// Garden, Zero residence, Sitri estate, Underwold //

I am currently resting under a tree in the shade in my garden with Belfast giving me a l.a.p pillow.

As for my sisters, they are sitting under the same tree in the lotus position training their mana control and honkai energy for Kiana.

Scathach and Semiramis are placing a discrete bounded field using primordial runes made by Scathach around the Sitri domain to facilitate the flow of mana around the territory being both Caster class servants and both have the skill [Territory Creation] at the EX level.

On the side of my residence, I took care myself of the creation of bounded field which includes a mana collector, but also a space lock to prevent any direct teleportation if the circle of the person is not registered in the register of the territory, of course, I created it to be able to max my skill [Territory Creation] and to be able to create a bounded field where I want and when I want.

While I was thinking about organizing my date with Spee a magic circle appears in the middle of the garden making me open an eye, it is the Sitri family circle.

The person who appears is none other than Tsubaki accompanied by a young woman with long black hair in a ponytail and purple eyes. She wears a combat training suit, being black with purple lines and silver epaulets, the suit tightens her body. She had a voluptuous silhouette with large b.r.e.a.s.ts, b.u.t.t.o.c.k.s, and a tight waist.

What makes my one open eye frown, then I use [Observe] and what I see surprises me.


Name: Madoka Bael

Clan: Bael

Ranks: High-Class Devil

Evil Pieces: King

Reputation: Strongest Youth

Level: 85

HP: 10000 (50 per minute)

MP: 11300 (55 per minute)

Strengths: 450 (B)

Endurance: 450 (B)

Mana(Toki): 400 (B)

Luck: 500 (B)

NP: ~


Zero (thinking): Seriously, Sariaorg is a girl in this world. Damn it, now I have to rethink my entire plan for the Bael clan. What did I do to the good Lord to deserve this? Now that I think about it, God is no longer my complaint is useless.

Zero: Hi Tsubaki, I thought you were busy today what's up and who's the guest with you.

I ask her by closing my eyes, completely ignoring the person next to her, knowing full well that something is going to happen.

Of course, the person named Madoka noticed that I only laid my eyes on her for a few seconds, a little surprised, and then immediately ignored her.

And that shocked her a bit because although being treated as a disgrace of the Bael clan by her elders since she doesn't possess the power of Destruction, Madoka is still a young woman whose beauty and style is acclaimed by the young devils in addition to her title of "Strongest Youth" so being ignored by a young man like Zero has put a serious blow to her dignity as a woman.

Tsubaki, who notices Zero's behavior, is also surprised, thinking that Zero would have been interested in the person she brought back with her. But it reassured her a little bit at least he's not a womanizer.

Tsubaki: This is Madoka Bael. She's Rias' cousin on her mother's side and a friend of Sona's and she needs your help.

Zero: Nice to meet you Lady Bael, I'm Zero Akatsuki Sona Sitri's fiancé and also Tsubaki's boyfriend, what can I do for you, I'm all ears.

Tsubaki looks at Madoka, who nods her head and then turns to me.

Tsubaki: We would like you to help treat someone who is suffering from the devil's sleeping sickness.

Zero: the devil's sleeping sickness? Would it not be that common disease that the devil's face that causes them to go into a deep sleep or a coma and those who remain in the coma end up dying?

Madoka: Indeed you seem to know a lot about this disease.

Zero: I met some of the patients with this disease while accompanying Lady Sitri who was visiting her patients a few days ago. So she explained all the details to me. But the question I ask myself is why you came to me to help you, that I know there is no cure for this disease.

Tsubaki: There might be a way, but your cooperation is required, let me explain.

Tsubaki explained to me that after talking about my power to enter people's dreams she remembered a theory that Sona had thought a few years ago that people could not be cured because it was not a disease related to the body but the mind of the patient. So she concluded that if it was possible to call back or wake up the mind of the sleeping patient he could be cured.

When Tsubaki told me this, it made me think and maybe Sona's theory is correct because I think that if someone from a wealthy family had this disease, they would have tried to use "Tears of Phoenix" to heal from it although it is very rare to get it, the information of its cure would have spread since then.

And I, who wanted to use one of the elixirs I had created from the rare ingredients I had gathered during my 7 months of training in my instant dungeons, my high level of alchemy that I reached thanks to Semiramis' lessons to be able to heal Ingvild, but with this new information, we can say that my solution was only half good.

Belfast: Your theory is not wrong indeed Tsubaki-sama, but it also carries risks because waking up a person's heart or mind is not easy.

Tsubaki: I suspect so, but it's worth a try, isn't it?

Zero: To be honest with you I haven't used this power since I got it so I can't tell you that this request will have a high success rate. So you still wanted me to help you?

Madoka and Tsubaki begin to think about what they have just heard and then after a few minutes of reflection.

Madoka: I'm going to take the risk, I've already used all the means at my disposal to treat my mother but nothing has worked.

Zero: I see


Quest: Heart Awakener

Mission: Lady Misla Bael is suffering from the devil's sleeping sickness and her daughter Madoka Bael is asking for your help. It's time to practice your awakening power, young bearer of the keyblade.

Reward: Coat of Organization XIII, ????

System: It's must be an easy quest for you, right?



A slight smile appears on my lip and I choose [ Y ] then I got up from my little haven of peace and began to stretch my arms.

Zero: I prefer to warn you my services have a price and the service you ask me is very special so the price will be equivalent are you still determined to want my help.

I look at Madoka with a serious look on my face, which surprised Madoka and Tsubaki...

Tsubaki: Zero...

I raise my arm in front of Tsubaki to shut her up...

Zero: I know what you're going to say Tsubaki but you have to understand that the favor you're asking is more co for me than pro and until today I've never helped anyone without compensation and I want to keep it that way.

Madoka: I would pay for the entire inconvenience no matter what the price.

Zero: I see, so I agree to help you with all within my capabilities then.

Then I turn to Belfast and my sisters...

Zero: That's all for today's training go pack your stuff we're heading back to Kuoh after I finish taking care of this, Tsubaki warns Sona too.

Girls(Madoka excluded): Got it.

Zero: Let's go.

Tsubaki, me and Madoka teleport to the residence where Madoka's mother Misla Bael is, from what I remember of her, she was part of the Vapula Clan which specializes in lion taming which Madoka inherited instead of the Power of Destruction of the Bael Clan.

Misla is a very kind and caring mother who loves her daughter more than she loves herself, as she showed when she chose to stay with her daughter, Madoka, despite the harsh treatment she received from her husband's family. Misla also proves to be a wise mother, advising her daughter to become stronger in various ways to overcome her lack of talent. Despite the horrific discrimination she suffered from the Bael clan, including her husband, Misla harbors no feelings of anger or hatred towards her husband or the Bael family, for she told Madoka to be proud of her heritage as a Bael, despite the discrimination she suffered, even blaming herself for giving birth to Madoka without letting her daughter inherit the power of destruction.

Zero(thought): Misla is truly an admirable and ingenious person for thinking of telling Madoka to get power by other means than the power received at birth. This gives me another reason to get rid of the clan members who might spoil the landscape in the future.

Arriving in front of what appears to be a rest home, Tsubaki wishes us good luck and then teleports again. Madoka leads me to the room where her mother is.

Arriving in the room I find myself in front of a woman in her forties with c.h.e.s.tnut hair asleep on her bed.

Zero: I'd rather ask one last time, do you want to do this?

Madoka: Please help my mother, she's the only thing I have left in this world besides my peerage I don't want to lose her, it's thanks to her that I am where I am today.

Zero: I get it, I will do everything I can to help your mother.

I approach the woman lying down and take her pulse, then use [Trace] to check the condition of her body.

Zero: Her pulse is quite weak but constant, her demonic power reserves have already begun to diminish but nothing alarming at the moment. Aside from what appears to be an old internal injury, there's nothing that could harm her life.

Hearing my diagnosis, Madoka's clench her fists

Madoka: Tell me Akatsuki-san?

Zero: What?

Madoka: Can you tell me what's going to happen?

I turn to Madoka and answer her...

Zero: To wake Lady Misla I will have to dive into her heart.

Madoka: You were talking about it earlier, but what do you mean by her heart?

Madoka doesn't seem to understand what I'm trying to say...

Zero: I'm not referring to the physical organ, but rather to a metaphysical animating force in other words the center of her emotions.

Madoka: Is it possible to do that?

Zero: This is a very rare power that very few people have but it contains risks so it is very inadvisable to use it frequently and outside of its defined purpose. Did I answer your question?

Madoka: Yes

Zero: Now I'm going to explain to you how to proceed, 1) Put Lady Misla in a sitting position and make her drink the elixir here, this will revitalize all her lost demonic energy and completely heal the old wounds she received in the past 2) Make sure that nothing and no one touches the artifact that will appear in my absence for whatever reason, understood?

Madoka: What artifact?

Zero: You don't need to know any more than that.

Madoka: Sorry

Madoka not trying to ask any more questions performs what I asked him and make Misla drink the elixir which is called [Cradle of the little blessed fairy (elixir)], it allows you to restore your HP and MP every 8 seconds, this elixir is really difficult to produce whose materials to make it it's long to gather and the method to craft it is difficult without speaking about time.

It's not for nothing that I asked Madoka for payment. Then I make my Oblivion and Oathkeeper keyblade appear and point them in the direction of Lady Misla's c.h.e.s.t.

Madoka notices the appearance of two kinds of key-shaped swords in my hands: one appears in a dark cloud in my hand and stretches in a dark and crackling energy, while the other appears in a sparkling light and feathers.

Madoka (thought): Is it his sacred gear? I've never heard of gear like this.

She notices that the white key exudes an incredible amount of sacred light and then looks at me with a suspicious glance.

Zero: Don't worry the light from this blade is not dangerous to the devils as long as I don't consider the person at the tip as an enemy.

Madoka seeing that I'm not lying to her she remains on guard...

Zero: Let's do this

I close my eyes and think of my awakening power then suddenly a light surrounds me and my keyblades then surrounds Misla and suddenly a sphere with peaks for support, mauve-colored and filled with blacks cloud inside appears then suddenly my body turns into a particle of light and I am s.u.c.k.e.d into the sphere.

// Zero POV //

I find myself in freefall in a dark space and I see in the distance what seems to be an awakening station that represents the heart of Misla Bael, the station represents only Misla, Madoka, and two other people who must be Misla's parents from the Vapula clan.

Along with my fall, I notice obstacles and stars here and there and then I notice stained glass windows with different happy and sad scenes.

Zero: Must be the memories of Misla.

Then appear in front of me several Misla scattered a little bit everywhere on my way when all of a sudden a screen appears in front of me.


Dive Mode :

Mission: You must touch 30 of Misla's floating ghosts to clear the level.


Diving Strike: The character performs a charge attack that allows him to briefly increase his speed and get closer to targeted enemies.

Aerial Brake: The character decelerates by spreading his limbs.

Dodging Deflect: The character performs a barrel roll that briefly generates a barrier around the character.

Magic: The character casts an offensive spell, either Mega Flareor Laser Spin if he has received the appropriate magic award.






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