The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1028: Devil's entrance!

The second flesh, with flowers without tears to annihilate the ancient beast.

At the same time, his first body.

In the northern part of the fairyland, there are two Changhong gallops, and no one dares to look up.

Comprehension of the world, the speed of the message, the faster!

The Seventh Emperor was destroyed, and the news spread to most of the fairyland at a very fast speed, even... not waiting for Qin Feng to return to Xuan Nushan with Qi Linger, this news... has already passed back to Xuan Nu Shan.

"Qin Feng, where are we going now?"

Qi Linger was pulled by Qin Feng and looked at Qin Feng with a look of confusion. Since she left Qiu Fengjie with Qin Feng, she was a sly face, completely unaware of where to go, what to do...

Every time I ask Qin Feng, Qin Feng will not answer.

It is clear…

This time, Qin Feng did not intend to answer her.

"On the Lord, this time destroying the seven sects, it is enough to make the Lord's voice great!"

Qin Feng's side of the body, another Changhong, is Mo Laoque, this time Mo Mou has already recovered his injury, the face is called a happy.

"Not what I am, but you."

However, when Qin Feng’s words fell into his ears, Mo blame...

Then... I reacted in an instant.

He is a human being, and he has never seen anything in the past for many years. Qin Feng’s sentence tells him everything.

This is... the rhythm of the pot to make him back.

However, the old man did not care, but his heart was very cool. For him, the reputation was already a bad street. Now if the seven sects are passed out, he will be replaced by Moqiu. !

This is not a bad thing for Mo Lao Ge, but it is a famous good thing. He is naturally very happy, and he is very happy to help Qin Feng to carry this pot.

"The Lord is assured that this matter will be handed over to the old slaves and will be absolutely complete."


Qin Feng’s eyes calmed and went straight to the position of the Xuan Nushan.


"Qin brother, that's it."

Endless Tianyu, Qin Feng and flowers stand side by side without tears, looking down, there... There is a floating continent, Qin Feng knows that this is the legacy of the collapse of the flood.

For a moment of silence, Qin Feng fell to the ground.

"Hey, Qin brother, you..."

I have no tears, just shouted out, but I haven’t waited for this to say, I saw this piece of land under the ruins of the land, fierce... began to tumbling, with a black flame igniting, but in an instant, the whole piece The mainland is all covered.

"Qin brother, Qin brother, why are you so anxious?"

I said without tears, looking at the black fire that spread across the entire continent, there was no nervous expression, just pulling the fan away and fanning himself.

just like…

This cargo has long expected this to be the same.

What makes Qin Feng speechless is that this flower has no tears... It has not entered the continent together.

'Roar! ’

It was at this time that there was a roar of noise from the fragments of the continent, and that was the beast that was painted without tears!

Black fire... full of heaven and earth!

Qin Feng rushed into the debris of the mainland, after stepping on the ground, this piece of scorched earth, looking at the black flames, looked up slightly, has been covered by black fire, Qin Feng can not see flowers without tears The figure.

In my heart...

Very unhappy!

This flower has no tears, and it is obviously a one.

What kind of meaning does this guy have? !

Although there is no tear in the flower, the mouth can not make the wind unclear, but Qin Feng never thinks that tears are a boring person.

He brings himself here... there must be his truth.

However, Qin Feng at the moment has no time to discover the truth, because he also heard the roar of the beast!

boom! Bang! Boom!

This is the sound of the beasts on the ground.

And... more than one!

Yes, four heads!

'Oh shit! ’

Qin Feng’s heart is dark, and this flower without tears is not just for oneself, but two!

I have never mentioned it before, and there are actually four beasts here.


In front of Qin Feng, in the black fire of the whistling, Qin Feng saw the beast that appeared, up to a million feet, this is... a tiger with a raging black fire.

More precisely, it is made up of this black fire!

'Roar! ’

From the left side of Qin Feng, the black fire rolled, and there was a black fire dragon appearing. On the right side of Qin Feng, it was also a black fire, and there was a black fire phoenix.

As for the presence of Qin Feng, there is a giant scorpion with a black fire.

From the body of these four beasts, they are all powerful forces that are exuded to the Holy Seven, and because this piece of the mainland is full of black fire, the strength of these four beasts is so close to the Holy of Holies. The peak of the world!

If it is a single respect, Qin Feng has absolute strength to win.

With his estimation, he is now an absolutely invincible existence under the peak of the Holy Ghost!

Can... If it is four? !

Qin Feng Mei Yu slightly wrinkled...

At this time, when Qin Feng was trying to find the result of all four beasts, a sound came from his ear.

This voice is a flower without tears.

There is a smile in the voice: "Oh, my brother, this fire is grand, I will not go in. This happens to be something I have to leave, I will leave it first, and I will hand it over to Qin Xiong, you do things, Be assured of being a brother."

After some words, I almost did not blow Qin Fengfei.

I have seen shameless people, I have never seen such a shameless face. Just when Qin Feng’s heart was angry, there was a voice coming.

Still spend no tears.

"Right, Qin brother, there is something I forgot to tell you, these four beasts are different, but that was the four masters who had been personally refined by the ancestors of the same year. They were referenced to the ancient four great beasts, the Qinglong white tiger and the Xuanwu Suzaku. ”

After saying this, the tearless sound is no trace.

However, it is just such a sentence, Qin Feng scorpion condensed, and sure enough, the flowerless tears of this kid, will not lead himself to come here.

It seems that the previous thing to take things is fart.

The main thing is to bring yourself here and face the four beasts.

‘Feng Pengzu...’

Qin Feng muttered whispering, and he naturally knew that he was the master of the brothers and brothers of the past, and he had already surpassed the heavens and the earth.

However, these are not the key.

The key is…

The ancestors of the philadelphia were the people who founded the Devil, and they were also the ancestors of the Devil.

These four fierce beasts, which were created by the mixed ancestors, are also the four former Warcrafts that guard the entrance of the devil!

That is...

Qin Feng gave a low look and looked at the land under his feet.


It is the entrance to the devil!

Devil world...

I don't know why, when I think of the devil world, Qin Feng’s mind reflects the scene of the nine-line robbery that crossed the heavens and the earth...

Reflected, the **** woman. 2k novel reading network

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