The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 279 - Second Great Kingdom War restart!

About one week later, the first vanguard strike fleet was finally ready to depart. It was set to arrive north of the Yunyun Stronghold on the coastline. Almost a year ago, when General Illion's army departed with Elizabeth to support Lord Korogin, he left behind a secret advance outpost which persisted until today. This would be the fleet's destination and temporary headquarters for all operations in the Xingyuu Empire. The fleet, consisting of twenty thousand soldiers, crowded the port. Although Pelangi Fortress had a large harbour, built to support the fleets patrolling the Maelstrom Gulf, the current fleet was another behemoth altogether. The sh.i.p.s had to 'rotated' constantly to be supplied and boarded. To help lead the forward base and prepare for the future fleets, General Dennis would be going first. There was little surprise there. The truly surprising thing was Princess Elizabeth's attendance!

Standing on the stern of the flagship, Elizabeth switched out of her formal dresses and into a proper military uniform. The sleek red and white unis.e.x outfit looked simple on the surface, but the intricate designs could not be forged so easily. Additionally, the outfit included several padded pieces to protect key locations, while emphasizing her propriety. It was easily the work of a master tailor! To accompany it was a long flowing golden red cape, which dr.a.p.ed behind her, demonstrating her royal blood. With the Whiteangel Bow strapped to her back and her crimson hair fluttering in the breeze, she no longer looked like a delicate princess flower, but a brave and fierce general! This was the Royal Army General, Princess Elizabeth!

Besides her, Benedict, Shirley, and Freon were right there. Benedict was wearing a full suit of plate armor, which made him stand out. The protection and durability were sacrificed to make it lighter, while still providing a generous level of defense. After all, he was a Fundamental Realm martial artist. Only Royal Guards, who transcended human limits and entered Perception Realm, could fight at extreme high speeds with that much weight. 'Normal' people like Benedict were simply incapable, even with Martial Energy. Real perception Realms were truly on another level! Benedict's eyes swept through the fleet in a steady manner. Out of everyone here, he had the most experience with war. With his father's gifted sword hanging on his waist and a shield on his back, he looked like a silent guardian, a true knight of the Realm!

For Shirley, the girl wore a simple piece of leather armor which curled around her figure comfortably. Without any frills or special designs, it appeared very ordinary, but upon closer inspection, one would realize the ingeniousness of the design. The custom-made armor formed from dozens of individual segments allowed her a full range of motion without awkwardness. Although the protection was reduced to a pitiful level, what was a detriment became great benefit to Shirley. All along, the girl fought using her own self-made style or, to put it bluntly, she was improvising on the fly. Inari saw her unbelievable combat talent and instead of teaching her, he actively promoted her 'barbaric' style by throwing her into the Mordrigan Peaks. The result was as shown… With her halberd in her hands and a fierce aura surging, she embodied a powerful warrior, the spear of a vanguard!

And finally, there was Freon. Out of everyone present, he was the most inconspicuous. Wrapped in a plain dark cloak with leather armor underneath, the proud insignia of the Zino Kingdom was embroidered on the back. From the beginning, he disliked standing out and preferred to remain in the background, which coincided with the role of most Arcanists. His black glossy hair and quiet demeanor radiated a certain degree of confidence and strength. Indeed, if it were before, with Low Gaseous Fog and without his Bloodline Ability, then he would waver. But now, with a High Gaseous Fog Core and the Arcellius Family Bloodline, he had the right to stand proudly. Freon appeared like a master tactician, the overseer of the battlefield!

The four of them, through their own various trials and tribulations, managed to advance to this point. While it may seem minor, especially when hearing about those omnipotent Rank 4 Emperors or Rank 5 Gods which could destroy humanity with a snap of their fingers, the road was never a smooth one. The world was filled with countless opportunities, fortune and misfortune mixed into a beautiful dance of chance and fate. They spent a year, advancing from the bottom of the barrel, fighting for their lives, and nearly dying numerous times. However, by persevering and pushing through adversity, they had finally touched upon the ceiling of Rank 1! And remember that Rank 1 represented the peak of mortal limits. Once into the realm of Rank 2, then they will have truly transcended!

"Your Highness, the fleet is ready for departure," General Dennis quietly reported. "What is your command?"

Elizabeth's participation had special meaning since her title was officially the 'Royal Army General'. Although she was chosen to spearhead the attack like a valiant general leading the troops from the frontlines, she was told that was a mere ruse to ignite the army's morale. And that it did… Everyone's enthusiasm and excitement were practically boiling through the skies above! To fight alongside a member of the Royal Family, a princess, and the heir apparent no less, everyone was ready to put forth their earnest effort! They were ready to lay their lives on the line for the glory of the Alzar Kingdom! Their cheering, hollering, and screaming filled Pelangi Fortress to the brim.

The girl raised her hand, and as if by magic, the crowds grew silent. Dressed in that sharp general uniform with a regal bearing, Elizabeth commanded the attention of thousands. No one dared to defy her command! On her gesture, Freon used a spell to amplify Elizabeth's voice. She stepped forward and smiled before starting her speech, "Brave warriors from far and wide, on behalf of the crown and Alzar Kingdom, I thank you for your participation here. As everyone may know, the road ahead is perilous and fraught with dangers. I also don't know how many of us will survive to tell the tale… but the feud between the Alzar Kingdom and the Xingyuu Empire must come to a close. I came here specifically because I wanted to end the war and I swear on my name, Princess Elizabeth Etuvel Reindel, that I will do just that! Together, we shall pull the curtains on this silly stage which lasted for more than five hundred years! The Second Great Kingdom War shall be no more!"

As if a volcano erupted, the fleet exploded with fervor. Elizabeth then solemnly grabbed her Whiteangel Bow and… without an arrow, she pulled back on the bowstring. Channeling her Magic Energy forward, an arrow formed from pure energy materialized between her fingertips. From this, the entire bow seemed to awaken, and a formless pair of white wings sprouted from the bow, like a true artifact of heaven! Elizabeth's own aura began surging, prompting faint rainbow-colored World Energy mist to condense around her. Pointing the bow upwards, the girl let the arrow high into the sky where it split into two. The left arrow became a long twisting snake, the length of the longest warship. The right arrow became a tall grand lion, the height of the largest warship. The two life-like creatures turned around mid-air and clashed before finally entering a stalemate. Their final pose was exactly the Alzar Kingdom's emblem: the lion and snake!

"I hereby declare this campaign commence!" Elizabeth concluded.

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