I wasn't expecting to see these three here at all, I'm waving at Belfast to prepare refreshments for our guests while I and Joule sit next to my mother.

Zero: Is it okay for you to be outside of Kyoto, Yasaka-san?

Yasaka: It's no problem. Amaterasu-sama created a linchpin to keep Kyoto Leyline in my place so I can leave Kyoto without any problem.

Zero: I see.

I feel a pair of eyes staring at me insistently, I turn to see that it is Kunou.

Zero: Huh? What's up Kunou-chan?

Kunou: Onii-chan, you're a liar.

An invisible arrow is lodged in my heart

Zero: Huh?!

Kunou: Last time you promised to come and play with me, but you never came.

Several more arrows pierce me in a row.

Zero: I'm sorry Kunou, but things have happened. To make it up to me, in a few months our school is going to organize a school trip to Kyoto, how would you like to come with us for the whole trip, how about that?

Kunou: Really, I can come? You won't forget?

Zero: I promise you, I won't forget this time.

Yasaka laughs at her daughter's reaction.

Joule(thought): What is that feeling in my c.h.e.s.t when Onii-chan talks with that girl. I don't like it at all.

Joule pulls the sleeve of my jacket that I put on after we came back from the quest, to get my attention.

Zero: What's up Joule?

I c.a.r.e.s.s Joule's head to calm her down a bit, from my point of view she doesn't seem to be used to her surroundings yet, which makes her smile. And this action seems to displease a certain blonde Kitsune who doesn't even bother to hide her disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.

Joule seeing Kunou's reaction, she pulls out her tongue, which of course does not please Kunou at all. Of course, their little rivalry makes everyone laugh softly.

Yasaka: Now that I think about it, who is that little angel next to you Zero?

Yasaka asks me Yasaka the leader of the Yokai faction, hearing the question Joule turns to Yasaka and introduces herself.

Joule: My name is Joule... I'm under the tutelage of Zero Onii-chan, pleased to meet you.

Yasaka: Ara~ and she's very polite too. My name is Yasaka, and next to me is my daughter Kunou.

Chisato: Where did you take that little angel, my darling, so I know what to tell the police if they come to arrest you?

Zero: Mom, could you stop saying things like that even if it is just for fun and I didn't take her away, I took her in.

Chisato: For me, it's the same thing, you are taking in more and more girls, I wonder where you get it from?

She says to me with a disgruntled and angry look, which makes me sweat a lot because I'm not yet at her level.

Zero: I know you still feel a little bit that I blackmailed you emotionally so that Daddy could marry Nanaka Kaa-san when she was pregnant with Soma but you can't expect me to want to keep my family in place no.

Chisato: I know sweetheart, I don't want you to end up like that again, because of a broken heart.

And yes my father is married to my mother and another woman who was his Kouhai when he studied at Totsuki, who is called Yukihira Nanaka after they had a one-night stand and she got pregnant, some years later after Soma was born, She broke the news to my parents and to tell you dad had been beaten up and my mom threatened to leave him but without counting the old Zero emotionally blackmailed them into agreeing to form a family even though there were arguments here and there.

Nanaka runs a traditional restaurant called Yukihira in the market district of Kuoh and Dad goes there from time to time to help out when he visits his second son who is two years younger than me, who is called Yukihira Soma.

When I remembered this I was speechless to know that my little brother is Yukihira Soma, who just got back to Totsuki this year, I should have gone but because of the accident that happened when I was in my second year of college my father gave up the idea of enrolling me.

Dad preferred Soma to have his mother's last name rather than the Akatsuki family's so that he could have a normal life and not get involved in any inheritance problems. Although we no longer live in Kyoto, I am still one of the heirs of the Akatsuki family.

Amaterasu: You seem to have changed a lot since the last time we saw each other Zero, when I heard about your exploits these last few months I was pleasantly surprised. But now that I see you up close, I understand why your grandfather nominated you to be the administrator of Kuoh.

Zero: I don't deserve so much praise from you Amaterasu Nee-sama.

Amaterasu: But something has been bothering me since your arrival why I perceive a divinity similar to that of my brothers and especially mine coming from your eyes.

Zero: As usual nothing escapes you, right?

Amaterasu: I wouldn't be the protective Goddess of Japan if this little detail escapes me? Is it?

Zero: I get it, I will talk, but it must remain between us and your brothers.

Amaterasu: Understood.

I nod my head and activate my Sharingan which surprises everyone except my mother.

Yasaka: Those eyes!!

Zero: These pupils are called Sharingan, the shape you see is their shape when they are m.a.t.u.r.e, they give me the ability to copy anything from techniques, my opponent's way of thinking, predict their movements and mainly to be able to plunge them into illusions.

Yasaka: Those eyes would be very useful for a Yojutsu user.

Kunou: Wow

Amaterasu: If used correctly you can be unequal in any type of fight.

Zero: And that's not the most impressive these eyes have an evolution that gives me techniques that give me monstrous striking power whose names are as follows:

Tsukuyomi: An extremely powerful genjutsu that distorts the victim's perception of time.

Amaterasu: Allows me to create black flames as fiery as the sun and inextinguishable at the user's focal point.

Susanô: It makes it possible to create a gigantic spectral humanoid monster serving as both a shield and a strike force.

When Yasaka and Amaterasu heard my explanation of my power, they were shocked...

Zero: As you may have noticed these eyes have a strong connection to Shinto mythology.

At the same time, Belfast arrives with tea for everyone and juice for Kunou, then I take out an assortment of pastries that I keep in my inventory for this kind of occasion.

After a small snack, Kunou, Joule, and Lola went to play in the garden under Lumen's supervision while we a.d.u.l.ts talk about something more important.

I made my report to Amaterasu and Yasaka on my little trip to the underworld about the case of Kuroka who is no longer marked as stray and she under the protection of my family.

This news particularly delighted Yasaka because the case of Kuroka seemed to give a bad image of the faction and caused certain internal conflict compared to the alliance with the devils which split the faction into two, one led by Yasaka and the other by Nurariyon.

But when I reported to them on my investigation into the Nekomata attack with the list of individuals responsible and/or involved, Yasaka unconsciously released her energy, so angry was she, that mother and I had to deploy our strongest barriers to prevent her from destroying the house with her rage.

After she calmed down, I shared a plan with her that will benefit us.

Yasaka: And what is that plan?

Zero: Some members of the 3 factions don't like the post-war status quo and some are trying to start it up again and a simple spark can blow it all up. But the current leadership, on the other hand, wants peace.

A few months ago I reported an increase in supernatural activity on Gremory territory in Kuoh resulting from much human causality.

Amaterasu: Now that you mention it, I've received many reports of a large number of deaths here. This was dealt with through Leviathan's intervention if I'm not mistaken?

Zero: Indeed, since Rias Gremory didn't seem to deal with this situation quickly or report it to her superiors, I took the initiative to deal with it, my investigation led me to uncover other threats that were quietly spreading in the shadows. This lack of management could have caused a diplomatic accident between the devil and fallen angel and perhaps other factions if I had not intervened. And if my predictions are correct, and the two heiresses remain in Kuoh, the mastermind behind this rise of the supernatural in Kuoh may strike again.

Amaterasu: And what makes you think that?

Zero: Just a hunch. And if that hunch turns out to be true, a big accident is going to happen in this city and the result if my group and I solve this problem it will push the 3 factions to sign a peace treaty, and they will certainly try to invite the Shinto and Yokai faction since all this happened on our territory, it is at this precise moment that we will play our cards, like getting the city administration back, with valid justification, and asking the devils to hand over to us all those responsible for the massacre on condition that we don't sign the peace treaty.

Yasaka: I see.

At this very moment, I feel a very familiar aura coming towards the living room, I get up from my seat which surprises the two guests, then the door is strong and a purple shadow rushes straight at me that I face with all my strength.


??? Welcome back, my love.

Zero: I'm home

This shadow is none other than Lu in her form Diabla Madness...

* scratch record player*

Zero: Wait a moment why are you in this form, Luciela?

I asked my wife, who keeps hugging me like she hasn't seen me in years...

Lu: Hum, I was practicing to master this form when I felt your energy close by I couldn't help myself and came straight here.

Zero: I see, you're still beautiful even in this form.

While we were in our little world, suddenly...


2 noises brought us back to reality, Lu turned towards the nuisance who dared to interrupt her moment of joy, but when she saw Yasaka's face which seemed to be irritated, and Amaterasu who made a frightening smile.

Lu: Ara~ Yasaka, Amaterasu-san, it's been a long time

Yasaka: Indeed it's been a long time, we thought you were killed during the last great war since we had no news of you, but I see you're doing well, but can I ask you a question?

Lu: What is it?

I feel their aura increasing more and more.


Zero (thinking): This doesn't smell good at all.

I'll sneak away from them quietly, and quietly open a portal to retrieve Enkidu from my [Babylon Gate] that wraps around my arm just in case.

Yasaka: Can you tell me why you're acting all lovey-dovey with my mate?

Zero: Huh?!

Chisato/Amaterasu/Lu: What do you mean by that?

Yasaka: I marked Zero to be my mate in the past.

Hearing that everyone turns to me while I put my hand on my neck and while I remember one day when Zero was 13 years old and was in Kyoto to play with little Kunou, that day Yasaka had bitten him on the neck, without realizing that he had been marked by her, claiming it was divine protection.

Zero: That's why she had bitten me that day, Lady Destiny seems to put me in unlikely situations.

Lu: Now I understand why I smelled a familiar smell on him.Even if that is true Zero and I are married now so I am the alpha.

Yasaka: What? What does that mean Zero?

Zero: What she just said...

I answer them while showing them the ring on our fingers.

Amaterasu: Please tell me you did not have s.e.x?

Lu: Sorry to disappoint you but those 8 hours of pure p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e were the most wonderful 8 hours of my life, you should have seen Zero he is a real beast in bed.

Zero: Lu I think talking about our bedtime frolics is misguided in this situation.

Lu: I'm just saying it darling, and to cement the fact that I'm the alpha in your harem.

Yasaka/ Amaterasu: He has a harem too?!


After everyone's calmed down, I continue to tell them about my plan to take over the Kuoh administration and use the information about the Nekomata attack to force the devils to clean up the devil's council in case one of the factional peace agreements comes through to facilitate Lu's recovery of the throne, and then I ask Lu what happened in town while I was gone.

She reported to me that spies from different factions have been snooping around here, especially those from the Khaos Brigade. Some of them tried to attack Sakuya, Asia, and Himari only to find themselves against an iron wall and were captured. Lu and Jack took care of them and interrogated them.

Others came directly to the devils of the student council to fish for information, but having seen this possibility I asked Lu to play the role of substitute king for Sona's peerage in her absence.

Lu discussed with them without giving them any important information, some tried to force the issue using their faction and Lu mentioned my clan and that Sona is related to the Maou Leviathan which made them think twice.

We were lucky that Gods like Shiva did not come directly while we were away.

Of course, Yasaka and Amaterasu lectured me when I explained to them the reason for the energy spike caused by my loss of control that was felt all over the world.

// Timeskip //

After Amaterasu went back to Takamagahara and Yasaka and Kunou to Kyoto, I introduced Joule, Lumen, and Lola to the other members of my group, who quickly softened up when they heard her story and welcomed her with open arms. Seeing that Joule seemed to be in good hands, I let them take care of her.

Jeanne, Jalter, and Tomoe Gozen reported to me on their patrol around the city in my absence. They took care of all the Strays who have completely lost their minds and attacked humans of their own accord.

To reward them I asked them what they would like to reward, Tomoe asked me for a new video game console, Jalter would like money to buy material to make a manga, and Jeanne wants to spend time together.

After spending some time with everyone I teleported to Azur Lane with Lola and Belfast to do my weekly tour.

// Entrée Académie, Azur Lane //

Lola: Wow, this place is different from home, boss.

Zero: I know the first time I came here I was a little bit amazed.

Belfast: Master Zero, do you still need my services? I must inform Her Majesty of my return.

Zero: You can go back to Elizabeth if I need you I will let you know.

Belfast: Understood, Master, Lola-sama, have a good day.

Then Belfast heads to the Royal Navy area, while Lola and I head to the Ironblood area so Lola can work with their engineers to develop retrofits for all the shipgirls on the base, being a very advanced AI, as the IronBlood engineering is the first in the world.

On my way I see two girls chatting, they are the sisters of the Admiral Hipper class, Admiral Hipper, and Prinz Eugen, and from what I can see Prinz is still teasing her sister about her non-existent b.r.e.a.s.ts.

Seeing that Hipper is going to get angry again I decide to intervene although I know that Eugen loves to tease her big sister because she loves her very much.

Zero: Prinz Eugen, I know that you like to tease your big sister but leave her alone for a while.

The two sisters look in my direction, Prinz Eugen looks at me with astonishment and then with curiosity.

Prinz: Heh, so he's our new commander.

As for Hipper, she looks at me from all angles.

Hipper: So you're our new Fuhrer whom Lord Bismarck has pledged her allegiance to, I must confess that during your fight last time you weren't bad at all.

Hearing her answer, I and Prinz look at her with big eyes.

Zero: Thanks for the compliment Hipper.

I said to her while patting her head which made her blush a little before pushing my hand.

Hipper: Don't treat me like a child.

Zero: I thought you would have appreciated, given the reaction it caused on your face, and know that getting a pat on the head is only for the Destroyer and is a kind of reward for those who deserve a reward so it's very rare that I give one, be happy to receive one.

Hipper: Huh?! Why I should be happy to receive a pat on the head from you, baka.

Prinz said to me, hugging me from behind and putting her full weight on my back, allowing me to feel her b.r.e.a.s.t at full blast on my back.

Prinz looks at me closely and notices that I do not react to the fact that her c.h.e.s.t is stuck against my back.

Prinz Eugen: Oh, no reaction?

Zero: Sorry to disappoint you if you thought I was a guy who loses his temper easily, in contact with a pretty woman.

Prinz Eugen: Is it a challenge you are throwing me?

Zero: Maybe, but be warned, if you continue on this path I will have to become serious. And if I'm serious, things can happen that I wouldn't say here, if, as I'm afraid, the news of what happened last week has already made its way around the base.

When I say that, both sisters' faces turn red.

Zero: Joking aside. How's the IronBlood been doing these days.

Prinz Eugen is separating from my back.

Prinz Eugen: Nothing special, everybody is doing well, except Lord Bismarck who has been locked in her office for a few days without taking any rest.

Zero: And nobody tried to stop her to rest?

Hipper: She won't let anyone in except Tirpitz who brings her food, and even she can't stop her.

Zero: When did all this start?

Hipper: Exactly a week ago.

When I hear Hipper's answer I immediately make the connection with my last visit, that day I won the allegiance of the whole Royal Navy and I think the news must have reached Bismarck, who must be struggling to impress me and show me the value of IronBlood over the Royal one, which makes me laugh.

Zero: I see, I'm going to visit Bismarck to get her some rest then.

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