The Chronicles Of New Havens

Chapter 40 - Determination

At a similar time in the underground prison, Freon slowly woke up and groaned. After being beaten senselessly by a guard trying to help Elizabeth, he was unconscious till now. His chin screamed out in pain, as he wondered if it was broken. He spat out some blood from his mouth, but it kept flowing. It was surprisingly disturbing, and he felt slightly lightheaded. Freon sighed. More than his body, his pride hurt more than ever. Who liked being beaten? No one! If he had his wand, then at least he could put up some form of resistance. But without it, he was no more dangerous than a child. Even with a sword in hand, there was nothing he could do!

He shook his head. It was more important to figure out what happened. The boy looked around and saw that he was still in the same cell as before. Benedict was standing up at the bars, as if searching for something or someone. He was beaten up in various places, evident from some bruising and bleeding. However, Freon had to admit Benedict was impressive to shrug off all those injuries without making a fuss. The title of a Hawken was not for show! If the odds were not stacked so poorly against them, Benedict would not have been as helpless as Freon. After all, Perception Realms were the strongest martial experts in the known world.

Shirley was also in a miserable state. Her entire cheek was purple and bloody, a frightening wound on this girl's face. She was sitting on the ground again with her legs close to her chest in a defensive position. Freon confirmed his suspicions when Elizabeth was nowhere to be found. He had no idea how much time had passed since that fight, but it was certain that nothing good was happening with Elizabeth. Feeling the suffocating atmosphere of the cell, Freon's thoughts were spinning. He thought about the key that Princess Xiuying gave Elizabeth. If they had used it, could they have escaped together? The chances were practically negligible, but it was better than dying here. Yet, who was the one that denied using it? It was him! Now, Elizabeth was… A deep sense of guilt built up in his consciousness.

Benedict was also feeling the same way. Over the past few weeks, his thoughts were constantly churning. If I had stopped Elizabeth from leaving Algard, nothing would have happened. If I had been stronger, I could have stopped them in Port Silic. If I had been more courageous, we could have tried escaping the prison. The world was vast and boundless with infinite possibilities. It was human nature to focus on what could be than what was. Everyone looked at the best possible outcomes and wondered why? Why did I not choose correctly? Since Benedict was with Elizabeth for far longer, his sense of regret was far stronger than Freon's or Shirley's. His heart felt heavy and hollow.

It was the same back then as well. When he abandoned Isabella to save himself, was that not cowardice? To leave the one he loved to die alone… His last memory of Isabella was that moment. He was disgusting and he knew that. His decision haunted him to this day. A Grand Lord, a knight, and a Hawken, all these titles amounted to nothing in the end. He was but a small and insignificant character in a vast world. And now the same story was playing out again. Elizabeth was taken from his fingers like Isabella. The vow he made to Elizabeth's parents on New Havens, would it be broken so easily?

Shirley looked forward and her eyes wettened. It was hard not to think about it in this situation, especially when Elizabeth was taken away in front of them. However, her thoughts were not focused on regrets. Of course, she regretted being weak. That was a sentiment common to all three of them. But the past was always a difficult subject. After all, everyone wanted to reach their fullest potential, to become the best they could. Shirley knew how dangerous it was to linger on the past. The past was merciless, the present was hopeless, but the future was limitless! The only way was forward! If one hoped, then anything was possible!

Shirley knew better than anyone else what sort of tortures Elizabeth may be subjected to. After all, for an entire year, she was the Xingyuu Empire's prisoner. That extreme physical, mental, and spiritual torment was something she could never forget. It was deeply ingrained down to her bones. Just being in this cell alone was enough to rouse her deepest and darkest memories. It broke her down completely and utterly without the slightest semblance of resistance. No one could begin to imagine it. Only those who experienced it firsthand would understand. Therefore, Shirley felt a rising resolve to help Elizabeth, to prevent another tragedy from happening!

She was not expecting much. In fact, she knew how impossible the task was. Forget helping Elizabeth, just escaping the Yunyun Stronghold was a nigh impossible task! Shirley did not forget how a single Imperial Sentinel disabled her in seconds at Port Silic nor did she forget how she was beaten by the guards. Here in the Yunyun Stronghold, the bastion of the Xingyuu Empire's forces for the Maelstrom Gulf, how many would stand in her way? The numbers would be easily tens of thousands! But even against the odds, what use would be staying here in the cell? She was awaiting death! If she was going to die anyways, she would rather keep Elizabeth company in their final moments! Having made up her mind, her hands steadied, and she felt her shoulders relax for the first time in weeks.

"I'm getting out of here and rescuing Elizabeth! Are you joining me, Benedict and Freon?"

"Don't you remember how mercilessly we were beaten back then…" Freon murmured weakly.

"Even then, are you going to wait here to die?" Shirley asked.


Fear was a fickle thing. No one wanted to die. Sneaking out meant instant death if they were caught. Anyone would hesitate after being beaten senselessly. But Freon knew how cowardly he was. Though the chance was small, there was still a chance! Elizabeth as well, Freon understood that if they had used the key, they might have escaped together already. His consciousness would never relent if she had died because of him. He summoned his courage and resolved himself after a long silence. Even the pain on his chin subsided somewhat.

"Very well, I'll go along with you… What about you, Benedict?"

"You should know the answer already."

Benedict had already made up his mind as soon as Shirley slapped him back to reality. He was too focused on the past, on regretting choices that no longer mattered. The future was what was important! What happened to Isabella was a tragedy, but he could not change it. But that only served to spur him on, to prevent Elizabeth from befalling the same fate! That was the only way he could live himself. He would not turn his back and run away again! He would not break his vow again!

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