The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 281 - Li Family and the Imperial Princesses

The Four Great Nobility Families. They were the four greatest nobility families in the Xingyuu Empire, right under the Imperial Family. When compared to the Alzar Kingdom's twenty-five Grand Nobility Households, or the Zino Kingdom's Engelsheft Families, the power of the Four Great Nobility Families was really in a class of their own. They were far superior! One of them were equal to several Grand Nobility Households! They were the esteemed Li, Shui, Jian, and Jun Families! Between the four of them, they equally divided the empire into their respective territories: the Li Family of the north, Shui Family of the west, Jian Family of the south, and Jun Family of the east. But even among those four, there was one that stood head and shoulders above the rest. It was none other than the preeminent and feared Li Family!

The Li Family had a long history and deep ties to the Imperial Family. For example, Emperor Lianghu Tzu, the last emperor, was married to Empress Mei Li, the then matriarch of the Li Family. The previous Emperor Jungang Tzu, the so-called Mad Emperor, was married to Empress Yin Li. In fact, the family played a pivotal role during the Tzu Conquest, when they overthrew the previous dynasty to instate the current one. Moreover, it was not just influence or authority that they wielded, but genuine military power, enough to overwhelm the empire's armies! That was why the Li Family was regarded as the most powerful and dangerous of all families! They stood on equal footing with the three human civilizations and their might was great enough to create the three-way deadlock between the Imperial Council and the Alzar Kingdom. They could be regarded as the 'fourth' human civilization!

Deep in Li Family territory was the capital city of the Qianwing Province, Chongdu. Since it was far from the frontlines of war, it grew unreservedly. Prospects of safety and security would lure people from across the north, attracting them to settle down here. Overtime, Chongdu grew to an enormous size with millions of people and gradually led in social, technological, and economic development. In the eyes of many, the city was one of the foremost cities in the entire Xingyuu Empire, if not the whole world! And it would come to no surprise that the Li Family's second estate was here whereas the main estate was located just outside of Yongtein.

The estate occupied the central prime area of the city, even displacing the provincial government to another district. Well, in the first place, the Qianwing Province was governed by the Li Family, as well as the many surrounding provinces, so the government buildings were used exclusively by the civil servants. From a bird eye's view, the Li estate was almost its own secluded world. Outside was the bustling city with dense buildings and heavy traffic, filled with the struggles of the mundane. Inside though… was a verdant forest with tranquil streams and beautiful gardens. Everything was designed and maintained to the absolute highest degree of quality, allowing it to embolden nature's appeal to a breathtaking level. It looked like a heavenly abode, fit for an emperor! History showed how correct that was with many emperors making their visits!

Amid the lily pads and flowers was a pavilion in the middle of a lake. The crisp sound of a zither flowed out across the water's surface throughout the estate. Three figures walked across the wooden bridge to the pavilion. One was a tall and bald man with ordinary features and ordinary clothes. He almost appeared invasive to this divine domain with his low status. However, an unmistakably strong aura radiated out from his being. It had to do with neither Martial Energy nor Magic Energy, but rather an innate charisma born from a leader! With a slightly frowning face, this man was the current patriarch of the Li Family, Imperian Qiang Li!

The next two were also an iconic sight. Leading the way was a gorgeous young girl whose beauty was unbelievably perfect in every way. She might not compare to those legendary goddesses in fairy tales, but she was definitely one of the prettiest in Chongdu, if not the Qianwing Province! With a delicate blue and green dress which highlighted her curves, and a bright sunny demeanor which radiated youthfulness, she could light up any room she was in. She was easily the brightest shining star around! The beauty was none other than one of the Imperial Princesses of the Xingyuu Empire, Princess Xiuying Tzu!

Right behind her was a young man, around the same age as Princess Xiuying. Rather than sporting a refined air, he had the feeling of a mad dog. His muscular body was bulging with power and lethality. His simple martial artists outfit ensured he was always combat-ready. With a face capable of frightening children and a crude personality to boot, he looked and acted like a common street thug. Although he seemed like a pushover, there was a sharp gleam in his eyes. People might mistake his identity, but he was Sentinel Tai Shui, Protector of Princess Xiuying Tzu!

The three walked side-by-side with a heavy air and entered the island pavilion together. Inside, there was a simple stone table and chairs. Several people were present, facing the girl playing the zither. Her thin fingers traced across the strings and strummed a heavenly melody. Her performance easily showed her master-level skill because even the birds, insects, and fish went silent as if the world revolved around this girl! This girl, a mirror image of Princess Xiuying, had a scholarly disposition and quiet demeanor. She was the embodiment of a cold beauty! Princess Ming Tzu halted her fingers when the trio arrived, returning everyone to their senses.

"You arrived later than I expected, sister. The tea was about to grow cold."

With that said, the handmaidens stepped up and arranged the chairs and teacups before pouring out the boiling liquid. The dense aroma of the fresh tea leaves wafted in the air. The handmaidens then bowed and departed.

"You heard about it then?" Xiuying asked worriedly.

"Yes, I did. I was playing to straighten out my thoughts," her sister replied. "Sit down first and then we'll talk." The girl composedly sat down and gestured to the open seats.

"Sister, how can you be so calm?" Despite saying so, she still followed her instructions.

"What would panicking result in?" Ming chastised while shaking her head. "I know how you feel, but this was destined to happen since the Li Family and the Imperial Council began fighting. The Alzar Kingdom moving against us is nothing surprising."

"Then should we try to negotiate with the Imperial Council again? At this rate…"

"They refused to meet with us," their uncle, Imperian Qiang Li, spoke up. "I don't know what Prime Minister Pon-Wai or the rest of the Imperial Council is thinking, but they seem resolved to see this through."

"In the first place, we don't know why they decided to take action against us. What gave them the confidence to attack us and attract the Alzar Kingdom over here as well?" Ming frowned.

"Our investigation yields nothing substantial. We can tell that the Imperial Council is hiding a huge secret, but they're doing everything in their power to ensure it doesn't leak. We don't have any clue about what it could be," Qiang said.

"It's the fault of that grinning two-faced villain!" Xiuying stomped her feet. "I should have given him two slaps when I saw him last time!"

"Xiuying…" Raising her voice, Ming looked at her sister. "It's impolite to refer to Prime Minister Pon-Wai Jian as a 'grinning two-faced villain'. Regardless of what happens, he is still the Prime Minister of the Xingyuu Empire, right below our late father, Emperor Lianghu! We must treat him with due respect. And besides, he's…" Her voice trailed off towards the end, as she glanced toward her Protector.

A young man with a gentle face stood next to her. With a white innerwear and a long blue robe, matching his straight posture and righteous attitude, he was the very definition of a nobleman. His long hair was neatly tied into a ponytail and his clothes were as clean as could be, painting the image of a prim and proper scion. However, if one looked below, then they would notice the two long straight swords hanging off his waist. In addition to that was his incredible sharp aura, reminiscent to a sheathed blade, ready to strike on a moment's notice. He was Sentinel Chang Jian, Protector of Princess Ming Tzu! As one would expect, bearing the same Jian surname as the Prime Minister, they were related to one another. In fact, Prime Minister Pon-Wai was actually his older brother!

Sentinel Chang spoke slowly, "Please do not worry about these things, Your Highness. Although I am a descendant of the Jian Family, I am your Protector, first and foremost. Whatever Your Highness does and wherever Your Highness goes, I will act as your sword and shield. That is the oath that I made."

"It's the same for me," Sentinel Tai rudely spat. "The only reason the Shui Family's involved in this mess is because the Jun and Jian Families pressured my father and he was too spineless to decline. My father is the shame of our family! Damn it!" He snatched a teacup and shattered it in his hands.

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