The Chronicles Of Zero

Chapter 12 - Title at the end of the chapter

// Timeskip //

It's been a few days since Est becomes my contracted spirit, when you look at her you only see a cute little girl that always wants to praised and pampered by me and act spoiled rotten and not a powerful demon slayer sword.

One day I, Est and Lu were going to eat outside and Est act so spoiled that even Lu mimic her, and my wallet and heart didn't survive this calamity so I had to surrender and buy all the sweets she wanted. I'm really weak before a cute girl.

One of Est problem, since she lives with us, is she sleeping with me and Lu n.a.k.e.d with only her knee socks, I tried to make her wear pajamas or other comfortable outfits, but I always find her n.a.k.e.d the next morning at the 4th attempt I surround and I let her do what she wants.

But one morning when I wake up my Mom comes to my room without knocking to tell me the breakfast was ready then she found a n.a.k.e.d Est sleeping next to me hugging my arm, that day I thought my Mom was going to call the police.

I may look like a lolicon but my motto is 'cute is justice', Lu and Est are legal lolis, so I'm safe because Lu is a demon who lives for how many years and Est is a spirit sword of over a hundred year, so I'm safe

To convince my mother to not call the police I have to let her cuddle me for the next few days like when I was a kid, it was really embarrassing especially before my little sister and cousin who were laughing at me.

I don't know why, but my mother has been giving me dangerous looks since the day I changed my appearance, I try to pretend it was nothing but her eyes seem to be getting more and more piercing every day, and when Dad leaves to work around the world because of his status as a renowned chef, I told my father and the only thing he told me and I quote 'Good luck' with a scary look on his face.

This week I start to train my Odd-Eyes Supreme King Dragon special magic, I was able to gasp Violent Dragon magic which concept is "Destruction" and create Dragon Slaying techniques base of it and even unlock it Dragon Force that we named Haô-Drive but I don't know why I can't unlock my balance breaker yet.

I train like a madman these last months I almost die doing dungeon I have a goal to fulfill but I can't unlock it like my Devil Trigger. I asked my dragon why I didn't unlock it yet be the only response they give me is "When the time will come"

I received quite a few interesting thanks to the Gacha at the Abyss auction but all my pull were bad luck, 3/4 of my draw were black keys at those moments I thought that Kotomine Kirei was behind the Gacha making fun of me which really piss me off but not as serious as the mission given to me by a certain vampire.

Oh, yeah, I discovered something fascinating these last mount I unlock some memories of Zero, and it seems he was a friend with Luvia Edelfert when she was visiting japan because my father was working as a cook for her family, and they are our neighbor.

Yeah, I don't know how or when but Zelretch creates a "clock tower" magic association and introduces magecraft in this world, and he succeeds to hide it from the eyes of the faction, but the old man forced me to become his student at the clock tower.

This clock tower compare to the fate world is more, how to formulate it, is more reasonable, because their magician would not go to an extreme to reach the root because the age of god still exists in this world.

Zelretch was giving me missions almost impossible to accomplish except for me around the world which got me the attention of all the pantheon of the world because I've to use Rho Ais, Gae Bolg other and new class card noble phantasm that I've gained by doing Fate dungeon I'm really thankful that Yamato permit me to create dimensional portal to travel and take me out of the reach of god harm.

It not like I'm fearing them, but because I'm alone to face an army, so I thought to have more ally.

During one of my draws I received 5 tickets of invocations to summon anybody, and he or she will be a bond partner, I use one to summon Izayoi Sakuya who became my servant at first she was cold and distant while doing her job but accompanying me in my daily life (home and school) and professional (dungeons and demon extermination) she began to accept me as her master and her power to stop time is really too strong, .

// Timeskip 3 month later //

From time to time I'm training with my heroic spirit in my mindscape to stabilize and deepen my powers at first, it was only Musashi and Okita Alter because they want to develop my use of my empyrean eyes and Tomoe Gozen and Jalter because she is interested in my demon power.

At first, Jeanne doesn't want to talk to me after I became a demon but after many days she forgives me and accepts to help me with my angel part. As for Artoria (lancer), she gives me one of these beatings because of the changes I made with Caliburn but decides to forgive me and train to be a good fighter and king with the help of Lu, Scathach, and Semiramis.

For the other Servants, I'm spending time with then if have time or if I want to have information about their Noble Phantasm but the only one I don't want to see is BB, because the first time I meet BB she strips me of all my cloth before all my female spirit, Jeanne, Mash, Heroine X, and Musashi feinted with nosebleed, Semiramis Scathach, Jalter, Lu, and Artoria look at me with some trace of l.u.s.t, Astolfo and Tamao laugh at me and Okita and Tomoe are only looking will their become a little red on their cheek.

As time goes by, my Unlimited Blade Works change a lot, I can now store more weapons than swords like gunblades, spears, shield, bow, and even some concepts when I know them, understand and study them completely and the projections become more and more realistic and durable.

I was able to create a version of the Tauropolos bow for Atalanta whose training is progressing faster than I thought, she's now at the High-class level, and she is not far from unlocking the power of her Noble Phantasm, she is more open but shy thanks to a necklace of my manufacture I could hide her feline features.

I was able to finalize my Driver and all the fullbottles and even the hazard trigger that I avoid using for too long because it still contains the factor of losing control the last time I used it in the dungeon I almost died.

As for Rias and company, how to tell, Rias started to be interested in me after I return for America, we talk from time to time and we have developed a rather weird relationship, she was trying to use her woman asset to lure me, which did not please Lu and Est, and each time I have to cuddle with them to calm them down.

They were a time she tried to invite me to the ORC, I precise 'Tried' because I always find an excuse every time as long as it is possible, but there was I time I couldn't refuse.

// Flashback //

I was in front of the old schoolhouse with Lu en my shoulder following Kiba who came to retrieve me in my classroom, when he came in all the girls go fangirl mode about me and Kiba because he is the Prince of Kuoh and I'm the Lone Wolf of Kuoh we are opposite character.

Then I follow him before a begin to hear some fantasy about me and him

" This building really needs renovation, " I tell Kiba.

" Maybe you right, let's go Bucho waiting " he responds me like he really doesn't care

I nod my head and follow him inside the build then we arrive in front of the club room, he knocks to the door

" Bucho, I bring back Akatsuki-kun"

" Come in "

Kiba opens the door to be welcomed by all the member of the ORC

" Welcome to the Occult Research Club, Zero-kun, I'm glad you decide to join us "

" I didn't tell or promise this Rias-senpai, I only come here so you stop to always ask me to come, " I tell her putting my finger on my temples

" Ara, you've been rejected Rias " tell Akeno to Rias

"Ma, take a seat and listen to me and I'm sure after you hear my proposition you will join us," Rias said with confidence

' Calm down Lu, let hear what she want before judging her, even if I know why she asks me to come here '

Lu calm down and sit next to me and lean her head on my shoulder while she hugging my left arm

Then I sit on the couch when I fell something on my l.a.p when I'm looking what it's, it only Koneko, which surprise Rias, Kiba, and Akeno

"Koneko what are you doing, get down off him " Rias ask her

" Don't want " she refuses to listen to Rias' order which shocks her because it the first time Koneko act like that toward her

' Hahahaha ' Lu begins to laugh at Rias

" Let's calm down, Koneko, tell me what are you sitting on my lap? " I ask the girl who continues to eat her sweets on my l.a.p.

" Eat sweet on my spot " she responds me with an expression that tells ' Why you ask such obvious question'

" I see " I turn my attention to the other while petting Koneko head, she begins to purr like a cat and lean her back on my c.h.e.s.t, at the same time she discreetly grinds her hip against mine

Then she revealed to me she was a devil and so the other member of the ORC and explained to about the supernatural during all the presentation I didn't flinch one millimeter with a bored look on my eyes, and she asks me to join her peerage and club, I only smile to her.

" Why are you smiling, you don't seem to be shocked about what I just reveal to you ?"

" That because I know all of this because I already know all of this, " I say while placing my chin above the head of Koneko

" means you." I cut her

" It means the reason I didn't want to come it's because I know who you are, so I'll tell you now, I don't want to join your peerage, sorry "

Then Koneko, pull my jacket

" Zero-Nii, sweet " Koneko ask me with puppy eye

I'm trying to resist her cuteness

" I must not give in to temptation " I'm trying to not look in her eye, but I was too late

' How many times did you use this technique on me to have what you wanted when we were in America? '

' I'm different I'm your Master so it normal you must yield before me ' she giggles at me

In the end, I give Koneko her sweets, I discuss with Rias as we usually do and the other members of the ORC, after some time I decide to go home, the next day Rias still pester me to join her peerage.

// End Flashback //

// Time Skip //

At the end of the second semester, I trained with Koneko, she became my sparring partner, with Lu when I want to train my Close Combat, we have worked especially her fighting style.

Since she is a Rook she has a lot of strength but does not know how to use it effectively I taught her my martial arts techniques and Lu teaches her how to use her height and power at her advantage.

I also train her speed that is her negative point with weights that she must carry all the time, with the time going she shows great signs of improvement.

Koneko seems to really be attached to me, she interacts with me like we were brother and sister, I must say that I spoil her with my cooking but not as much as Est, she sits on my l.a.p when we have lunch, at the beginning, it has not pleased Ruruko, Lu and my sisters because it was there only rights as my little sisters and Lu because she's my master, since I don't want that my lovely girls, to declare a world war for me, I compromised with them, by doing one order they will give me each one.

Each request range from going to a date, to being a luggage carrier or butler for the day.

When Me and Koneko are only both of us, she takes out her ears and cattails, I managed to convince her to accept her power and not to reject what she is, At first she refused, telling me that she might lose control because of Senjutsu and become like her sister Kuroka, but I show her my sacred gear and tell her that my power is much more dangerous than hers, because mine is comparable to the boosted gear a Longinus, and that I am still the same and that if she manages to control her power it will be a great help for Rias and if she lost control I'll be there to stop her.

But without me knowing it Koneko marks me has her only mate, which surprise me because a Nekomata can be loyal to only one mate they have marked and this for life. And this is how my harem grew by one member.

Kiba and I became friends, since I knew he is a devil we quickly create a friendship, we are also sparring partner, we're sparring from time to time at the Kendo club the score is 25-20 in is favor I don't use any magic or technique, even the basic reinforcement, sometimes I win with sheer speed and strength and lose for time to not be pestered by Rias.

Sometimes during our sparring I point out his weaknesses at the beginning he didn't take me seriously but after beating him with my "Eight Leaves One Blade school" swordsmanship, only then he followed my advice.

As for Akeno how to say, every time we meet she looks at me with the eyes of a wild animal that has spotted her prey and since I already know her character, it does not bode well for me.

That what happens with the Gremory but I also become very close with the Sitri, after my meeting with Rias I think she must have noticed Sona about me, this is how I come to know the Sitri peerage.

Sona and I have become close friends from time to time she invites me to play a game of chess that I lose every time, she asks me if I know the supernatural, I told her that I know that she and the members of the council are devils, what it does not seem to surprise her, and she offered me to join her peerage I told her that I already have a master.

But I propose to her to sign a contract to become an ally of the Sitri family, that protects me of the other devil family because when the time come I'll need help when I go to the underworld and Lu tell me that the Sitri family was one of the few pillars always loyal to Lu.

From time to time I go with the Sitri to hunt Stray's devil, to observe their fighting style and point out their mistakes of the new member, at the same time I exchange with Sona about the strategy to adopt. As we are allies I also fulfill contracts to hunt Stray's devils of high rank, sometimes Tsubaki accompanies me

Tsubaki and I become friends, since our first encounter, then when I reveal to the student council that I know they are devil we become more close, Sometimes she saw me training with Kiba, so she asks me to train together, since she uses a naginata, I'm using a spear that I begin to master thanks to Scathach training.

At some time we hang together during our day off we go to the amus.e.m.e.nt park, eat at a restaurant then finish with a movie

// 3 weeks later //

Now I'm in my bed chilling and cuddling with my master in her nobless form and my cute sword spirit after a long day of training in my dungeon

dring dring

My cellphone begin ring

Zero: Hello, Zero here

Zelretch: Hello my little grandson, how you're doing?

Zero: Fine Gramps, then what my missions this time prank Zeus, going in heaven to seduce Gabriel?

Zelretch: Hahaha I would like but not today you see, I send two of my new student in Kuho to investigate a disturbance of the leyline of the town because of a certain phenomenon that occurs there

Zero: Are you sure?, I didn't sense anything, and Lapiz didn't tell me anything

Zelretch: That because the event happens 4 months ago

Zero: Ah, I was in America at that time, to not letting any trace when I come back it must be a great thaumaturge that was used if the faction didn't investigation it yet

Zelretch: That why I send two of my student in the city they should be already in town at this moment and I want you to supervise their work

Zero: I have all the authority to afflict corporal damage?

Zelretch: (smirk) accorded

Zero: Ok, this mission shouldn't be a problem


I heard a great explosion in the town and by the color and the energy it a Gandr magcraft that is used.

Zero: Gramps just to be sure who did you send again?

Zeltrech: Rin Tohsaka and Luvia Edelfert

Zero: Haaaa.... what do you think teaming they two bombs together, last time they destroy all the Est wing of the magic association

Zelretch: That why I'm asking you to supervise them because this mission it's their punishment, so I'm counting on you to make sure the devil in town doesn't get their noses in this mission, good luck

bip bip bip

Zero: My life suck

Then I receive a call of Sona

Zero: Hello, Zero here

Sona: goodnight Zero, I heard an explosion in town did you know something?

Zero: Ha, only two hyenas that must battle I will take care of it, and can you send the note to Rias that we'are taking care of it?

Sona: Understand if you need help you know how to contact me

Zero: Thank you, goodnight So-tan

Sona: Don't call me by that name, Baka

bip bip bip

She cut the line

Zero: She so cute when she fl.u.s.tered

Lu: Mhnnn, what happens

Lu begins to wake up and smile at me

Zero: Nothing my queen, just a little job from gramps to do

Lu: I see good luck, my king

She gives me a kiss before she's sleeping again

It's been 2 weeks since I introduce Lu as to the family with Atalanta, and I also decide to tall with my parents about the supernatural, and like I thought they were not surprised about it, my mother reveals to me that she is a goddess from another world, and my father save, hide and take care of her before they fell in love and here I am.

I explained to them about the awakening of my power and my contract with Lu and they accept my decision to become a demon to help her they even allow me to have a harem, now they are living whit us because I know in the future I may have more people that will come to live in my home

The girls seem to really get along with my sister and cousin

The next day I bought the mansion next to our house and renovate it with the money I gain in my dungeon ride and I connect the two house and with Sakuya help, the house is always clean.

Zero: I should go and search for the trouble makers before all the town explode

I go up off my bed and make Est go inside her sprite mark on my right shoulder and take Lapiz putting her around my neck, I look Lu for the last time and kiss her on her forehead then I go in town

I'm following any trace of the explosion earlier arrive on the scene I notice traces of using the Gandr spell

Zero: "This level of destruction these two goods these two, seriously, she uses a curse like that in the middle of town"

Lapiz: "It's really a walking disaster, I wonder how my sisters manage to support their masters"

I repair all the damage using worker Shikigami and the street looks new, I keep following the tracks until I hear another explosion nearby and it's in the direction of my house.

Zero: "No, no, no, no, everything but not this scenario" I start running very fast to get near the house

I arrive in front of the house I take the path to go to the garden to only hear Illiya transform into a magical girl with Ruby in her hands talking with Rin

Rin: I'll teach you who your Master is.

Ruby: No, no... There's no need to teach me that. After all, this girl here, Illya-san, is my new Master!

Zero(thought): Nooooo.

Rin: Huh? Hey, you...

Illya: I-I'm not... it's a scam! She tricked me into it! Before I realize it, I ended up this way.

Say Illya in panic

Rin: Oh, well... I can imagine. Anyway, could you please return that stick?

Rin asked with her hand extend.

Rin: She's good for nothing but I still need her.

Illya: Here you go.

Rin: Thanks, huh?

Rin tries to take Ruby from Illya's hand but the stick remains attached to the girl's hand.

Rin: Would you please let go?

Ruby starts laughing.

Ruby: it's no use! I've already overwritten your registration as Master with hers. Whether she wills it or not, unless I choose to permit it, it's impossible to exchange Master.

I start to enter the garden with a dark aura around me.

Zero: Oh, you have a lot of guts for a simple mystic code, who allow you to drag my little sister into our world Ruby, Tohsaka Rin.

Rin: Who are you?

Ruby: Lapiz !!? Zero-sama ?!!

Lapiz: You're in trouble Nee-san, my master is very angry

Lapiz detaches from my neck and twirls around me while talking to Ruby

Rin: Mystic code ???

Illya: Big brother, I can explain everything

Zero: Don't worry Illya, I heard everything, I know Ruby fool you into making you her master. I'll take care of her later.

I tell my sister while glaring at the stick then I look at Rin.

Zero: Now Tohsaka Rin can you explain to why you and Luvia Edelfert use magecraft in the middle of the city and in a devil territory using the kaleidostick that the Great Father lends to you to accomplish your mission?

Rin: It's not my fault it this cow who start all of this

Zero: Yeah, yeah, that's what all the guilty people say. Ruby change Illya back and you're staying with her, we have many things to talk about later.

Ruby: Understood, Zero-sama

This surprise the two girls that the rebellious stick admit defeat before the boy

Zero: Tohsaka you come with me we going to find miss Edelfert, but I warn you I wrong word and I'll make you expelled of the clock tower, and Illiya you can go to sleep we'll talk about all of this tomorrow.

I tell her with a smile

Illiya: Hum, understood big brother

Then Illya return home, then me and Rin going to the Edelfert manor

Rin: Hey, who are you and how do you know about me, Ruby and our mission, are you a member of the association?

Zero: My name is Zero I'm Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg foster grandson, and the latter asks me to oversee your mission.

Rin: Urg

Then we arrive in front of a big manor only in front of my house

Rin: Where are we now?

Zero: you'll see

I ring the bell and the intercom answers

???: Yes?

Zero: Goodnight, It Akatsuki Zero, Is Luvia home?

???: Ah, Akatsuki-sama, Miss Luvia is home, come in

Rin: How do you know where this cow live?

I look at her with my sharpen gaze then she closes her mouth immediately.

And the portal opens and I walk with Rin in tow when we arrive in front of the front door we are welcome by Luvia butler Clown

Clown: Welcome Akatsuki-sama it been a long time

Zero: You Clown-san, were is Luvia?

Clown: The young lady is talking with a guest in her study you can wait for her in the...

Zero: Then I'm going there

Without listening to him, I passe Clown and going to Luvia Study on the second floor

Clown: Wait, Akatsuki-sama

When I walk in front of the door of the study door it was reinforced with magic, I reinforce my leg with my Reinforcement magecraft mix with a little of Destruction dragon slaying magic and completely quick the door

???: Kya

???: Who dares to do this?

The voice of a young girl ask

Zero: Yo Luvia it been a long time

Luvia: Zero Akatsuki

???: Onii-chan ???

I hear a familiar voice I turn my head to see Miyu in a magical girl outfit with Sapphire in her hands.

Zero: Oh my god, Miyu tells me you don't accept the contract with Sapphire

Miyu: Wait, Onii-chan I can explain

Zero: You have nothing to explain the sticks choose their masters if Sapphire found it wise to make you her master instead of Luvia, the person at fault here is Luvia herself, right Luvia ?

Luvia twitch when I stuck my gaze on her

Luvia: Zero, how are you since last time ?

I smile to her then I grab her head and begin to lecture Rin and Luvia harshly because of their mistake two of my precious family members get drag into the supernatural world. and to punish them I order them to tutor Illya and Miyu on how to use their power, And they are prohibited for Class Card hunting without my permission.

Chronicle 7(2): More training and Magical girl arrive in town

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