The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1068: Kai Lingzhi

Within the fairy court.

Killing, more and more crazy.

At first, Yang Lan and He Wei, the two faced the Tianbing who came from the sea. The hand was still light and heavy. Although they also killed, they were merciful.

After all, they are very clear, these Tianbing, are selling for Zhang Bairen, they do not know anything, just for Zhang Bairen's ambition, but helpless to catch their own lives.

The world is in chaos, the most pathetic and poor, in fact, this group of people who should have been innocent, but also the center of the whirlpool.

Can not kill, Yang Lan and who are two will not kill.

However, as time went by, the number of Heavenly Soldiers came more and more, and Yang Lan and Nguyen could not control their own strength. Originally, their power was extremely powerful relative to these Heavenly Soldiers.

A little bit of inattention, these heavenly soldiers are **** on the spot.

There are more people, and he and Yang Lan are not good at closing, and the current situation is not very good. For a time... a large number of Heavenly Soldiers are being harvested like a leek.

The **** atmosphere is filled with the entire fairy court, rushing to the ears.

More importantly…

Yang Lan and He Wei, with the continuation of the killing, the two people's emotions began to change slowly, this change... originally needed to be subtle, but now the amount of killing is extremely large, so that the changes of the two people are extremely intensified.

The suffocation is around and growing in madness.

Killing is extremely easy to erode the human mind, and it is also able to rapidly expand the sins of the deep heart.

In such a large-scale killing, the minds of both Yan and Yang Lan began to become arrogant, killing... gradually occupying the hearts of the two.

Even the two of them themselves have no gaps...

The power of Shura is actually at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and it is madly surging, and Yang Lan... His three eyes are now completely bloody, with blood and blood. Among them, it looks extremely awkward!

Outside the battle circle, Zhang Bairen, who looked at this scene, smiled more and more, and the hot color in the eyes was clearly visible.

He has not acted, this time... slowly raised his hand.

At the moment when he raised his hand, the entire Fengxian dynasty began to rush and roll up, from outside the fairy court... countless auras condensed into the sect.

There is a huge golden dragon soul head, which appears in the sky above the big squad, but all this...the scorpion and Yang Lan, who have been submerged by the heavenly soldiers, have not found it, and there is no space to discover these.

The land of the center of the array, the dragon head that emerged, began to condense from the illusory body...

The breath that emerged from it is even stronger to an alarming level.

At least…

Behind the Jade Emperor, including the Ziwei Emperor, the Houtu Emperor, and a group of high-ranking immortals of Xianting, all looked at the top of the dragon.

This condenses the power of the entire array, and it is also the aura that condenses most of the fairy world.

Fairy world...

It is the most abundant place in the world.

And Xianting itself is actually a huge gathering of the spirits, the most powerful aura of the entire fairyland, accumulated over the centuries, are condensed in Xianting.

Other than this...

On the body of the Jade Emperor, there is a burst of purple air!

However, in the twinkling of an eye, the first of the dragons did not enter the scene. This scene is to let everyone behind the Jade Emperor, all of them are changed.

Even though these people are in high positions in Xianting, but...some things, they have not seen them.

For example, the world is rare, and only the ‘Hong Meng Zi gas’.

These precious things, even if these people see, are also amazed.

Above the land, with the Hongmeng purple gas of the Jade Emperor pouring into the head of the dragon, between the time... the head of the dragon, it is amazingly purple color!

The breath that emerged from it added a very supreme meaning.

And the most unbelievable...

The head of the dragon, this is entirely the power of the law, the dragon head that is condensed with the heaven and earth aura, the pair of dragons, the awesome... is the wisdom.

This aura of agile courage, was born in the twinkling of the moment!

Such a strange and shocking scene happened in front of everyone, everyone is in sight!

It was also at this time that these talents truly realized what...called Hong Meng Ziqi.

According to the legend of Wanjie, Hongmeng Ziqi is the beginning of the world, the evolution of all things, the legendary Hongmeng purple god.

But in fact, many of today's monks do not believe that Hongmeng Ziqi can have such magical powers.

after all…

I have never seen it before.

At this moment, the monks of Xianting, one by one, believe it, and it is not a false statement.

Tightly for a moment, a singularity of ignorance, even the physical body is not the aura of the aura, can actually be born spiritual.

Such a thing, if not seen by the eyes, is to kill these people, no one will believe.

These things are already completely beyond their cognition.

However, Zhang Bairen, but it is extremely calm, from the head of the dragon, there is an extremely amazing breath, this breath... enough to annihilate everything!

The gods behind him are all face-changing. They look at the head of this dragon, and they all have fears in their eyes.

The breath that scatters from the head of this dragon is not at all resistant to them.


In the eyes of these people, the breath of the head of this dragon at this moment is already beyond the peak of the Holy Ghost. It is already... very close to the chaotic sacred body, close to the power of heaven!

Diligence, two interest, three interest...

When the third interest comes, the place of the center of the law, the road is already the head of the dragon that has turned into a deep purple color, completely condensing the entity.

A breath of tremors in the world, appearing in this piece every day!

Clearly able to see first, the head of the dragon, the void is distorted.

this is…

The performance that heaven and earth cannot bear.

Behind the Jade Emperor, Ziwei Emperor looked at the head of this dragon, and he had deep jealousy in his eyes. He had the privilege of seeing the ancestor of the dynasty in the distant land.

At that time, the ancestor of Hongjun, the void of the whole body was extremely distorted, and there was constant collapse, and the heavens and the earth could not bear its arrival.

And at the moment...

The head of this cohesive dragon, the void of the whole body is also distorted, although not as old as the ancestors of the eternal ancestor, it can also be said that the power contained in the head of this dragon has reached an extremely amazing level!

Not at all... It is the highest peak that can be compared!

The power of Hong Meng Zi Qi, really... terrible! 2k novel reading network

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