The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 295 - Tian Monastery

"The Featherwind Sect… Are you sure about everything you've told us, Your Highness?" General Dennis asked. "I don't mean to question your claims, but this is too important to mistake."

"I'm certain."

The two leaders glanced at each other with grim expressions. Admiral Aura then said, "The key point here is the attackers… They were strong enough to erect that massive barrier to trap our entire fleet. From our brief battle, it was also sturdy enough that a ship ramming into it could not break through. That level of range and durability goes beyond what the Ten Dawns are capable of. And then there are those white cranes. Bisecting a warship in one strike, multiplying endlessly, and retaining enough power and speed to do all this… This…"

"This goes beyond tactical-level magic. This is strategic-level," General Dennis frowned.

Tactical-level magic. In common words, it was the term used by the military to describe the Ten Dawn's large-scale collaborative spells. For example, Torrential Blizzard used by Ten Dawn Nassandra and Tengon, and Yin-Yang Arrow used by Ten Dawn Rosemary and Yvonne. Tactical-level spells could transform a battlefield in an instant, tipping the scales of victory massively in their favor if used correctly. Only a few tactical-level spells existed and only the Ten Dawns could utilize them to their fullest extent. That was why the Ten Dawns were the hidden trump cards of the Alzar Kingdom!

Strategic-level magic was the next level. Described to be magic capable of dominating an entire battlefield, it was envisioned as an army-killing magic! Anyone who wielded one was effectively a one-man army, capable of singlehandedly altering the entire war! As far as General Dennis knew, there have been zero recorded instances of strategic-level magic being developed or used. The closest example to strategic-level magic was the heavenly phenomenon caused by Protector Avin and the mysterious Lannisail explosion. Both could affect their respective capital cities and carried the potential of killing countless people! That was why the Alzar Kingdom placed a heavy emphasis in discovering, and possibly eliminating, any sources of strategic-level magic. They were too dangerous to be unchecked!

Having experienced the brutal ȧssault from the Featherwind Sect, it was understandable that the room fell quiet. It was one thing to face strategic-level magic, but it was another thing entirely to lack any countermeasure against it. They could only be slaughtered one-sidedly! And the biggest problem was that they were sorely lacking information. The Featherwind Sect was one big enigma, and until they unraveled this mystery, no one could sleep well at night. They might be killed in an instant!

"I understand Your Highness's concerns to call off the northern offense," General Dennis said. After a period of quiet contemplation, he continued, "However, I cannot make the decision myself. We would have to consult General William, General Petra, the War Council, and the Royal Assembly… Admiral Aura, how quickly can you depart for Pelangi Fortress?"

"I estimate that we would need a fortnight at the minimum. That timeframe can be extended or shortened depending on whether we can find high-quality lumber here."

"How many ships are seaworthy right now?"

"We haven't finished the inspections, but I would wager half upwards to three-quarters of the fleet are." She then shook her head. "But it will still take time to prepare the provisions and route."

"It doesn't have to be immediately, but I would like to notify the Alzar Kingdom about our findings here," General Dennis stressed. "We need to let them know as soon as possible, so we can prepare ahead of time."

"I understand that as well… We can funnel our remaining supplies onto a few ships to make the trip back, but our schedule will be heavily delayed. This can have severe consequences to our overall war strategy."

"It's fine, Admiral Aura," Elizabeth interrupted. "It is imperative that news be sent to the Alzar Kingdom as soon as possible, regardless of any potential consequences. I will take full responsibility for any problems that may occur."

"… Very well, I will begin preparations for an advance fleet. It should be ready in a few days."

"Thank you, Admiral Aura. The faster, the better."

"The Xingyuu Empire won't wait long before launching another attack on us with their strategic-level magic," General Dennis pointed out the ugly truth. "In our original plans, the previous encampment could withstand a prolonged ȧssault by the empire, but we're too exposed here. While the Ten Dawns and the officers are discussing countermeasures and retreat routes, I cannot say our chances are good. That's why Your Highness should leave with Admiral Aura. It's too dangerous here."

"I agree with General Dennis," Admiral Aura said. "The circumstances behind Your Highness being here… I will not speak of them. However, things have gone out of our control. Your Highness is the Alzar Kingdom's heir apparent first and foremost. Your Highness is required in the capital, not on the battlefield."

"I humbly disagree," Elizabeth replied strongly. "Currently, I'm the only deterrent against the Featherwind Sect. No one else in the army can do the same, am I right? How is the army going to cope with me missing?"

"Your Highness must be mistaken. The army exists to protect Your Highness, not the other way around," General Dennis explained. "We will figure something out."

"Hmph. You let me come all the way here, standing on Xingyuu soil, and now you're telling me it's too dangerous? You think I didn't know the risks? I chose to come here of my own freewill, not because I was forced to, and I will stay here."

"Your Highness…"

"There's no point in saying anything more. My mind is made up," Elizabeth declared.

Towards this, General Dennis and Admiral Aura had to feel admiration. She was not like the other flower boys or girls, who hid behind their mothers, fought with words, and cried over a light scratch. She was different, willing to do the dirty work and face the horrors of war head-on. Regardless of their conspiracies swirling behind the scenes, Elizabeth was worthy of their respect! This was someone they were willing to follow! The two could only sigh and give up. If they could not persuade her to flee, then it was pointless. She was the heir apparent, a princess of the kingdom! They could not force her to do anything. Therefore, they could only hope that nothing would happen…

Jizhu Ridge, north of the capital city of the Xingyuu Empire. It was a long series of mountains that spanned the central corridor of the empire, effectively splitting up the west and the east. The tall peaks and green foliage made them natural pieces of art that attracted many visitors from afar. Every new year, it was tradition for people to swarm up the mountain paths and pray at the countless monasteries. There would be so many people that it would look like a sea of bodies. It was easily in the hundreds of thousands! They believed that the monasteries were the closest to the heavenly realm, making the gods easily hear their prayers and thus grant their wishes. Some wished for good health, others rich fortune, some for children, and others for vengeance… All kinds of people ȧssembled from all walks of life.

The largest and most popular of monasteries was called the Tian Monastery. It had over three thousand branch monasteries scattered throughout the Jizhu Ridge. Most were small and humble, but they had a deep and rich following, accounting for more than half of the visitors. They could only pray at the branch monasteries at the foot of the mountains and were forbidden from going to the head monastery. There were two reasons for this. The first was to provide a quiet and secluded environment for the monks to attempt enlightenment. The presence of people disrupted their peace and tempted them with worldly dėsɨrės. It went against their core creed of asceticism.

The second reason was that the Tian Monastery was near the top of the tallest peak. This granted the monks with the greatest connection to the heavens, but the extreme altitude and weather made it extremely hostile to visitors. There were ten thousand steps in total, and people would die scaling them every year. The monks eventually banned anyone from trying, but there were always those that refused to listen and met their fate on those stone steps. The stories, rumors, and legends swirling around the Tian Monastery allowed them to live in a constant shroud of mystery. No one knew what the legendary place of worship looked like!

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