethnal still allowed her to go? Why? Elizabeth was not an idiot and her royal training helped her understand… She was thrown aside! She realized the truth quick enough, yet she said nothing. After all, her interests aligned since she genuinely wanted to head to the Xingyuu Empire. The business in the capital… would have to wait for her return.

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